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TOPIC: My Addiction 3690 Views

My Addiction 13 Feb 2017 20:05 #305749

  • shmulke18
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I am 24 years old, the reason I came to Gaurd your eyes is because just looking for tips and tricks to the trade of how people get over there addictions and how to work on getting over mine, and trying to help others out as well, 

Re: My Addiction 13 Feb 2017 21:19 #305758

  • Watson
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Welcome. You're in the right place.

First of all please take time to read through the GYE handbook.  No two people are the same, everyone has a slightly different set of circumstances, but we all share this problem and since we share the problem we can share the solution too. The book is written in a general way so it can apply to everyone. I found it helpful to really think about what the book was saying and how it applied to me and my own life.

This is a very common problem nowadays, you're far from the only one to deal with it. The word addict gets thrown around quite a lot, but most people who struggle with this issue are not addicts, just normal people with a normal yetzer hora. Which is good. Some people have come to realise that they really are addicts because their situation got gradually worse and worse despite working on it. When I say worse I mean, in frequency, severity or just feeling worse after every slip. If that is the case we may need more than GYE, which most people find to be therapy or SA or both. But I wouldn't jump to that conclusion about you. Many people have overcome this challenge right here on GYE using the tools in the handbook.

So stick around. Keep posting, keep reading and keep on trucking.

Re: My Addiction 13 Feb 2017 23:50 #305777

  • markz
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shmulke18 wrote on 13 Feb 2017 20:05:
I am 24 years old, the reason I came to Gaurd your eyes is because just looking for tips and tricks to the trade of how people get over there addictions and how to work on getting over mine, and trying to help others out as well, 


Oh sage what advice have you found for others?
How do you define tricks?
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Re: My Addiction 14 Feb 2017 06:24 #305804

  • singularity
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shmulke18 wrote on 13 Feb 2017 20:05:
I am 24 years old, the reason I came to Gaurd your eyes is because just looking for tips and tricks to the trade of how people get over there addictions and how to work on getting over mine, and trying to help others out as well, 


Do you consider yourself an addict, or do you use the word colloquially?

Trick of the trade is a complete life transformation, changing perspectives, growth and building emotional health.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

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Re: My Addiction 14 Feb 2017 21:48 #305868

  • gibbor120
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Welcome! Start with the handbook. Keep posting.  Share a bit more about yourself.

Lonely, very frustrated 17 Feb 2017 01:29 #306042

  • shmulke18
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Very Lonely, at times I am a mashgiach on a farm, out in the country, about 2 hours from where I live, I commute once a week usually back & fourth, at times I get very lonely and bored allot, not much to do at work everyday, I dont have any solutions wish I did, Just very frustrated at the moment, hope people understand what I mean, Thanks look foward to hearing what people have to say. 

Re: Lonely, very frustrated 17 Feb 2017 02:13 #306045

  • markz
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This is to get you thru today

The Golden Cow 
Shlomo came to Chelm with his very old skinny cow. The mayor of Chelm insisted he stay in his home during his visit. He made room in his barn for Shlomo's cow. Yaakov was a little worried about being in a strange town so he hid his gold in the straw close to his cow. 

The next morning, the mayor walked into the barn to care for his animals. He noticed the gold in the straw. He figured out that this cow, unlike all other cows, gave gold instead of milk. He was very excited!! He called a special meeting of the Chelm Town Council and insisted that they buy the cow from the Shlomo. They collected money from all the citizens in town. 

The mayor asked Shlomo if he would be willing to sell the cow. He offered double the usual price for a good milk cow. Shlomo started to protest that the cow wasn't worth that much, but the mayor misunderstood and increased his offer. The more the stranger protested, the more the mayor offered. Finally Shlomo agreed to sell. 

The mayor gave the scrawny cow the best stall in his barn. He fed her the very best feed in town. The next morning, the mayor approached the cow to milk her. As he started, he was very surprised to find that the cow gave...milk! And not even very good milk!! 

The mayor was annoyed. Shlomo had sold him a cow that gave gold, but all he had gotten was milk! He reported back to the Town Council. They were angry. When they told the townspeople, everyone was furious! They decided to track down Shlomo to recover their money. 

They found the Shlomo in the next town. With everyone yelling at him all at once, he had no idea what was going on, but eventually, he figured it out. He turned to the mayor and asked, "Did you feed the cow?" 

The mayor answered, "Of course we fed the cow! Do you think we don't know how to care for a cow?!!" 

Shlomo answered, "Did you ever have a cow that gave gold before? Didn't you notice how scrawny she was when I came into town? There's only one way to get her to give gold... You have to stop feeding her! But, it took me weeks to teach her to not eat. This is what you have to do. Every day, feed her a little less. At the end of three weeks, you should be able to cut her down to eating nothing. The next day, milk her, and she will give gold again." 

The Chelmites look at Shlomo, embarrassed about their previous anger. They return to Chelm and start the feeding regimen that shlom suggested. The cow got skinnier and skinnier, and the mayor of Chelm was very pleased. Until, one morning, on the very first day she would have gotten no food, the cow was found dead in her stall. 

The people of Chelm were, of course, very disappointed. But they always looked back nostalgically on the day when, if only their cow hadn't died, they would have been the richest town in Poland...
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Last Edit: 17 Feb 2017 03:57 by cordnoy. Reason: Who da hell is yaakov?

