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A struggling bochur
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TOPIC: A struggling bochur 830 Views

A struggling bochur 01 Aug 2016 03:37 #293044

  • Micha
  • Fresh Boarder
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Hi, I'm new here in GYE. I'm a Yeshiva Ktanah bochur, 17 years old. I am here to STOP FOREVER watching inadequate material and masturbating myself. Well, since I'm introducting myself, I think I should start from the beginning.
I studied in a Chasidic cheider until I was 11. At that time, I was completely innocent and clean. Unfortunately, in my new school, a Ultra Orthodox one, some guys started telling me dirty jokes. Obviously I became very much curious. So I started browsing the web for this kind of material. As our sages teach, G-od lead us in the path we want to follow it. Instead of only jokes, I found a website with cartoons. Then I became addicted to this. I spent several hours every day in this activity. A few months later, I discovered pornography movies. I was very young and immature, so I couldn't deal with it at all. I felt it was wrong, but I didn't go any further with this reflection. After a small amount of time, I discovered myself masturbation. As you can imagine, I became addicted, again.
When I started to think about the gravity of these things, I felt it was too late. I was completely trapped in this.
Boruch Hashem, when I was 14 I moved to my current Yeshiva. At this time, I was much more mature and conscious. Therefore, I decided changing completely my life. With Hashem's help and deliverance, I have improved amazingly in these matters, slowly. I read a lot of Mussar and really decided to change. I think that my improvement also was greatly affected by the fact that in the Yeshiva I learned to love and respect everyone, for there are Jews from every movement (before that I was very obsessed with my Litvak way of life) and religious level, and also by my development in Torah learning.
Nowadays I almost never fall down, especially in masturbation, except a few times (really) in vacations and one time or another in the weekends. For example, in this vacations, I only masturbated myself 5 times. I know, it's a lot, but compared to what I used to do, that's another story... Concerning pornography, I fell down more times, but also mostly in vacations, only in 5-8 days (from a total of 31 days of vacation).
As I said, I'm here to finish this extensive and exhausting struggle forever. I know that "אין אפוטרופוס לעריות" and that we aren't "בטוח" until our last moment in this life, but I see my engagement in this project as the greatest השתדלות I can do, and I have plenty of trust in Hashem that he will help me and you all, because he said through his sages "הבא לטהר מסעיין לו". All we can do now is following the instructions, pray for him and wait for his deliverance.

Re: A struggling bochur 01 Aug 2016 05:22 #293051

  • markz
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome micha

Theres a different user called proudchabadnik
I guess you can be our proudlitvishechassid
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Hey if you feel you're not an addict just a struggler like me, keep on gyefiltering etc...
Otherwise, or either way, checkout the TTT link in my signature, it can help you on your TRUCKING track!!
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Re: A struggling bochur 01 Aug 2016 11:50 #293056

Welcome Chaver!!

Maybe try the Tpahsic method for the pornography just when you go on vacation. I think that would help you a lot. It may take some time to tweak it, to figure out exactly what works for you, but take it slowly; make the Shvua for one week at a time.

You can listen to a Shiur on the topic from GYE guardyoureyes.com/GYEFiles/MP3s/TaPHSiC.mp3

Keep it up!

Re: A struggling bochur 01 Aug 2016 18:20 #293079

  • fb2016fbt
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Very impressive that you are working on this so early on in the game. Ima little older than you, I'm also a bochur, and I wished I started to take care of my problem as early as you are. It could be ty are an addict or maybe just someone that needs chizuk to stay clean, but either gye is the right place to help you out in this manner.  Hatzlacha raba!!

Re: A struggling bochur 02 Aug 2016 16:12 #293138

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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I have found it helpful to address the bigger picture, not just the most obvious problems which are porn and masturbation.

The bigger picture is how I guard my eyes and mind the rest of the time.
I have a much easier time when I'm keeping my eyes in check.
When intrusive thoughts come, like images, fantasies, or the urge to do something like get online or touch myself, I start davening to Hashem.  Hashem wants to help us in this area.  He's really the only hope we've got.  Bringing Hashem into the struggle was the turning point for me.  I'm not talking about saying Tehillim.  I mean talking to Him in English, asking Him to take my lust, telling him that I surrender it to Him.

Much hatzlocha!

Re: A struggling bochur 03 Aug 2016 19:43 #293265

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome!  Thanks for sharing.  Have you read the handbook?

Re: A struggling bochur 08 Aug 2016 16:54 #293539

I could use some chizuk I'm a Buchor who slips sometimes with masterbation more then porn not even full masterbation just mad thoughts that I dwell on even if I don't touch things happen how do u deal with this

Re: A struggling bochur 08 Aug 2016 18:01 #293545

  • Micha
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
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I'm not an expert in these matters, as you can see from my own story. But I think I can help you with some tips that worked lots of times to me.
The Mishna Brurah (1,1,3 I think) says that a great idea for Yiras Shamayim is drawing in your mind G-od's name הוי"ה with the ניקוד of יראה. (See there to understand the picture.) This really helped me dozens of times. I just focus on that and the bad thoughts go away.
Another thing that helps is saying the first Passuk from the Shema with complete concentration. My Rabbi said that ultimately you can do it even in the bathroom, if nothing helped. But just as a last resort, really!
Also try to think in something else, especially in something urgent, if possible. Just do your best to skip that thought, and pray to Hashem until he saves you. Don't stop praying!
However, the best thing is thinking about Torah and focusing on it. Run to a Gemara or another Sefer and swallow it! I know it's difficult, but if you do it, Hashem will save you for sure. And the Torah also has the ability of cleaning up all the impurities. One word of it burns all the טומאה you have! Rabbi Pinkus used to say that "Torah is a atomic bomb blast of קדושה!". Think about it. That means that it devastates the bad things and purify you more and more, like a chain reaction!
I wish you only the best! May Hashem help you keep growing and overcome this struggle!
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