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TOPIC: Help 1856 Views

Help 01 Oct 2017 17:05 #320811

  • moishy
  • Fresh Boarder
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I am new to this and really want to stop watching pornography but sometimes it is just too hard. Help

Re: Help 01 Oct 2017 17:44 #320813

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Hi brother

There's much Gd sent help here on gye ;-)
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Re: Help 01 Oct 2017 18:38 #320814

  • mikestrucking
  • Gold Boarder
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My Rebbe asked me when i first approached him about these stuff what cause me to do whatever it was that i was doing.
he said sometimes a person is simply very exposed (do you have a good filter).
usually the problem is a bit deeper is your life dark?
do you feel hopeless? no satisfaction?
tell us more about your struggle and other guys will help
I don't know much other guys do
good luck
Keep posting
Formerly mikestruggling I just bought a truck. l hang out in the trailer and G-d drives. 
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Re: Help 02 Oct 2017 08:33 #320823

Welcome to the world of recovery, the first step is to recognize your powerlessness over the allure of pornography.

Let's leave the Yetzer Hara and Religion  out of this, and let's talk about dopamine addiction. 

Truth is, were not addicted to porn, porn is merely the delivery system for the dopamine rush we get when were self  medicating to numb out our frustrations, worries and fears (among other triggers).

I'm simplifying, but Viewing pornographic images sets off a psycho-neural-sexual chain reaction in the brain that floods you with the feel good pleasure center drug of dopamine.

Were essentially getting "high" off of our selves. We don't have to go to the store to buy a bottle or the corner to buy a bag. We can be our own dispensary at any moment.  Pornography is the plunger and the needle but it's not the drug.

This is not a character defect or a matter of immorality. It is not a matter of Emunah or lack of Emunah! 

We are not bad people trying to be good, we are sick people trying to get well and that is a critical distinction.

My advice to you is to investigate what you are feeling emotionally before you "act out". Are you feeling angry, sad, depressed, anxious, fearful, tired, resentful? These are some of the main triggers that lead to self medicating (dopamine fixing).

I have now been sober for six months, before this I had been abstinent for a couple of years. There is a critical and monumental  difference between not looking at porn and being sober

. Abstention for abstentions sake is  not the goal, plenty of guys(and girls) live lives of porn deprivation and are miserable because they have not replaced their destructive behaviors with constructive behaviors.

Take your time, be kind to your self. This is a lifelong process of developing a loving relationship with yourself.

Start writing down the things that trigger and trouble you the most and see how prevalent those things are right before you look, IDENTIFY THE CULPRIT!!!


Re: Help 02 Oct 2017 16:33 #320837

  • loveu,hashem
  • Expert Boarder
  • כנשר יעיר קינו, על גוזליו ירחף
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Very interesting. I just want to clarify. That is not to say that when I see something and get turned on by it that it was caused by my sickness. But when I suddenly get an urge to watch porn out of nowhere (or better, out of stress) without any prior triggers, that is caused by emotional sickness. Did I understand you correctly? 

Re: Help 03 Oct 2017 15:47 #320875

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome!  Check out the handbook.  Keep posting.  Tell us a bit more about your acting out history. 
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