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just joined gye
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just joined gye 17 May 2017 19:28 #313463

Don't feel like writing cuz it's making me feel very vulnerable but I guess I should do it. I struggled with acting out from my early teens until 2 years ago. (i'm about 35 years old). I'm happily married with amazing kids, but i used acting out to destress from life's regular ups and downs. so i've always had trouble finding some other way to destress. porn has also been an outlet and led to acting out. anyhow, the last 2 years i've basically been clean from porn and acting out. the last month or so, i've starting getting back to the porn a little and a couple of times acted out. i'm very upset at myself but am determined to get back on track. i will look through the gye filters to see what will work for me. also, i'd like to stop my habit of constantly surfing the web (sports, funny youtube videos) because i feel like it just eventually leads me off track. i'd like to find ways to relax without the web (reading, exercising, any other ideas?) but i have had a really hard time finding good habits which feel productive and are enjoyable enough for me to get the habits to stick.
Look forward to getting and giving help.

Re: just joined gye 17 May 2017 19:41 #313466

  • mikestrucking
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hi welcome you sound like a strong willed guy if you were two years clean pat yourself on the back from me
first of all browse the other threads you can pick up useful tips and tools
second I've recently started jogging at night it helps fresh air exercise maybe it'll help
hatzlocha rabba 
Formerly mikestruggling I just bought a truck. l hang out in the trailer and G-d drives. 
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Re: just joined gye 17 May 2017 20:45 #313469

  • mesayin
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Shalom Aleichem. I wish you that you find what you need here, there is plenty.

As far as finding a way to distress, something that you enjoy. I struggle with that too.

There are a few factors I think:

Perhaps the acting out and watching youtube is more than just a destresser, maybe there is different reason you are not aware of that pulls you there even to just watch sports. And therefore, anything wlse you try for a distresser would be futile.

Or maybe it is not regular stress, maybe it is to high stress and therefore you need a stronger destresser than say just reading a book.

Maybe it's an addiction.

Or maybe since your stimulus threshold is so high, meaning the stimuli you get from what you are doing is so high that any stimuli lower than that doesn't even stimulate you.

This will be something you will need to find out on your own. 
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Re: just joined gye 17 May 2017 21:39 #313470

  • markz
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Welcome brother!

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Re: just joined gye 18 May 2017 04:21 #313495

  • hashem help me
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You came to a good healthy place. Here you will read many ideas others have used to iyh recover and break free. I used acting out as my anti anxiety medication until it was entrenched as a bad habit. BH thanks to GYE and its many departments, along with the forum chevra, I am where I am today. Keep posting. Its very therapeutic. Hatzlocha!
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

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Re: just joined gye 18 May 2017 10:04 #313504

  • singularity
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Keep coming back!!!
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One day... At A Time :-D

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Re: just joined gye 18 May 2017 21:31 #313605

  • gibbor120
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Welcome!  What other things can you do to destress?  Perhaps make a list.  Exercise is one good one.

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:17 #313637

mikestruggling wrote on 17 May 2017 19:41:
hi welcome you sound like a strong willed guy if you were two years clean pat yourself on the back from me
first of all browse the other threads you can pick up useful tips and tools
second I've recently started jogging at night it helps fresh air exercise maybe it'll help
hatzlocha rabba 

tx for the chizuk. gonna try starting to jog on sunday beH.

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:30 #313639

Mesayin wrote on 17 May 2017 20:45:
Shalom Aleichem. I wish you that you find what you need here, there is plenty.

As far as finding a way to distress, something that you enjoy. I struggle with that too.

There are a few factors I think:

Perhaps the acting out and watching youtube is more than just a destresser, maybe there is different reason you are not aware of that pulls you there even to just watch sports. And therefore, anything wlse you try for a distresser would be futile.

Or maybe it is not regular stress, maybe it is to high stress and therefore you need a stronger destresser than say just reading a book.

Maybe it's an addiction.

Or maybe since your stimulus threshold is so high, meaning the stimuli you get from what you are doing is so high that any stimuli lower than that doesn't even stimulate you.

This will be something you will need to find out on your own. 

I like the stimulus threshold idea. Any specific advice on how to lower it? Will it get lowered over time by not spending so much time online etc. (marivo=masbio)?
Last Edit: 19 May 2017 04:36 by icandoanything.

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:37 #313640

Markz wrote on 17 May 2017 21:39:
Welcome brother!

Stay with us!!

So nice to finally be part of a community! tx

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:41 #313643

Hashem Help Me wrote on 18 May 2017 04:21:
You came to a good healthy place. Here you will read many ideas others have used to iyh recover and break free. I used acting out as my anti anxiety medication until it was entrenched as a bad habit. BH thanks to GYE and its many departments, along with the forum chevra, I am where I am today. Keep posting. Its very therapeutic. Hatzlocha!

Truth is I've never been part of any forums on any site before. Is there a problem with replying to the posts within this topic or do i communicate with posters a different way?

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:45 #313645

Singularity wrote on 18 May 2017 10:04:

Keep coming back!!!

Is it beneficial to keep coming to the site when one is doing well (at a time of not much nisayon) or is it better to stay away until i need the help? In other words, does dwelling on the topic have any negative effects?

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:47 #313646

gibbor120 wrote on 18 May 2017 21:31:
Welcome!  What other things can you do to destress?  Perhaps make a list.  Exercise is one good one.

now i've added posting on gye to my destressing list anyone have other creative ideas for chilling?

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 04:58 #313648

  • bear
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Welcome, maybe join Hatzolah. Good opportunity to use a high drive for stimulation in a very positive way. 
Not saying people should join Hatzolah as an outlet, join to save lives. But a very good side affect can be it may also be a great outlet. 
Last Edit: 19 May 2017 04:59 by bear.

Re: just joined gye 19 May 2017 05:04 #313649

bear wrote on 19 May 2017 04:58:
Welcome, maybe join Hatzolah. Good opportunity to use a high drive for stimulation in a very positive way. 
Not saying people should join Hatzolah as an outlet, join to save lives. But a very good side affect can be it may also be a great outlet. 

very neat idea! tx a lot
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