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TOPIC: Medication 1423 Views

Medication 20 Dec 2015 03:37 #271828

Hi every one, I'm struggling with masturbation for over 20 years, since the I was a child 12 years old, I'm broke, B"H I don't watch porn, but Im addicted to masturbate especially when I'm going in bed at night it will be very hard to fall asleep without masturbating , I struggle a lot from anxiety and worrys , low self-esteem, etc. What's your opinion about taking anti anxiety medication? People scare me about the side affects

Re: Medication 20 Dec 2015 04:52 #271832

  • gevura shebyesod
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Welcome! there are many resources available here, look around and see what might work for you. As far as your specific question about the meds, that's probably for a doctor to answer.
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Re: Medication 20 Dec 2015 05:00 #271835

  • markz
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I echo what Gevura was saying, we can share what helped us overcome the challenges of you and eye and mb

But anti depressants are not our expertise, and I hope you can get help for that
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Re: Medication 20 Dec 2015 17:43 #271873

  • waydown
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I share your struggle as I struggle with the same issue. I struggle with falling asleep at night without my lust pill called masturbation. So you are not alone.

Re: Medication 20 Dec 2015 19:36 #271883

  • lomed
  • Gold Boarder
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Hi and welcome.

I relate to you what you wrote about going to sleep with masturbation. I have been going to sleep with it almost every day. As a matter of fact, even when was really tired,i used to force myself to stay up and masturbate. I am not sure about your anxiety issue that you mentioned. However keep it here. you are in a place where many of us here the same or similar struggles. We help ourselves and others.

I currently attend live SA meetings. Feel free to reach out to me.

Re: Medication 21 Dec 2015 23:19 #271993

  • stillgoing
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Hi HC, (hope you mind the nickname )
Welcome. We are all In the same (or similar) boats here. Have you read the GYE handbook yet? It's packed with helpful information that may be helpful in your battle. What have you tried so far?
Keep on posting.
SG (StillGoing)
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Re: Medication 23 Dec 2015 22:24 #272186

  • Metatron
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Hey there. I spent a significant amount of time attempting to overcome my issues with sex addiction using Ssri medication. The good is that in the first instance your libido will be destroyed to the point where you can't masturbate. The bad is that eventually (for me it took about 4 months) you will need to up your dosage in order to get the same result. The added negative part is that since you are not acting out you will not be working on correcting the addiction at its core. As a result you will be forever beholden to your medication which will forever need to be enhanced in order to work. There are certainly worse fates in life.
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