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Is pornography and masturbation selfish?
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TOPIC: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 24743 Views

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Jan 2016 15:10 #274435

  • pomodoro
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Pornography and masturbation are not selfish in themselves.
They are the release of all our worldly passions.
The very passions are the ones that are selfish and the ones that lead us to misery.
Passions are from the very moment they are felt, despicable and worthless.
In order not to generate confusion or misunderstandings, I make it clear that I am not a Jew, but a help-seeking person due to my struggle with pornography and bad sexual-behaviours.
I truly appreciate and respect the Jews people and its religious beliefs and practices.
I very much appraise and admire its work on this web-page. 

:)Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Jan 2016 15:28 #274442

  • bigmoish
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pomodoro wrote:
Pornography and masturbation are not selfish in themselves.
They are the release of all our worldly passions.
The very passions are the ones that are selfish and the ones that lead us to misery.
Passions are from the very moment they are felt, despicable and worthless.

I don't understand this post, but thank you for sharing your opinion. Hopefully others can gain from your insight.
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Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 22 Jan 2016 19:05 #275240

  • pomodoro
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Pornography and masturbation are not selfish in themselves.
They are the release of all our worldly passions.
The very passions and lustful desires are the ones that are selfish and the ones that lead us to misery.
Passions and lustful desires are from the very moment they are felt in our minds, despicable and worthless.

Passions and lustful desires are the very enemies of our souls.
We were born with clean and happy souls. In time, they turn polluted and miserable by means of our unrestrained lustful desires and sex passions.
How could we fight such a powerful enemy in which the pleasure anticipates to the joy in every moment of voluptuousness??
That is to say, the expectation and excitement of every lustful desire, the drunkenness of every passion??
We might want to think about self-honesty and integrity in our minds rather than what is right or not if the latter no longer makes a sense for us.
Are robbery and beating someone selfish??
No, I would say no, they are undoubtedly bad, rather what is selfish is unrestrained greediness and rage in our minds.
In order not to generate confusion or misunderstandings, I make it clear that I am not a Jew, but a help-seeking person due to my struggle with pornography and bad sexual-behaviours.
I truly appreciate and respect the Jews people and its religious beliefs and practices.
I very much appraise and admire its work on this web-page. 

:)Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
Last Edit: 22 Jan 2016 19:11 by pomodoro. Reason: spelling

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 22 Jan 2016 19:43 #275245

  • pomodoro
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In order not to generate confusion or misunderstandings, I make it clear that I am not a Jew, but a help-seeking person due to my struggle with pornography and bad sexual-behaviours.
I truly appreciate and respect the Jews people and its religious beliefs and practices.
I very much appraise and admire its work on this web-page. 

:)Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
Last Edit: 22 Jan 2016 20:11 by pomodoro.

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 22 Jan 2016 20:04 #275251

  • pomodoro
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Lizhensk wrote:

What I took out of this, was that anything taken to the extreme, is harmful and selfish. And will wreak havoc on my life (and always has, I was just too blind to see it)

Lizhensk, I have mixed feeling about what you said:
There is no need to take something to the extreme to be it selfilsh.
Related to sex, the very fact of temptation, can be harmful.
If we don't take the rejection seriusly, we quickly fall into absorbing and accepting the temptation.
Temptation is not in itself "in extreme", rather it exists or not.
If we are not reassured in inmetiately get rid of it, the very temptation dominates us and in the long run, leads us to misery.
In order not to generate confusion or misunderstandings, I make it clear that I am not a Jew, but a help-seeking person due to my struggle with pornography and bad sexual-behaviours.
I truly appreciate and respect the Jews people and its religious beliefs and practices.
I very much appraise and admire its work on this web-page. 

:)Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
Last Edit: 22 Jan 2016 20:06 by pomodoro. Reason: spelling

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 14 Mar 2017 13:17 #308135

  • cordnoy
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cordnoy wrote on 24 Dec 2015 01:57:
Rav Dessler in short:
chesed and brachah is the same."Taking" and curse are identical.
Lovin' oneself and takin' somethin' from the outside towards himself is the root of all troubles....jealousy, wars, stealin'.
Wherever you find people takin', you will find destruction and curse.
The opposite id the power of givin' - the power of chesed.
One who extends himself towards others or to his surroundin's (Reb Shimon Shkop on v'ahavta l'reiacha camocha - is extendin' the 'ani' to include others), or to do good with others....this is blessin'.
Canaan is 'arur,' for they are the biggest takers.
All desires are a toladah of the power of takin'.

was lookin' for somethin' else, and I found this: also good.
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Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 14 Mar 2017 14:07 #308141

  • shlomo24
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I remember this thread.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 14 Mar 2017 15:02 #308149

  • hudaugen
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No doubt absolutely selfish. You only think of yourself and how to please yourself and the same goes with Pornography - by watching it you also harm others who have to act in it. The ones who say it is not selfish have not tried stopping and see what it feels like not doing it.

