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my secret life
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TOPIC: my secret life 695 Views

my secret life 02 Sep 2016 16:53 #294669

  • yishai
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 1
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Hi. I don't know if I'm normal or not, but this is my story. I'm from a chassidish family. When I was a young teenager, a friend introduced me to phone sex lines and porn sites. I never had a lot of access to those things particularly, but I was no longer innocent and throughout my teenage years I was masturbating at least once a week. On the outside no one knew, and everyone thought I was a eidele bochur. This went on even after I got engaged at eighteen. Fortunately I was able to stop after I got married, because of pas b'salo. The taam chet never left me, however, and I still occasionally called sex lines, too
Embarrassed to actually talk to anyone but to hear the messages. Again, my wonderful wife has no idea, and we have a happy marriage and beautiful children together. Recently we got internet on our cell phone, and now my problems began. We had covenant eyes, but somehow a chaver was never set up, and I found out the password to the app lock. A few nights I stayed up all night looking and watching you can imagine what. Truthfully, even before I unlocked the apps I was making Google searches for inappropriate material and just looking at the results that came up (app lock didn't seem to stop that) or searching Google maps (which I left unlocked because it's so useful) for stuff thati shouldn't be looking at. In the last couple weeks I managed to stop somewhat, understanding a little how detrimental this is for my mental and physical health,  marriage and family life, as well as how boring the porn world really is (except maybe frum porn), but I'm still a hair away from trouble.

Re: my secret life 02 Sep 2016 17:06 #294670

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 8348
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Hi yishai

You are normal, if I may say so

"When I was a young teenager, a friend introduced me to.."

Sad :-(

"Fortunately I was able to stop after I got married, because of pas b'salo"

It's not really what pas b'salo means
See "The Mark of Torah" for more

"Embarrassed to actually talk to anyone but to hear the messages"
Would you be interested in speaking to another normal guy on GYE? It's the only way to recovery for many guys

"Recently we got internet on our cell phone, and now my problems began"

Are you sure the problem wasn't simmering all along and maybe it was always there

"Again, my wonderful wife has no idea, and we have a happy marriage and beautiful children together"

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Re: my secret life 02 Sep 2016 18:00 #294673

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 5251
  • Karma: 166
Welcome!  You are wise to seek help now before it gets worse.  I was married over a decade before my wife caught me, and it was hell on earth.  B"H things are much better now.  I have been sober for over 7 years and my relationship with my wife is very good.

Read the handbook.  Keep posting. Many have been helped here.  You can be too.

Re: my secret life 05 Sep 2016 05:42 #294748

  • Orzag613
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 11
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Hey I totally understand you as I am living a double life. I understand you completely as I have a wife and a child too. We are here for you on your journey!  You made the biggest step by writing on the forum. Keep writing and really work at it. You have to find what works for u. It might take some time but u can do it we all support u here. Lots of hatzalacha and keep posting
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