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TOPIC: need help 806 Views

need help 14 Aug 2016 20:15 #293779

  • gamzu
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Hi, so here is my story.The first time i was exposed to porn was at a really young i think i was 12. My Father caught me and that was the end of that for some years to come. At about 14 my parents mistakenly bought me a device with internet and put internet in the home that was pretty much unprotected. Through high school i had my ups and downs. 
When i was in 11th grade i was starting to notice tension between my parents comes out that my father was an addict to subscription medication. 3 years later parents get divorced and my father has his roller coaster of a life until today.(obviously i am leaving out a 10000 details)
 I went to a knew yeshiva for Bais Medrash and i decided there and then i am using these years to shape up my life and rid me of my own addiction. I went to the Mashgiach which i knew was profound in these subjects, and was totally honest with him.At that point my addiction was not only porn but other things as well.(clubs etc)
We worked together and i went to therapy for about 6 months and over 3 years of yeshiva i had my ups and downs. My Mashgiach was such a fan that he offered me his daughter for a wife!! My mother said no for other reasons. 
I got married young after a long period of being clean. And after about 10 months of being married a slipped up on my wifes lap top. I felt like a zero i went that next minute to my wife and came clean.I told her exactly what i did and it had nothing to do with her rather it was my own problem and i will work on my self. 
Now i am a year later and i still cant get it under control. Help please.
I called my Mash he gave me words of encouragement but i now live in EY and its not the same.
My wife and i love each other very much and she is super supportive. Honestly she does get scared some times when i am home alone or she cant be there for me. 
I really really want to stop.
My wife told me about your website and a few days ago i signed up.Its a little overwhelming for me all the different options you offer and i am not really sure where to start honestly. 

Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 20:19 #293780

  • goodchange613
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Hi and welcome! 
wishing you much success!

Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 20:30 #293781

  • workingguy
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I have to tell you after hearing your story that you're clearly a very special person, and that you really already have the tools to succeed. 

Looking at at your story, you have so many components that are necessary to be successful- honesty, open communication with your wife, and at least some desire to change. I can't begin to tell you how way ahead that is of so many people who come on the site and who are struggling.

The main thing that most people recommend is 1) to start a thread on the forum, which you did, and 2) read other people's posts and threads and see what works for them and how that might relate to you. 

Look at Dov quotes, the success stories in the signature of Markz, a guy named cordnoy, and the truth is what is tremendously helpful is of you see someone's posts that you like, you can reach out to talk to them personally on the phone. Whenever I've done that, it's been tremendously helpful.

Hatzlacha, and welcome aboard. 

Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 20:32 #293782

  • markz
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You have a good wife

Tell her Mark says so

She has a good husband

Your story is upsetting, and inspiring

Have you considered 12 step calls?

I wouldn't suggest 12 step group, because it's Tisha be'av today, and we try not to congregate too much

And for all you avid guys that do go to a group, Dov, Cordnoy, Watson, Yesod and many more...
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Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 20:38 #293783

  • gamzu
  • Fresh Boarder
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I do planning on joining the 12 step calls.

Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 20:52 #293784

  • markz
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Watson wrote on 21 Jul 2016 07:18:

BEHS wrote on 21 Jul 2016 06:45:
The only conclusion I can draw is to forget about counting and focus on the steps.

IMO it's not about the 90 day chart, it's about working on positive recovery.

Positive recovery might mean the 12 steps for you, but that's your decision. Only thing is...
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Re: need help 14 Aug 2016 21:31 #293787

  • 360gye
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I would recommend a thorough search of GYE to see what they have to offer, I think you'll find something here that talks to you and will help you on your journey to be clean. If the therapist first time around worked maybe go again and see what happens. 
No matter what tools you use I'll tell you not to dwell on the past and accept it as mistakes(i assume that's where your wife is coming from) and take this challenge day-by-day. Nothing will be accomplished when looking at the big picture, only by taking it one day at a time will you conquer. If you need someone to talk to feel free to email me(360gye@gmail.com) and i am more than happy to listen, give support, chizuk, etc.
Be well,

Re: need help 16 Aug 2016 19:55 #293950

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome!  My heart goes out to you.  It can be hard to find your way around here at first, but please keep reading and posting.  Check out the handbook etc.  This is a great place.  You are not alone.  We are here for you.
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