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TOPIC: Advice needed 2595 Views

Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 21:17 #303312

  • fightingon
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Hello all, I am new here.
How does one rid himself of unwanted sexual fantasies? Does anyone have any good advice? It is nearly impossible for me to spend any time with my in laws, since after I do I spend the next few days fantasizing about my mother in law and sister in law. It is hard for me to be in their house, and even if I see them for a little bit elsewhere. 
in the past, I have successfully abstained from being mz'l for over 2 years straight. Lately i haven't gone longer than a few months at most, since whenever I am doing well it gets stopped by the challenges I face spending a Shabbos by the in laws. 
Simply telling myself that these are disgusting fantasys does not help me one bit. These are attractive women who I am enormously attracted to. 

Can anyone help me with some advice?

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 21:43 #303315

  • growstrong
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Is this the only issue you have or does it lead to porn and other women being the object of fantasy?
Before they were in your life, did you not have this type of issue with anyone else?

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 21:55 #303316

  • fightingon
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This most definitely leads to porn and all. Lots of women I see on a daily basis just in passing, become objects of fantasy in my mind, yes
I have always had this issue, it used to be with cousins, and others. 
But this is severe. Probably due to the amount of time spent there, or around them. 
I sneak in their bedrooms sometimes when I can manage it discreetly....im sure you guys know where im going with that.

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 22:00 #303317

  • growstrong
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Sounds like you need to jump onto the recovery train.
They call it monsta' trucking around here apparently.

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 22:06 #303319

  • fresh start
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I am sorry to hear about your challenge with in-laws.

Do you feel that if you can somehow solve being attracted to them you would stop lusting and acting out? What will be when you find the advice to not be obsessed with them, will all your taavah go away?


Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 22:40 #303320

  • Watson
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Welcome. You're in the right place.

First of all please take time to read through the GYE handbook.  No two people are the same, everyone has a slightly different set of circumstances, but we all share this problem and since we share the problem we can share the solution too. The book is written in a general way so it can apply to everyone. I found it helpful to really think about what the book was saying and how it applied to me and my own life.

This is a very common problem nowadays, you're far from the only one to deal with it. The word addict gets thrown around quite a lot, but most people who struggle with this issue are not addicts, just normal people with a normal yetzer hora. Which is good. Some people have come to realise that they really are addicts because their situation got gradually worse and worse despite working on it. When I say worse I mean, in frequency, severity or just feeling worse after every slip. If that is the case we may need more than GYE, which most people find to be therapy or SA or both. But I wouldn't jump to that conclusion about you. Many people have overcome this challenge right here on GYE using the tools in the handbook.

So stick around. Keep posting, keep reading and keep on trucking.

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 22:46 #303321

  • tflms
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This is a great chalenge 
However this chalenge is within you, meaning you will always face it in a different format for example working in a office with woman. 
So maybe stay in kollel and never go to your in laws house? For sure not, the idea of recovery is to be able to end up in a chalenging situation and still not loose our self. 
For me what helps it's humanising the trigger, by praying for the person, I look at them as being a wife and mother of children, I think the damage I'm doing for the person by just taking, when I obsess by looking I actually take (try it yourself: you sometimes feel uncomfortable and you realize someone is actually staring at you).
Good luck on your journey
What works for me:
Meetings meetings meetings 
Phone calls 
Group therapy 
Individual therapy 

Re: Advice needed 16 Jan 2017 23:01 #303323

  • 360gye
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Welcome Fightingon,
I am sorry to hear about your predicament and glad you decided to come here.
Personally, i find my cousin,who i am close with, attractive and i can definitley relate to your situation. While i am with her i do my best to focus on the conversation taking place and not focus on her figure, and any other time i try to focus on stuff i need to do, and if there's nothing i'll read a book or something.

Re: Advice needed 17 Jan 2017 01:50 #303330

  • cordnoy
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Recovery should be with hatzlachah.
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Re: Advice needed 17 Jan 2017 08:03 #303340

  • singularity
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Welcome : )

Stick around. We'll help outlaw your in-law issues. Check Watson's post above, and check out the GYE tools at the top of the site, one of the dropdowns. See what works for you.
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Re: Advice needed 17 Jan 2017 14:49 #303372

  • tzomah
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i definitly can emphsize with you i used to fantasize about 2 of my cousins and couldn't get enough maybe try not to fight it too hard and get busy and maybe think about real things in its place like your wife and before you go there prepare what you'll think about rabbeinu bachya says that doing that is the essence of taharas hamachshava and remember we're all davening for you and ourselves and one last thing obviously every little bit counts not just as a cliche but as a emunah.       hatslacha:smiley:

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Re: Advice needed 17 Jan 2017 21:36 #303428

  • gibbor120
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Welcome!  Check out the handbook.  Work on the issue in general.  This is just one specific instance when it is more difficult since it is unavoidable (spending some time with them). 

Train yourself to think of women as people and not objects.  I know it is easier said than done.  Imagine them in a situation that humanizes them.  Being sick for example.  If you imagine they have the flu and are sick in bed etc., you will probably not objectify them at that point.  Imagine them getting angry or upset.  Anything that bursts the fantasy bubble and brings you to reality.  Some recommend praying for them, but I haven't tried it, so I can't recommend it.

Why do you think you seek out fantasy?  Is it purely physical, or is something missing in your life?  Are you lonely, angry, restless?  Did you suffer any emotional trauma in the past?

Re: Advice needed 18 Feb 2018 06:23 #327097

Mazal Tov! 

You have fantasies and fetishes. 
big deal! Your not the first one on the block to be attracted to another women besides for your wife.

Get off your high horse and stop thinking of yourself as a tzaddik.

your just a regular guy that hedrosexual 

stay clean and happy.

Re: Advice needed 18 Feb 2018 12:42 #327104

My advice is to follow the advice of those who have done well and can give good advice and ask good questions, such as Watson and Gibbor's posts above. Don't do anything that really makes you feel uncomfortable, but perhaps you can think about answering some of their questions and points to give more of a picture of what your situation is like. 
Can't say much other then that. Just wanted to say something.
I wish you well. Your situation seems tough but others similar (enough) to you apparently have gotten through it. 

Re: Advice needed 18 Feb 2018 13:07 #327105

I think that what’s being alluded to here is that you have uncovered a manifestation of a deeper issue..
Fortunately, you have taken the first step to uncovering what might be going on with you. If you had this problem before your in-laws then you have to realize that they aren’t the source of this problem; which in the tone of your post seems to be how you delegate the problem.
Rather, like most of us, you have been using fantasy/sexually acting out to escape, and with your in-laws you have found yet another enticing method to escape.
Thing is if you can figure out why you ever wanted to escape in the first place, might help no?
whadya think
Last Edit: 19 Feb 2018 00:29 by hakolmilimala.
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