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TOPIC: HELP ME 30456 Views

Re: HELP ME 11 Apr 2016 17:56 #284315

  • Avrom
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Fb2016fbt wrote:
No ha gufa, I don't join the calls out of lazyness and if I had a few good days, then I k'eelu make believe that I don't need the phone calls which is really just rationalizing and being lazy

I think your confusing laziness with uncertanty. Its ok not to be sure. While being lazy wont get you anywhere (you have to do whatever it takes! - and if eliyahu hanavi would tell you to find some plant in the himlayas - and be cured - I dont think youd stop)

From what youve written it sounds like youre just not sure yet if you really need the calls

Let me be makdim, that i can just share what happened with me, you can disagree 

In my expierence i think trying doesnt hurt. Ill explain: if you think 'i dont need phone calls' thats ok - because there is two possibilities
 a)if you dont need any additional help or tools - amazing!
b) nothing really changed in you - you will slip and fall back into place. And you will know that you need the phone calls ( or what ever else )

i repeated steps a) and b)  over and over, until i found what i needed. I fell so many times until i was bloody.. and then i gave up with my 'ill try again harder' syndrome. I knew that I needed a different approach.. And real growth began

In short you dont have to 'convince' yourself to need the calls - but if you get stuck in a dead end, then you will want to climb the latter.


Re: HELP ME 11 Apr 2016 20:04 #284319

  • otr-otr
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Fb2016fbt wrote on 11 Apr 2016 17:37:
Wow OTR, u really summed it up well. That's exactly why it's a crazy cycle bec when I'm not acting out, I know I do want to do what's right and then I'll see a week of that mindset, so I feel like wow I'm never gonna fall ever again until that time where I let loose a little bit, bec I can handle it, I mean look at the last week.....and then it's an hr later and I got my friend to give me the password to my internet since he would never be choshesh me for anything like this and I've been watching and acting out and then I resolve to never dl it again and.....
so how do I get myself out of this cycle!?!?!?

FB- if may be that I know this enemy for a little longer through my years, and unfortunately have had the time to learn how to articulate exactly what it does to me. If that cycle hits you in the gut the answer is not conplicated.. do whatever it looks to you like it takes to stop and you'll begin to discover what works for you. I don't know if there is one patent answer for everyone. 
  • I've never been one for signatures.. but sometimes people change
  • I'm seeking the life that I find manageable which may not be the life you find manageable. But let's make a deal. I want you to find yours and you want me to find mine even if they are different.

Re: HELP ME 12 Apr 2016 05:42 #284366

  • shlomo24
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OTR wrote on 11 Apr 2016 14:31:
If you realize that you are going in circles as you described earlier, that cycle of act out- get my stuff together- rationalize that you're passed it- and then act out again- you have two choices,

Either you decide to commit to working a system to get off, or you stay on the merry go round. You put it really well in that post earlier summing up the cyclical nature very succinctly. The truth is though, that even when we 'convince ourselves' that we are past it, even at that stage- usually just below the surface we are brimming with self hate and loathing knowing that we are lying to ourselves.

At least that is how it works for me. Yes, I try to imagine myself as that 'clean cut guy' in beis medrash. His shirt is always pressed, tztitzis neatly together hanging at his sides at 180 degree angles. You know that guy? When he checks his email- that's all he does. Check his email. He'll maybe message his father about doing great in seder, or learning or whatever, and tell his wife his chavrusa is coming over after seder. Then he merrily goes back to his avodas HAshem. He sees those signs about internet asifas and dutifully goes as a good yid, to hear about how important it is to stay away from these dangers. At that time, he feels guilty for checking Yeshivaworld and voz iz news more than twice a day. With a sigh he resolves that THIS Elul he is REALLY gonna make that change and ONLY look at the kosher news once a day during bein hasedarim. He's got the device fitlered and shmilterd to the hilt- because that is what the rabbonim say to do. But really, he does not feel that drawn after porn. He may be tempted, in much the same way as when you smell good food from a treif restaurant. It smells good! But he knows- It's not for me. I'm a ben Torah. 

Yeah... lolololol.  That act can last anywhere from an hour to a day, to a week or two... I'll pass by the mirror a few times and actually believe I am looking at that tahara yid.... and somehow  then I usually find myself quietly locking my bedroom door, tearing my tzitzit off in the privacy of my home and voraciously devouring hours on porn and chatting.... At that time- Don't even talk to me about that clean cut guy. I'm not in the mood. I'm BUSY! 

