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TOPIC: my struggle 1438 Views

my struggle 11 Jun 2017 03:41 #314985

  • hashiveinu
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 28
  • Karma: 5
hi. im new to gye. ive been learning in kollel for over 5 years and im considered a ben torah. my struggle started when i was about 14 when i was introduced to these toll free phone numbers... until i was about 20 years old i would look at inappropriate pictures, fantasize, and was mz"l. eventually i stopped being mz"l and have not done it in the past 10 years. however, i still will have tekufos where i would let loose and watch porn for a week or 2 straight. although i officially have great filters, i find ways one way or another. when i cant get access i find myself fantasizing. i can have months that im clean but then i fall again. it really interferes with my learning and i feel stupid that people consider me a choshive yungerman. the double life is killing me. i dont know if im considered an "addict" being that i was able to conquer the urge to be mz"l but i am well aware that i have a hard time controlling my eyes and thoughts. as many kabolos etc i make i always end up slipping up again. i would appreciate any advice and help that can be offered.

Re: my struggle 11 Jun 2017 04:01 #314989

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome brother 
Now that you're here YOU ARE CHOSHIV!!!!!

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Re: my struggle 13 Jun 2017 18:54 #315210

  • mikestrucking
  • Gold Boarder
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not much to say
except you can be a ben torah with a problem
i'm an awesome guy with some problems (O.K. a lot of problems)
and that you have come to the right place (if you can call this a place)
Formerly mikestruggling I just bought a truck. l hang out in the trailer and G-d drives. 
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Re: my struggle 13 Jun 2017 21:52 #315221

hashiveinu wrote on 11 Jun 2017 03:41:
hi. im new to gye. ive been learning in kollel for over 5 years and im considered a ben torah. my struggle started when i was about 14 when i was introduced to these toll free phone numbers... until i was about 20 years old i would look at inappropriate pictures, fantasize, and was mz"l. eventually i stopped being mz"l and have not done it in the past 10 years. however, i still will have tekufos where i would let loose and watch porn for a week or 2 straight. although i officially have great filters, i find ways one way or another. when i cant get access i find myself fantasizing. i can have months that im clean but then i fall again. it really interferes with my learning and i feel stupid that people consider me a choshive yungerman. the double life is killing me. i dont know if im considered an "addict" being that i was able to conquer the urge to be mz"l but i am well aware that i have a hard time controlling my eyes and thoughts. as many kabolos etc i make i always end up slipping up again. i would appreciate any advice and help that can be offered.

Welcome Hashiveinu!
yes, you are at the right place, and just follow us old-timers! we are doing great here, so you can too.
my best practice was, working with a partner, he is great! and I'm doing great! just one fall, which just got me stronger, but I'm clean from any porn etc for over 2 and half months, having problems are not making you as a loser, we are all human, and we just need to work on our selfs.
hang around, don't leave, we will help you.
Stay Strong! Stay Clean!
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

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Re: my struggle 14 Jun 2017 02:34 #315237

  • colincolin
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 538
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Take things day by day, even hour by hour if you have to.

Many of us on here have had long clean steaks, followed by a fall an a few weeks of a "binge."
It is normal...one fall makes us feel that we fell, so "What have we got ot lose by fallin some more?"

This is a trick of the Yetzer Hara, to make us feel bad.

Try to have a framework for your day as much as possible.

Almost a timetable, but not quite as rigid.

Know that you will study, and exercise, and eat and also devote some time to your own leisure pursuits..healthy ones such as drawing or music or chess etc.

Make time to enjoy life.
Last Edit: 14 Jun 2017 02:35 by colincolin.
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