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Struggling so badly
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TOPIC: Struggling so badly 1554 Views

Struggling so badly 04 May 2017 19:54 #312301

Hi all my dear friends who are reading my post.

I am so sick and I can't get rid of it, I'm watching porn, chatting with woman on all social media sites, going to prostatitis, lusting and fantasising after woman all day long, having phone sex and webcam with other girls and tried so many times to stop and I always slipped after a while, and I have a beautiful wife and kids and it's a total mess.

God please help me because I can't stop by myself.
Last Edit: 04 May 2017 19:56 by Sruly from Monsey.

Re: Struggling so badly 04 May 2017 20:36 #312304

  • cordnoy
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Sorry to hear about all that.

Welcome to this site.

You might not be able to stop by yourself, but you can commit to things that will help you on your way.

What have you done in the past?

What will you do today?

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Re: Struggling so badly 04 May 2017 21:32 #312317

  • 360gye
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Welcome to GYE,
You should know we are always here and supporting you.
Why do you feel you do all those things?
Does your wife know?
Have you spoken to anyone about it ever?

Re: Struggling so badly 04 May 2017 21:52 #312318

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome brother

That was a short and painful and to the point intro

Please keep on posting and keep us updated

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Re: Struggling so badly 05 May 2017 02:23 #312332

  • tiger
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Teyera chaver, I hear the pain and confusion in your words, just know that you are not alone beclal, lots of people have passed through here and gotten help, what can you do to open up your heart for recovery from this sickness?? What can you start doing differently??

we are all here for you!!!

Re: Struggling so badly 05 May 2017 02:43 #312334

  • chaimel
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I'm so sorry for your suffering, may hashem guide you on the correct path and lead you to a happy healthy amazing life!
Last Edit: 05 May 2017 02:44 by chaimel.

Re: Struggling so badly 05 May 2017 09:08 #312347

  • singularity
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Raw, and sad May you find the asylum you seek on the forum. May Hashem grant you serenity and peace of mind.

Browse around and read a lot! There's pearls of wisdom here from everyone. Try gauge where you stand in your issue and make a roadmap forward on the trucking highway
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"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

One day... At A Time :-D

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Re: Struggling so badly 05 May 2017 12:11 #312354

  • markz
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Sruly from Monsey wrote on 04 May 2017 19:54:
Hi all my dear friends who are reading my post.

I am so sick and I can't get rid of it, I'm watching porn, chatting with woman on all social media sites, going to prostatitis, lusting and fantasising after woman all day long, having phone sex and webcam with other girls and tried so many times to stop and I always slipped after a while, and I have a beautiful wife and kids and it's a total mess.

God please help me because I can't stop by myself.

It's good to chat with your gye neighbors
Have you met YidfromMonsey
There are other neighbors here too ;-)
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Re: Struggling so badly 05 May 2017 14:41 #312368

you did your first great step, you became a GYE member, first get your self a filter which you cant uninstall, then keep on posting, listening and reading what our other members have to say.
I got out from the mud, only because my great friends here.
don't walk away, just stay around, and remember, you fight only for TODAY, what happened in the past, is gone, what will happen later, what do you care, you are in hashem's hand, so you should care only for today.
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Re: Struggling so badly 14 May 2017 15:00 #313031

  • Hawkman
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   I myself am a new member. Since I've been here I feel much better knowing I am not alone, and that there are ways to overcome. Joining GYE and telling your story was an excellent decision. May your path to recovery be paved with successes. And remember that any failure on your journey should not bring you down, but rather you can learn from them.
  Hope to see your name on the 90 day chart. 
Good Luck!

Re: Struggling so badly 15 May 2017 05:39 #313086

  • bb0212
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Sruly from Monsey wrote on 04 May 2017 19:54:
Hi all my dear friends who are reading my post.

I am so sick and I can't get rid of it, I'm watching porn, chatting with woman on all social media sites, going to prostatitis, lusting and fantasising after woman all day long, having phone sex and webcam with other girls and tried so many times to stop and I always slipped after a while, and I have a beautiful wife and kids and it's a total mess.

God please help me because I can't stop by myself.

Sruly, how's your battle coming along? We're here for you. try to post once a week or so. This will help you to keep coming back. Even if you don't wanna post, it can be helpful to write something like "Not in the mood of posting. Right now I'm doing better/worse than last week"
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