Re: My Addiction 17 Feb 2017 04:46 #306048

  • shmulke18
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and how is this supposed to help me in any sort of way, its a nice story but does not resolve my issue. I feel Stressed out
Last Edit: 17 Feb 2017 04:48 by shmulke18.

Re: My Addiction 17 Feb 2017 06:10 #306053

  • markz
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shmulke18 wrote on 17 Feb 2017 04:46:
and how is this supposed to help me in any sort of way, its a nice story but does not resolve my issue. I feel Stressed out

I thought you're busy with cows and were seeking to milk a story out of one of us. 

Sorry cord's I copied the story from the jhf section, it's not my mistake

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Re: Lonely, very frustrated 17 Feb 2017 09:01 #306063

  • singularity
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shmulke18 wrote on 17 Feb 2017 01:29:
Very Lonely, at times I am a mashgiach on a farm, out in the country, about 2 hours from where I live, I commute once a week usually back & fourth, at times I get very lonely and bored allot, not much to do at work everyday, I dont have any solutions wish I did, Just very frustrated at the moment, hope people understand what I mean, Thanks look foward to hearing what people have to say. 

I understand the feeling of nothing to do at work. I wrote a novel and play chess. Haha. It's a tough feeling, slowly eating at you. May things change for the better.

Markz: I have a peirush.

The "gold" you speak of is chalav yisrael milk, milked by Shlomo himself. The other townsfolk, righteous Goyim as they are, could not get chalav yisrael milk from the cow, no matter how plump it was. They complain to Shlomo: Why do we not get the same holy sparks out of our milk as you do yours? Yours is imbued with Kedusha!

He answers: Fools. Don't you see? Self Sacrifice is the means to sparks of holiness! Stop indulging! Make this world a vessel of holiness!

They try and the cow dies. Perhaps such a madreiga is reserved for a Yid alone.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

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Re: Lonely, very frustrated 17 Feb 2017 15:34 #306082

  • Watson
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Don't golden cows give birth to golden calves?

Don't skinny cows eat fat cows?

Re: Lonely, very frustrated 17 Feb 2017 15:51 #306085

  • markz
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Markz wrote on 17 Feb 2017 02:13:
This is to get you thru today

The Golden Cow 
Shlomo came to Chelm with his very old skinny cow. The mayor of Chelm insisted he stay in his home during his visit. He made room in his barn for Shlomo's cow. Shlomo was a little worried about being in a strange town so he hid his gold in the straw close to his cow. 

The next morning, the mayor walked into the barn to care for his animals. He noticed the gold in the straw. He figured out that this cow, unlike all other cows, gave gold instead of milk. He was very excited!! He called a special meeting of the Chelm Town Council and insisted that they buy the cow from the Shlomo. They collected money from all the citizens in town. 

The mayor asked Shlomo if he would be willing to sell the cow. He offered double the usual price for a good milk cow. Shlomo started to protest that the cow wasn't worth that much, but the mayor misunderstood and increased his offer. The more the stranger protested, the more the mayor offered. Finally Shlomo agreed to sell. 

The mayor gave the scrawny cow the best stall in his barn. He fed her the very best feed in town. The next morning, the mayor approached the cow to milk her. As he started, he was very surprised to find that the cow gave...milk! And not even very good milk!! 

The mayor was annoyed. Shlomo had sold him a cow that gave gold, but all he had gotten was milk! He reported back to the Town Council. They were angry. When they told the townspeople, everyone was furious! They decided to track down Shlomo to recover their money. 

They found the Shlomo in the next town. With everyone yelling at him all at once, he had no idea what was going on, but eventually, he figured it out. He turned to the mayor and asked, "Did you feed the cow?" 

The mayor answered, "Of course we fed the cow! Do you think we don't know how to care for a cow?!!" 

Shlomo answered, "Did you ever have a cow that gave gold before? Didn't you notice how scrawny she was when I came into town? There's only one way to get her to give gold... You have to stop feeding her! But, it took me weeks to teach her to not eat. This is what you have to do. Every day, feed her a little less. At the end of three weeks, you should be able to cut her down to eating nothing. The next day, milk her, and she will give gold again." 

The Chelmites look at Shlomo, embarrassed about their previous anger. They return to Chelm and start the feeding regimen that shlom suggested. The cow got skinnier and skinnier, and the mayor of Chelm was very pleased. Until, one morning, on the very first day she would have gotten no food, the cow was found dead in her stall. 

The people of Chelm were, of course, very disappointed. But they always looked back nostalgically on the day when, if only their cow hadn't died, they would have been the richest town in Poland...

I should keep my trap shut...

The lesson of the story is that some gyes see that shlomo broke free and say "Oh he writes on the forum. Oh I'll do that again and again and strike it rich someday, despite my continued falls. That must be where his gold milk comes from"
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Re: My Addiction 20 Feb 2017 23:42 #306337

  • shmulke18
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Anyone willing to Email me or google hangout, or text me if possible, just would like if some more people would text me, Thanks!

Re: My Addiction 21 Feb 2017 08:03 #306365

  • singularity
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Do you have whatsapp
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

One day... At A Time :-D

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Re: My Addiction 22 Feb 2017 01:15 #306434

  • shmulke18
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Yep I do, 
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