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Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman
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TOPIC: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 1879 Views

Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 14 Jul 2017 11:37 #317190

Hey there, fellow fighters.

I guess you can say that I'm a pretty average (American) yeshiva bochur, 22 years old, finishing up my 4th year in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, which have, B"H, been absolutely phenominal.

I started with the internet shmutz in 4th or 5th grade, (only "light stuff"), and never really stopped from then (going to "bigger & better things, l'havdil). Of course, different things happened throughout the years that made me say to myself "wow, it's really time to quit", but as I'm sure you're all aware of, saying that really doesn't cut it.

One thing that I noticed thoughout my years in Yeshiva was that my struggle was beyond easier in yeshiva than when at home (granted, the y"h was always there with me). I don't remember how I came upon this "revelation" but at some point I narrowed it down to the fact that at home there was a computer, (with K-9 being basically uneffective), while in yeshiva, there was nothing putting fresh material into my head. And, although I had been busted by my brother numerous times, there was never any real change.
UNTIL, before this past Pesach Bein Hazmanim, I was really thinking how I could truly make this Bein Hazmanim "different from all the others", and then- BAM- I got a tremendous chizuk (= Siyata Dishmaya) and called my brother to ask him to take care of the filter situation for me. He totally understood my matziv and took care of it.
So, going home, I thought I was finally going to have a clean Bein Hazmanim.
Only thing was, I forgot that the y"h is always many steps ahead, and when I got to my room at home, sitting on the bed was my mother's previous smartphone. Me, not being prepared for this, picked it up "wondering if it still worked", and I'm sure you all know what follows...

I don't remember how long it was until my brother came by the house, (a few weeks) but I gave him the phone, telling him "it's taking up too much time". And then, once again, I thought that from now, at least, I'll have a clean Bein Hazmanim... But, the y"h threw yet another curveball, and I discovered certain sites that was not blocked by the filter (K-9) on the computer, which contained many pictures of "barely-clothed" women, and there I was again- UNTIL I got back to GYE, which helped my Bein Hazmanim end up on a positive.

To summarize, I'd like to bring out 2 points: First, as the subject says, "Like my Rebbi says Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman"- meaning that you take what you gathered up during the zman in yeshiva, and use it when you're not in yeshiva (i.e. Bein Hazmanim is "the Acid Test" to see how you have truly grown.) Second, is that even after doing your hishtadlus, definitely feel good about yourself, but don't think that the war is over, because the y"h has many different types of curveballs to throw at you, so you need to be on guard (your eyes) and always (prepare for and) expect the unexpected. (note: the second point applies throughout life, I'm just bringing it out in this aspect)

As for me, the way that I've been preparing for the summer Bein Hazmanim was by making sure to keep up with GYE even in yeshiva, so that I will have the tools necesaary for my upcoming wars.

“Verbing weirds language”
“Getting an inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery”
-also Calvin.
“The most important thing is sincerity. Once you can fake that, the rest is easy.”
-Groucho Marks.
“Pornography is a bad answer to a good question”
-R’ Daniel Kalish
“True bitachon means accepting all inconveniences; not just the convenient inconveniences.”
-Rabbi Dovid Kaplan.

Re: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 14 Jul 2017 12:06 #317192

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome TD!

What tools specifically are you taking about...
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Re: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 14 Jul 2017 13:24 #317198

First off, my main point wasn't to use what was gained in yeshiva as "tools", but rather it's more like "now that you're out of your comfort zone, let's see how you do".
Second, even though that wasn't my main point, I think that what was gained in yeshiva could, "takeh" be used as tools.
Now, as you asked, (How? And) which tools specifically? I'd say putting the chizuk recieved while in yeshiva into action, i.e. getting all devices filtered if possible (even parent's phones, personal experience there...), and also, to try to stay away from anything which might give you a nisayon (use your own judgement and experience for this one).
Lastly, while keeping in mind that you're not in yeshiva, try to make your schedule as full as possible, because (for me, at least,) one reason why the nisayon is so much lighter in yeshiva is because my day is practically full, whereas Bein Hazmanim, far from it.

Waiting to hear back from you, and much hatzlacha.
“Verbing weirds language”
“Getting an inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery”
-also Calvin.
“The most important thing is sincerity. Once you can fake that, the rest is easy.”
-Groucho Marks.
“Pornography is a bad answer to a good question”
-R’ Daniel Kalish
“True bitachon means accepting all inconveniences; not just the convenient inconveniences.”
-Rabbi Dovid Kaplan.

Re: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 24 Jul 2017 20:08 #317786

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome!  Your story is quite common.  Take a look at the handbook.  Keep posting.  Fill your days.  Do things with friends.  Stay out of isolation.  Keep posting!

Re: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 25 Jul 2017 00:58 #317812

  • colincolin
  • Gold Boarder
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I have not been to Yeshiva but I get what you are saying.
In an an environment where your colleagues are around you and aiming for holiness it is supportive.
Then after leaving it is harder.

The tools are the knowledge and techniques you have learned.

They are gemstones.

Re: Like my Rebbi says "Bein Hazmanim is the REAL Zman 30 Jul 2017 03:45 #318043

  • bb0212
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