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TOPIC: introduction 708 Views

introduction 28 Jul 2016 15:28 #292855

  • Kjsdaily
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 1
  • Karma: 0
My struggle has been with internet p..n that just seems to interrupt my success in my daily pursuits.
I have been struggling since that day when I was 14 years old (now 66)when I found a "fold-out" of a female posing is such a way that it seemed my brain just became locked on just that.
I am a B'Nai Noach.
Observing the 7 laws has helped keep me from going crazy....
Now after so many years, I feel like life is closing in on me....
I have no family.
No children.
No wife.
Just plugging along...studying the Torah...learning how to speak to HaSheM...
re-connecting...as much as I can.
Ready to filter out...I have three devices that need that..........
All the best,

Re: introduction 28 Jul 2016 16:04 #292857

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 5251
  • Karma: 166

Welcome!  Read the handbook.  Keep posting.

Re: introduction 28 Jul 2016 16:52 #292859

  • ben durdayah
  • Gold Boarder
  • No, that is not a mouse...
  • Posts: 1253
  • Karma: 5

Welcome KJ!

You're the second Noahide to join us within the past week!

Make yourself at home, use the tools on the site.

May Hashem be with you.

For Dov and the other two guys who care,
My real name really is
Like the original Bendy, Ein hadavar talui ela bee


Re: introduction 29 Jul 2016 02:12 #292919

  • willandtonya
  • Current streak: 1002 days
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I'm with you KJ. I to am what would be deemed a Noahide. This site, or let me correct that, group, has been a blessing from Hashem. There are a lot of great resources to use, and a lot of great people to encourage you. No matter what, keep posting and letting us know how things are so we can encourage you. 

I have been reading "Windows to the Soul". It is a great 30 day sefer!!! They have a digital copy you can read on here under the ebooks link. It's a great way to start you day.

I'm so glad you have joined us in this fight. Just know we are fighting with you!!!!

May Hashem supply all of your needs for victory!!!

Re: introduction 29 Jul 2016 20:38 #292970

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
  • Posts: 1263
  • Karma: 35
Welcome to gye,

Keep us updated on how it's going and don't hesitate to ask for encouragement or advice.

Re: introduction 04 Aug 2016 19:43 #293361

  • CanaDan
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0
Hello KJ. 

I am also a single Noahide with no kids, also with the insanity of lust in my brain. 

Thank G-d, I am clean now for over four months from acting out my urges.  Day to day, moment to moment, I ask HaShem to protect me from the insanity that is lodged in my brain, and He does!  And, I make careful choices, and work on myself with reference to the 12 steps and to the teachings of Rabbi Zelig Pliskin and Rabbi Shalom Arush (via Lazer Brody).  And, I am part of both SA and AA. 

I wish you you all the best. 
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