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Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but...
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TOPIC: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 989 Views

Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 31 Oct 2016 23:41 #297100

  • private100
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I'm married, older, enjoy my wife and grown children, but I've always enjoyed the beautiful scenery of nature, and included women in that topic. I saw an email about Guard Your Eyes, and looked at the site. I realized as a Torah observant Jew, I should try to improve myself not only in other mitzvahs ,but also in restricting what I looked at. I don't waste hours, I rarely have watched porn, but there is room for me to improve not look at some pictures.

At first I wondered if it would be better for me to get some pictures of my wife scantily clad (I think she is the prettiest anyway), than to look at other women dressed that way. After reading some of the material here, I think that's not the right approach, so I'm starting with reading Windows of the Soul.

Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 01 Nov 2016 00:09 #297104

  • markz
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Nature is awesome 

I like it too

Objectifying women or my wife or etc is an ever so slightly different monstah

I used to do it to
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Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 02 Nov 2016 08:20 #297192

  • singularity
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Funny how we can mix women and nature. I mean true women are nature and perchance nothing is more beautiful.
A covenanteyes article I saw once debated the appropriateness of nudity in art. It's funny because I'm sure from a Jewish perspective the answer is a flatout no. Al tifnu el ha'Elilim. I'm happy it's not relative, because then you can go justifying whatever you want. First nude art then PG then PG13 then 16 then 17 then 18+. As long as it's not the bottom of the barrel. 
Though out of curiosity, I want to ask, I'm sure you learn a lot of Torah. Have you not come across something that prohibits the behaviour you describe (women, not nature)? One example off the top of my head is the gemora Eurivin 18b. Check it out. And it's brought down in Halocha too. 
Now for lust addicts Halocha doesn't really matter. I know it's wrong but that doesn't stop me. Your description of yourself indicates that if you knew of the aveiros involved, you'd stop or at least heavily reconsider. if NOT, then maybe you're an addict in a non-addict's clothing and you never knew. 
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Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 02 Nov 2016 13:38 #297206

  • cordnoy
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CanI you explain please the title of your post?

I have some other questions, but I'll wait for this response first.

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Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 03 Nov 2016 20:48 #297280

  • gibbor120
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Welcome!  Are you looking at nude art or do you mean something else completely?

Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 03 Nov 2016 21:05 #297284

I'm married, older, enjoy my wife and grown children, but I've always enjoyed the beautiful scenery of nature, and included women in that topic.

Hi. Be careful with the idea of  natural beauty and viewing women. Clearly we all know it's wrong. It's lusting under the guise of being  a lover of the arts. It's a classy lure of the yetzer harah.


Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 09 Nov 2016 22:26 #297617

  • private100
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More about me and the first post of this topic...
I never "objectified" women, I like looking at them and used to spend time interacting with them. Now that I am happily married, I do my talking (and touching) with my wife. If I am in the city or riding on a subway, I can't see myself turning away from a pretty woman within 2 seconds and not taking another look.

Lots of things in my past that are not appropriate in terms of halacha. I've changed but you should know where I came from. I grew up Reform, in the mid-west, so my Jewish education thru high school did not include any Gemorah, but I have done 2 complete tractates in my evening learning; listened to parts of many more, and done several Mishnahs in the last couple of years.

In college I took philosophy classes and considered myself an agnostic, someone who is not sure G-d exists. 10 years after graduating I met the first Orthodox Rabbi I was able to connect with, who was from the prior generation, and started my journey of really believing in G-d and following Mitzvahs. He sent me to an Aish HaTorah seminar, which answered my questions. Now I have a Rav in Brooklyn where I live, who said because my wife and I like going to movies and watching TV shows together, "Guard Your Eyes" is too much for me (where I am in my journey, trying to perfect myself and my soul).

Re: Didn't Consider Myself an Addict, but... 10 Nov 2016 01:50 #297625

  • shlomo24
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private100 wrote on 09 Nov 2016 22:26:
More about me and the first post of this topic...
I never "objectified" women, I like looking at them...

How is that not objectifying them?
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