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Please guide me on track
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TOPIC: Please guide me on track 1632 Views

Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 17:04 #279963

I am married with kids bh here and there i slip on youtube to erotic matrials unfortunally...but i think of it allot and i want to get out of that to a CLEAR mind. Please help

Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 17:13 #279964

  • markz
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I used to slip down the 


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Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 17:54 #279968

Hey! welcome!
It's great you are nipping this in the bud right now.... I actually  started with you tube and that took me FAR FAR down the gutter. My mind kept craving for more and never stopped. We should all do what GYE suggests and "hit rock bottom" before doing so. Meaning we should look where others worse off than us are and how much they suffer and internalize that pain instead of going there ourselves.
Good luck GYE member! park yoursef here and become a member of an incredible community! 

Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 18:07 #279969

  • workingguy
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Welcome aboard. If you feel up to it , it's definitely a good idea to post about your challenges specifically, what you've done in the pat if anything to try to not have these issues, and share a little about yourself in general. That way, people who've had similar experiences can chime in.

Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 19:17 #279973

  • cordnoy
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You're in the right place.

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Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 20:27 #279978

  • goodchange613
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I also started only with youtube, in fact i wonder what percent of people have started there....its just so easy to go from interesting clips to funny clips to fails yada yada yada

Re: Please guide me on track 02 Mar 2016 21:09 #279988

  • mesayin
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Shuloim Aleichem Reb gyemember! You came to the right place and good for you to try take care of this before it starts to slide down the tube.

I think I also started on youtube, just an innocent abbott and Costello, three stooges, and you know where it went from there, (or actually you don't know yet... or maybe you do... Whatever.)

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Re: Please guide me on track 03 Mar 2016 01:29 #280032

  • doingtshuva
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gyemember@yahoo.com wrote on 02 Mar 2016 17:04:
I am married with kids bh here and there i slip on youtube to erotic matrials unfortunally...but i think of it allot and i want to get out of that to a CLEAR mind. Please help

Welcome - start reading the Hanbook.
As long I avoided utube I was clean, last week for work purpose I needed to go on utube and I fell after 98 days being clean from shmutz. I can't allow myself the pleasure of sitting on utube.
We may not trust ourselves, and because we know our shortcomings then we should be even more careful then the regular person.
 *  NO, It's not all or nothing, just every bit counts!
 *  I failed yesterday, and I might fail tomorrow. But just for today I'm going to give it a try.
 *  Being curios made me lust and get into trouble.

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Re: Please guide me on track 03 Mar 2016 15:40 #280108

Welcome, You came to the right place. I wish I would have caught myself at your stage. But even at my stage, the RBS"O welcomed me back and helps me all the time so you will for sure be matzliach!

Re: Please guide me on track 03 Mar 2016 18:05 #280122

going on what doing teshuva said, its unbelievable the way our minds work. Countless and seriously counless of times I let myself do something "kosher" when I know I am doing so in order to slip into something usser. But i tell myself its ok. Im allowed to do this because its "kosher". So i am simultaneously telling myself im allowed to do this because its not usser and thinking to myself i am only doing this because i don't have the guts to go strait  into whatever I am lusting for. 
It's insane how our yetzer haras work.. and they only get smarter the more we give into it! you tube was def my yetzer haras strongest ammo by far.

Re: Please guide me on track 03 Mar 2016 20:39 #280154

  • mesayin
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shmirashachaim wrote on 03 Mar 2016 18:05:
going on what doing teshuva said, its unbelievable the way our minds work. Countless and seriously counless of times I let myself do something "kosher" when I know I am doing so in order to slip into something usser. But i tell myself its ok. Im allowed to do this because its "kosher". So i am simultaneously telling myself im allowed to do this because its not usser and thinking to myself i am only doing this because i don't have the guts to go strait  into whatever I am lusting for. 
It's insane how our yetzer haras work.. and they only get smarter the more we give into it! you tube was def my yetzer haras strongest ammo by far.

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