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TOPIC: My Captain Kirk Moment 1445 Views

My Captain Kirk Moment 28 Jun 2016 13:30 #290893

  • gibbor120
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We hide for years and years until someone catches us, or we are brave enough to seek out help ourselves.  We are terrified of the moment that someone we know finds out our secret.  Very often, this moment is a turning point of sorts, so I thought I would start a thread where people could share that moment, how it felt, how things changed etc.  This will be a good place to send people for chizzuk who are afraid to share with a friend, relative, Rav, Rebbi...

The title "My Captain Kirk Moment" is based on a famous "dov quote".  You can read it here if you haven't already:https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/124072-Dov-Quotes#124073 .
Last Edit: 28 Jun 2016 14:49 by gibbor120.

Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 28 Jun 2016 13:31 #290894

  • gibbor120
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I'll start off with the post that inspired me to start this thread from shmirashachaim:
shmirashachaim wrote on 28 Jun 2016 01:32:
Spoke to my Rebbe today. I felt as if a boulder has been lifted off my shoulders. Someone who cares and knows me is aware of my situation and will always be there for me.
Telling therapists helps but it's behind closed doors to a person that I don't know or see ever. I basically still had this secret to myself. In the past- time to time, I had the urge to forgot about this, stuff it in the past, and move on. Now a real person who knows me knows about it. I'm in this for the long haul.
The reality of it hit me in a way it never did before as I was speaking to him. I cried. I don't think ever cried like that before. It made it so much more real.
My inside world now relates to my outside world. Until now it was good old me doing the right thing outside and a creep doing the wrong thing in the inside. The inside and outside is now more one person trying to do the right thing. This I guess is because I talked to one of the people of my "outside world" about my deep dark secrets of my "inside world".
I also hope it helps against self-deception and "others" deception as guys say. Makes me more of a real guy I guess for "fessing up".
Markz, my response to you was dumb. I told my Rebbe everything as it is. It was hard but its good that I did.Thanks for that. Still can't believe I told him those things, but I got it out.

Last Edit: 28 Jun 2016 14:48 by gibbor120.

Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 29 Jun 2016 00:19 #290960

  • markz
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Here's another recent one

inastruggle wrote on 05 May 2016 06:16:
So it took over 3 years on gye and close to 1,000 posts but I finally told my rebbi about my struggles.

I need to thank shlomo24 for giving me the final push I needed.

So I called him up and gave him a brief history of my acting out and told him about gye. He didn't make a big deal about it. He did say that I should go into shidduchim anyway but it needs to be taken care of. He's familiar with gye but he said I'll have to do something more. 

It was kind of a short conversation and we're dealing with something else now so I'm not sure what he has in mind yet.

It's a bit anticlimactic for something that took this long to do and that's probably the best way for it to be. 

Thanks to everyone for helping me get to this milestone.

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Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 29 Jun 2016 02:15 #290969

I'm honored Gibbor to be in your first post. It is one of the hardest things to do. But usually good things come from hard things. Shkoach for the push! 

Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 01 Jul 2016 03:42 #291142

  • inastruggle
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I guess I had a few ck moments. My first post, my first call, my first real life meeting, and finally telling my rebbi. They were all scary and they were all helpful. 

For me it really was a progression. I wouldn't of been able to do each one without the step before.

Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 01 Jul 2016 03:46 #291144

  • markz
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I had already decided to put this thread in the "post of the year" thread (Elul time) and the last post is another gem
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Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 03 Jul 2016 13:07 #291261

  • markz
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Birshusi wrote on 03 Jul 2016 05:09:
I reached a new milestone tonight, speaking to innastruggle over the phone. It was a really good conversation, and I have a new appreciation for the power of GYE to bring Yidden together to help each other in this struggle. 

It's definitely different now that I've used my real voice, my real-time thoughts and feelings, to connect with a member of the community. I now feel more personally connected, to inna obviously, but to the forums and the process of recovery in general.

Bezras Hashem this will lead to aliyah and hatzlacha going forward.
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Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 03 Jul 2016 20:52 #291282

  • unanumun
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unanumun wrote on 25 Jan 2015 01:59:
So the two captain Kirk's have officially collided. I told my wife over the last week (posts to come about that on my regular thread) and boom!!!! everything that has been said about breaking down the barriers between the two worlds being important for recovery has become clear to me.
For the first time, I had the REAL feeling that the ME that everyone knows has had a problem with porn and masturbation. It was a very humbling experience. As the dust settles and the emotions come to grips with it, it is becoming a real freeing and growing experience as well.
This thread was the first one that I started, and now I guess I can say that to a large extent, the thread has ended.
Yes, most people that I interact with don't know my secrets, but there are plenty other secrets they don't know about me. The only one who knew everything about me except for these issues was my wife. And now she knows absolutely everything about me, so with the help of the Ribbono Shel Oilam and all the wonderful fellow members of GYE, I can say with tears in my eyes,
I no longer suffer from Double Life Syndrome.
The end


Last Edit: 03 Jul 2016 20:54 by unanumun. Reason: can't figure out this quoting business

Re: My Captain Kirk Moment 04 Aug 2016 03:17 #293302

  • markz
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In honor of Moish and at Innas persistence here's a repost, and I'm planning to have it too in the "Post of the year thread" closer to the end of the year

Bigmoish wrote on 29 Jul 2016 18:06:

Besides for being my 1,000th post, today is the 2 year anniversary of my first post.
Although I still have yet to reach 90 days clean, for the last several months I have actually been able to live life on a pretty consistent basis, without the constant shadow of lust and escape hovering over me as I have felt for the several years prior.  I feel this is a result of getting close to real people here who struggle just like me. In addition, I went to my first SA meeting this week, and I hope to progress further into recovery with my new friends.
I would like to thank everyone on this forum who has helped me get to where I am today, and I apologize if I am forgetting anyone.
I owe my life to you.

Gevura ShebYesod
Pidaini (anyone hear from him?)
an honest mouse

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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