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TOPIC: My life 960 Views

My life 19 Apr 2017 04:57 #310785

Hi! I'm michael, an annoymous name. I watched a video and i like this site very much. It is pretty amazing especially those articles i have read. So about my life is pretty much going well but not quite. I'm happy with school, family but not myself. I have been addicted to homosexual and i feel really guity about that. I have also been exposed to homosex at school a little. Not sex as for back but touching. This has't been going well as well as for the past four years. I had therapy once just for anxiety and now B'H I dont feel any anxiety anymore. This same therapy I express my feelings about sex issues and he asked me if im into women. I answered yes because when i see a pretty attractive women but with great personality i would feel emotion. With a guy i wouldnt feel that special feeling with a women but i would feel strong if i keep touching him. I know hat you are thinking. Why i still didnt go with this therapy for sex issues? Because it didnt help me with sex issue. I go to a jewish high school. It has been a struggle. That is my life and issue. Oh! Also, when i want to watch porn i cant feel anything watching a women naked but only with a man. Probably it is because i had an experience with a guy before. Please give me an adivice how to like women instead of men or guy.

Thank You!
Last Edit: 19 Apr 2017 05:13 by michaelfried. Reason: Just edit my english and add little bit about my therapy

Re: My life 19 Apr 2017 05:24 #310786

  • chaimel
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Welcome to GYE and thanks for posting! This sounds like a tough situation, I had some similar feelings as well, You might like to try reading a little about SSA (same sex attraction) there is a section of the forum dedicated for that. Why not bring up the sexuality issue and feelings with the therapist? They may be able to help and if not possibly recommend something. A shoulder to lean on is very important and generally it's hard to do that behind a screen name (for me at least)
may hashem successfully guide you in your next leg of the journey!!! 
Keep on posting!

Re: My life 19 Apr 2017 08:09 #310795

  • singularity
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Welcome! May Hashem guide you through the tough stuff.

I'm no expert in SSA but my fantasies the last few days tell me otherwise >.<
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

One day... At A Time :-D

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Re: My life 19 Apr 2017 11:18 #310816

  • growstrong
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Welcome "Michael",
You are not alone, there is a group of guys here going through very similar issues for many different reasons.
You can breathe easy, you will find most of the answers you need, right here on the site.
Find some free moments to read through the GYE handbook if you have not yet already done so. Take some extra time to go through the 30 Principles of GYE
Of the many tools you will find here on this site, bringing the problem out into the open, out of isolation and sharing it with others in a similar boat is a great first step.
Read up on the various ways that many here have managed to stay clean for amazingly long periods of time by participating with us in the forum.
If you are dedicated to stopping, know that it is possible.
Most importantly.
Keep on Trucking.

Re: My life 20 Apr 2017 20:58 #310970

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome!  There are many here with similar issues.
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