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TOPIC: Stumbling 833 Views

Stumbling 24 Feb 2016 16:24 #279065

It was a couple years ago, I was using a computer a I had a sudden thought of looking up shmutz. i started to do it more often this went on for months, a year or so in fact. It was then my parents found out so I started going to a therapist, Dr. Reznick, he helped me over that summer and by the time school began I thought I was in control. I was.
           One day I stumbled and did it on Shabbos! (I forgot to mention I was caught on Shabbos the first time.) I am now again seeing Dr. Reznick. And I want to point out that if you stumble twice get up twice. As the Talmud teaches a Rusha falls 7 time and gets up 6 times, but a Tzadik falls 7 times and gets up 7 times.

Re: Stumbling 24 Feb 2016 20:27 #279094

  • goodchange613
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Welcome! hang around, read a bit. we're here for you.


Re: Stumbling 24 Feb 2016 22:40 #279118

  • shlomo24
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If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: Stumbling 25 Feb 2016 17:38 #279249

Welcome! Great to see you started your own forum! Must of been hard being caught by your parents but perhaps its a plus that you dont live in isolation from the ones around you as much. I would be petrified if anyone found out but am sure people have seen what I was up to but i still lived in isolation because ironically i did this stuff because of isolation and loneliness but this stuff only brings more isolation and loneliness. none understands me nor the hurricane that is inside me. What do you think? How did you feel when you where caught and what do you think about it now?

Re: Stumbling 25 Feb 2016 17:45 #279252

Reb SS,
You were caught by your parents who love you and only want your best. Keep the humiliation fresh in your mind so you don't find yourself caught by an employer or the police. You are smart for taking this seriously now because it only gets worse.

Re: Stumbling 26 Feb 2016 21:10 #279438

I totally understand your predicament, it's very similar to not living in isolation. You are constantly feeling alone, because nobody know.
When I was caught I felt scared at first then shameful, because my parents didn't yell at me, but were disappointed. To be honest I cried from shame, but then they helped me and they still are.

Re: Stumbling 26 Feb 2016 21:12 #279439

Thank you for your chizuk it's very helpful.

Re: Stumbling 28 Feb 2016 11:15 #279522

  • Sasha 2
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Just keep posting, were here for this together!
Feel free to email me anytime sanonym380380@gmail.com

Re: Stumbling 02 Mar 2016 04:35 #279892

It's amazing how your parents are trying to help you. most would yell and shun their child.  Perhaps you can feel you have a support net that probably makes this easier. I don't feel any personal support net. If my father found out I had this problem he would not act that way even though he himself does this stuff and worse. I don't really have an amazing relationship with my father and I have no mother.  Welcome to my life. 

Re: Stumbling 03 Mar 2016 02:26 #280046

But still, shmirashachaim, every situation is help by Hashem, so maybe Hashem thought that even though it would be tough it would be the best in whatever way.
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