Hello everyone,
Im new to this website. I have dipped in before but have fallen a few times since.
I have struggled with this issue for many years but if feel it has been taken to a new level since sperating from my abusive wife in the summer of last year. Last Yom Kippur I made a commitment to not masturbate again and on the most part have held true to this commitment. My yetzer horo tho cleverly used this and I began saying to myself it’s better if someone else does it for me, this has resulted in me meeting various people for sexual relief and I am so ashamed of this.
I have decide to sign up to the 90 day challenge and have put various things in place so I don’t fall again. But I find myself wondering if this is worth it. When I have won the battle over this problem I want to get married again and build a true Yiddisha home but I don’t think anyone will accept me because I’m divorced and what I have done.