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 13:23 #308245

almost everything we do... to a degree.. is selfish by webster's definition.
The word selfish has a negative connotation

We call people selfish when all they do is think of themselves in exclusion of anyone else.
But in truth we eat, drink, sleep, exercise, go to work... all these things have a strong element of being "selfish"...

I do not see the gain in isolating one act and then dissecting it to see if it is selfish....what benefit is there in further shaming an issue we all are here to address... to one degree or another we know it is wrong, but further shaming it and calling it selfish will not help.

Lu yatzura I could not find any reason porn or mz"l was wrong... do you think calling me selfish would help? I dont think theres any harm anyways... who am i hurting... Ela mai I know its wrong so what gain is there in now using it to categorize me, as a person, as a selfish person.... by dint of calling the act selfish and if I am someone who struggles not doing it... you are calling me selfish... and that helps the struggles how pray-tell??

I like focusing on the positives... how we are here to be oivdei hashem... how we acknowledge our shortcomings and are taking major steps to fix them... i rather that define me 

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 13:43 #308250

  • cordnoy
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If we acknowledge that we are selfish, we can work on it.
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Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 13:53 #308254

cordnoy wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:43:
If we acknowledge that we are selfish, we can work on it.

but is that the issue?
We dont do it because we are selfish... we do it and therefore we are selfish...
the issues we struggle with nogaya to porn and mz"l are not rooted in being selfish it is first and foremost a strong tayva Hashem in his infinite wisdom bestowed upon us and ,for some, a serious addiction (to some a very real clinical condition)

is there no fear of harm by attaching labels which may further depress someone who recognizes already his shortcomings in this parsha?? 

Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 13:56 #308255

  • cordnoy
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RaabosMachshovos wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:23:
almost everything we do... to a degree.. is selfish by webster's definition.
The word selfish has a negative connotation

We call people selfish when all they do is think of themselves in exclusion of anyone else.
But in truth we eat, drink, sleep, exercise, go to work... all these things have a strong element of being "selfish"...

I do not see the gain in isolating one act and then dissecting it to see if it is selfish....what benefit is there in further shaming an issue we all are here to address... to one degree or another we know it is wrong, but further shaming it and calling it selfish will not help.

Lu yatzura I could not find any reason porn or mz"l was wrong... do you think calling me selfish would help? I dont think theres any harm anyways... who am i hurting... Ela mai I know its wrong so what gain is there in now using it to categorize me, as a person, as a selfish person.... by dint of calling the act selfish and if I am someone who struggles not doing it... you are calling me selfish... and that helps the struggles how pray-tell??

I like focusing on the positives... how we are here to be oivdei hashem... how we acknowledge our shortcomings and are taking major steps to fix them... i rather that define me 

II don't like analyzin' things to death, but I must say that there are several seemingly inherent contradictions in this post.
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Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 13:59 #308256

  • cordnoy
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RaabosMachshovos wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:53:

cordnoy wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:43:
If we acknowledge that we are selfish, we can work on it.

but is that the issue?
We dont do it because we are selfish... we do it and therefore we are selfish...
the issues we struggle with nogaya to porn and mz"l are not rooted in being selfish it is first and foremost a strong tayva Hashem in his infinite wisdom bestowed upon us and ,for some, a serious addiction (to some a very real clinical condition)

is there no fear of harm by attaching labels which may further depress someone who recognizes already his shortcomings in this parsha?? 

I thought I recognized that in your first post.

I believe you are mistaken.

We do it because we are selfish.
And that is key to fixin' it.

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Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 14:18 #308257

  • cordnoy
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RaabosMachshovos wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:53:

cordnoy wrote on 15 Mar 2017 13:43:
If we acknowledge that we are selfish, we can work on it.

but is that the issue?
We dont do it because we are selfish... we do it and therefore we are selfish...
the issues we struggle with nogaya to porn and mz"l are not rooted in being selfish it is first and foremost a strong tayva Hashem in his infinite wisdom bestowed upon us and ,for some, a serious addiction (to some a very real clinical condition)

is there no fear of harm by attaching labels which may further depress someone who recognizes already his shortcomings in this parsha?? 

And by the way, what do you think tayva is?

And by the way, why is "actin' upon our desire" not a label, but "doin' somethin' because we are selfish" yes a label?

And by the way, why would bein' selfish cause depression, but recognizin' shortcomin's not?

I do apologize for my questions.
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My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: Is pornography and masturbation selfish? 15 Mar 2017 15:41 #308268

  • GrowStrong
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Recovery is about working on yourself and about giving that back to those around you. (after taking for so long) To your non addict family that means just giving everything you have. To the addicts around you that means giving them a piece of your sobriety.
Being selfish and being a taker are both intimately connected.
I don't think an addict can come close to sobriety without acknowledging their core selfishness in all their addicted actions and taking action to becoming a giver..
That doesn't mean you can conclude that they were a bad person.
I think its a different type of selfishness compared to the kid who wont share his candy. And that doesn't make the kid bad either it makes them selfish.
Do people still talk to bigMoish?
I vote that both P and M are incredibly selfish, both in action and in thought.
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