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beginning of the end
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TOPIC: beginning of the end 1333 Views

beginning of the end 29 May 2018 00:07 #331469

Hi all. I am in my early 20's and have had this problem for about 10 years now. I accept that i have control over my actions and thoughts, but it is still a work in progress for me. Having read so many stories of people who go into marriage with this problem and the tzuris it causes them has been a major motivator for me joining here. I can't bring myself to even have a hava amina that my dor yeshorim number be given out until I am at least 90 days clean and have been cleared by a therapist. I have not been to a therapist yet but am looking for one. 
I know this can be done, even after years, I know i can change. Thank you to everyone who has gone before me to help me on my journey of healing.

Re: beginning of the end 29 May 2018 00:25 #331472

  • lifebound
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Hey, welcome. Looking forward to following along on your journey.
If you're looking for a therapist, Relief might be able to help with that.

Re: beginning of the end 29 May 2018 02:09 #331473

  • changing
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Welcome! Youve come to the right place! And good for you for taking care of this before marriage, something I wish i would have done... Hatzlocho! We are here for you!

Re: beginning of the end 29 May 2018 12:58 #331482

Hi welcome, make sure to keep us updated on your progress!

Just one little pointer, you wrote "I accept that i have control over my actions and thoughts" while i agree with you that we have control over our actions, i absolutely don't have any control over my thoughts or emotions. The problem with many of us is that we think we could and must control all thoughts and feelings, one of the most useful things i learned in recovery is i can't control how i'm feeling and sometimes i'm going to feel awful and that's ok, but just because i'm feeling  a certain way doesn't mean i have to act on it "i could ride the waves"!

Wishing you lots of success on your journey 

  Love Yankel!
Important quote from Cordnoy
"The need is a perceived one. There has not been one reported case on these pages of a death occurrin' on account of not fulfillin' that need

“I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.” 

"My recovery must come first so that everything I love in life doesn’t have to come last."

Feel free to reach out yd@guardyoureyes.org

My Story
Yankel's Daily Inspirational Quotes
Last Edit: 29 May 2018 14:56 by iampowerless.

Re: beginning of the end 30 May 2018 00:20 #331515

thank you for that reference. I will look into that.

Re: beginning of the end 30 May 2018 00:21 #331516

thanks! your words mean a lot to me

Re: beginning of the end 30 May 2018 03:25 #331523

  • i-man
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Hey welcome !

Kol hakavod that you are starting to tackle this NOW , many guys Mistakenly think that once thay get married this issue goes away ... WRONG  - now its worse  in many ways as I and others here can attest to

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