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want to be better
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TOPIC: want to be better 688 Views

want to be better 16 Aug 2016 17:54 #293941

  • Yidl18
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i am in my late 20's. grew up non-observant where having sexual relationships with women, watching pornography, and masturbation was considered normal.

was introduced to true Yiddishkeit a few years ago, but never gave up on the latter 2 items i mention above..

now that i have been observant for a few years and have been more recently considering shidduchim , IY"H,  i am serious about kicking this unholy habit for myself, future family, and for G-d.

on my own volition, i have not committed the act for about a month now. i have decided to add more activities to my daily schedule, including more Limmud HaTorah. this change of lifestyle has been very helpful. there were some days that were difficult (there was a period of a few hours yesterday that i was really jonesing ) but B"H have stayed on the straight and arrow.

i have known about gye for a few years now, and didn't give too much thought to it because i have addicts in my family, and my relationship to pornography was not destructive in the way there substance abuse was. one of my parents tore my whole family apart because of their using, and they were also messing up their own life with friends and work as a result.

so when i saw this website is geared towards addicts, a big red light shot up in my head because i don't want to be considered one. this isn't a "rock bottom" situation in my eyes, but rather taking the initiativeto grow up and live more in the way a Jew is meant to live

i still don't want to have that title of addict, but i think gye would be a good supplement to all my efforts i have put into staying clean thus far. i have been good for a month w/o, but i figured that being "Maylin B'Koidesh" in my efforts definitely could not hurt.

We should all have much Hotzlocho in our efforts!!!

Re: want to be better 16 Aug 2016 18:02 #293942

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Well started getting your engine up and running, and hey there's a lot of guys here that aren't addicts, so relax take a deep breath it'll be fine
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Re: want to be better 16 Aug 2016 18:08 #293943

  • 360gye
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We are all in the same boat, none of us want to be addicts. In my Sher time here I habe learnt that GYE is a great website with tools for anyone. Look around and see if anything grabs you. If you want someone to email with, I (360gye@gmail.com) am listening whenever you want.
Good luck on your commendable journey,

Re: want to be better 16 Aug 2016 19:48 #293949

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 5251
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Welcome!  Some are addicts, some aren't, some haven't decided yet.  We all get along and learn from each other and give chizzuk to one another.  Welcome aboard!
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