Then once I'm done, I pay the piper again- I feel my guilt, I shed my little tears  and I'm ready to put my tzitzit back on at their respetvie 180 degree angles...  

That really sounds like me in my active addiction. I was that perfect yeshiva bochur, or so I fooled myself to think. In reality I am not that person.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 16:00 #286308

  • Fb2016fbt
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Ive been thinking a lot about what pushes me to act out and I've come to the realization that triggers are really what usually get me. This could be pashut but it's also not an answer bec I haven't changed from just not acting out, meaning, probably nothing in my brain changed from just staying clean. The next time that I stumble upon a trigger, what's gonna stop me?  I'm curious what the oilam thinks, is just staying clean make me better, or do is the ikkur changing my views?
its hard to change views bec logically I know it's obviously not good and I feel horrible afterwards, but we all know how hard that is to implement when you're going through the nisayon. 

Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 16:07 #286312

  • shlomo24
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Finding out triggers are helpful if you do your best to avoid them and to have a plan of action once they happen. For me, I try to share when I feel triggered, if that isn't available I use my direct line of communication to God and share it with him. Sometimes I share it with him even if the lines aren't busy, but I want to talk with him. I did this today actually. I was feeling triggered by some lust due to a dream I had and I got on my knees and talked to him. Told him how I'm feeling, that I can't fight it, that he can take it away. I asked him to take it away. And you know what? (What?) He did, he took it away.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 18:00 #286347

  • Yesod
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If you don't mind me asking what's with the knees

Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 23:24 #286375

  • shlomo24
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Well they are a joint above your ankles. Quite necessary for lumbar movements. In my opinion they are the only bodypart that is singularly unattractive for all people. What about them?
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 23:32 #286379

  • Markz
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Shlomo24 wrote:
Well they are a joint above your ankles. Quite necessary for lumbar movements. In my opinion they are the only bodypart that is singularly unattractive for all people. What about them?

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Re: HELP ME 02 May 2016 23:34 #286380

  • Aryeh821
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markz wrote:

Shlomo24 wrote:
Well they are a joint above your ankles. Quite necessary for lumbar movements. In my opinion they are the only bodypart that is singularly unattractive for all people. What about them?


I second that notion
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Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:21 #286394

  • shlomo24
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Knees are always knobbly and ugly. They look like a turkey's throat.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:23 #286395

  • Markz
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I wanna reply, but Shlomo may want to get my throat
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Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:28 #286398

  • shlomo24
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Go for it Mark. (SInce when do I have this violent impression? I'm such a nice guy!)
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:32 #286400

  • Markz
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Shlomo24 wrote:
Go for it Mark. (SInce when do I have this violent impression? I'm such a nice guy!)

Shlomo before your big happy go lucky smiley avatar, you had a toucan. Right?

Guess what!!
Steve says there's hope for you

 Steve wrote on 14 Jul 2010 16:44:

A nice anecdote: The younger sister of a friend of mine once asked my advice about a bochur she had gone out on shiddichim with a few times. She really liked him, and didn't want to lose such a good guy, but he had a nose like tucan, just a little rounder. She said "every time I look at him, all i see is his big nose! It really disturbs me, and i can't get over it." I told her the advice of my Rosh Yeshiva, and she said she'd think about it. A few weeks later, she called to tell me "I went out with him a few more times, and guess what? Each time, his nose got smaller!!!" They eventually married, and are EXTREMELY happy together, have quite a number of kids kneina hora, 2 dogs, and a lively life. (PS - when i met him, I saw it was true - but the more you got to know his shining personality, it became a non issue).

So I think that if one is going out with a young lady that has everything going for her but your physical preference, one should go out a few more times to see if the attraction can grow the more you get to really know them. 
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Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:35 #286401

  • shlomo24
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Ok, what's so controversial about that? Knees are still ugly.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: HELP ME 03 May 2016 00:38 #286402

  • Markz
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Shlomo24 wrote on 03 May 2016 00:35:
Ok, what's so controversial about that? Knees are still ugly.

Noses are ugly too (besides for hair free, long, sharp, freshly polished ones)
Toucan noses are uglier than knees, משני צדדים
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