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New and reaching out
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TOPIC: New and reaching out 1925 Views

New and reaching out 23 Aug 2017 23:39 #319238

Hi all. I've been going through a very tough patch. Not how I wanted to start Elul...
So I finally joined GYE and am reaching out. I don't feel comfortable sharing on a public forum (despite anonymity) but I would still appreciate any responses. Just not to be alone in this.
Thank you,

Re: New and reaching out 24 Aug 2017 02:10 #319248

  • markz
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hopeseeker wrote on 23 Aug 2017 23:39:
Hi all. I've been going through a very tough patch. Not how I wanted to start Elul...
So I finally joined GYE and am reaching out. I don't feel comfortable sharing on a public forum (despite anonymity) but I would still appreciate any responses. Just not to be alone in this.
Thank you,

I feel for you brother 

Wanting to bond with others
Wanting to stay hidden

I think for most of us it ends up with 1 or the other, not both. See how things take you...
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Re: New and reaching out 25 Aug 2017 15:13 #319322

  • gibbor120
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Welcome! It would be pretty awkward if we all just posted how we have a problem, but are not comfortable sharing more.  Then the next guy would say, me too, I also have a problem that I'm also not comfortable sharing. (awkward silence....)

I think a big part of recovery is exactly that - sharing things we are not comfortable sharing.  I shared my whole acting out history on a dov call, and it was a BIG step for me.  You don't have to spill it all at once and you don't have to spill it here. But, spill it to someone at some time.  It is a real game changer.  We all have skeletons.  We don't bite... usually .

Re: New and reaching out 25 Aug 2017 16:19 #319325

Welcome. I started last Elul. GYE has helped me change my life. 

Re: New and reaching out 25 Aug 2017 17:36 #319327

Welcome! GYE has helped me alot. I hope it will help you too. Feel free to email me if you'd like at ihavestrength1@gmail.com
If you are really bored, you can check out my original thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/305558-Journey-of-one-day-at-a-time 

"Think good and it will be good!"

Re: New and reaching out 25 Aug 2017 19:39 #319337

  • abd297
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Welcome. There are many great tools on GYE. Find what works for you. I personally agree that a big step can be doing uncomfortable things. I however fully understand the feeling of reluctance about sharing private info. I still have a number of things that no one but me know about. Mostly specific details and whatever. I don't believe it has held me back from getting help though. I definitely needed to open up a lot to get help but some things I may just take to the grave. 

Bottom line no one is forcing you to share anything you don't want to. It should be noted though that it can be very helpful to at least open up about some things. It may be hard for anyone to extend personal advice knowing nothing at all. 

You may even find that things aren't really a big of a deal as we make them in our minds once you look around on the forums. You can probably relate to hundreds of posts. 

Whatever you you decide to do I wish you the best. You definitely have taken the first step regardless of what you do going forward. Stick around, you may learn a great deal about yourself. 
Let Hashem Do His Job!

We need to jump off the conveyor belt of life and walk on our own.

You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Last Edit: 27 Aug 2017 16:22 by abd297. Reason: Grammar

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 15:40 #319359

Thanks for being my first response. It means a lot.

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 15:44 #319360

Thanks. I want to share, but at this stage it's going to be easier not on a public forum. Even in private chats if I know a bit about the other guy it makes it easier.

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 16:20 #319364

  • abd297
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I definitely understand what you are saying. Whatever you find works best for you.
Let Hashem Do His Job!

We need to jump off the conveyor belt of life and walk on our own.

You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 18:23 #319370

  • fresh start
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Hi and welcome!

It is not easy to open up and share your story with others. It took me a while to come clean to my wife and others for that matter. However, I feel that once I was able to get it out there to people I was then capable of moving on. Once I acknowledged all the wrongdoings and flaws, admitted to others what I had been involved in I was then able to begin working on building my life back up.

I am thankful to this day for the people who encouraged and prodded the dirty secrets out of me...

I wish you much hatzlacha and you should have the strength to fight the fight each and every day.

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 21:52 #319389

Amen, thank you.

Re: New and reaching out 27 Aug 2017 22:41 #319394

  • bgit
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I really get not wanting to share a lot, I'm also by nature a very reserved person.  I found for myself that overcoming that and sharing anonymously (even without sharing in person) has been very hepful.  Feel free to pm me or chat with me if it would help you to speak with someone privately, I'd be happy to hear you out.


Re: New and reaching out 29 Aug 2017 01:43 #319457

  • hashem help me
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Welcome. You wrote if you know more about the person maybe you would be comfortable chatting. You can read my story on the balei batim forum titled "My Story and G-d bless GYE" and then decide.......
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE
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