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Making the Most of the Forums
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TOPIC: Making the Most of the Forums 822 Views

Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 10:25 #267434

  • Moshe271
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Hi All,
I'm finding the Forums very difficult to manage.

  1. I don't know when to add or subtract karma
  2. I don't know when to make a new thread and when to simply add to a previous
  3. I don't know if I should hit the reply button on my original post or the reply button on the last post in the thread.
  4. I would also like to manually set my sobriety count, which I don't know if I can do.
  5. I would also like to set the 90 day thing as DONE, even though I didn't do it through GYE.

Are there any answers to these types of technical questions?
Last Edit: 01 Nov 2015 10:28 by Moshe271. Reason: formatting

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 11:40 #267445

  • markz
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Hi Moshe, you're one of the trucks we feel safe following.
Did you notice how many "thank you"s you received on your first post? Go look. More than you can see

Keep it up. I liked your guitar, I hope you use it still

Now to your question;

1- Karma: According to my understanding it's a rating guide.

When you like someone's posts you can give a plus - no obligation (Unfortunately you can't karma yourself)

You can give a minus on the rare occasion that you feel someones comments are negative or super unhelpful or his jokes are too stupid (eg the guy with the e - hey Im just kidding, he is hilarious if you are mexican)

2- It depends on the topic. Mostly we post our successes and challenges on our personal string, like you have your own. Other topics can mostly be found previously begun, but feel free to start a new post if needed, eg Chizuk string etc...

3- No difference

4,5 - Ask the admin, they may give exception to heavyweight 18 wheelers like yours

All the best
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Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 13:22 #267450

  • Moshe271
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Thanks so much for your reply, and for your encouragement. I don't know how to look at "thank you"s but I'll try. I don't feel like a "heavyweight" (save for my belly), but I definitely feel the time has some to give back some of what I've received from Hashem and others. We're all in the same boat. BTW, I do still use my guitar (acoustic, though). I guess because it was electric, I didn't resonate with it so much. the green orb thingy appealed to me because it is nurturing and implies being safe within. (I'm way overdoing the meaning of this of course - when I got married I created this very complex drawing to appear on our invitations. I showed it to my kalla, and she said, "Who's ever going understand this?! We need something simple, like THIS - and she showed me a drawing of a musical note with our initials inside. I was devastated, but kept my disappointment inside. This year's anniversary, for the first time, I actually brought up the episode and laughed about it.)

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 19:44 #267474

  • peloni almoni
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markz wrote:

You can give a minus on the rare occasion that you feel someones comments are negative or super unhelpful or his jokes are too stupid (eg the guy with the e -)


what do you call a marxist who is addicted to the internet?
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
Have a corny day ... and if you do have other plans, change 'em!!

None of us has it all together, but together, we have it all.

we always put our sobriety before our ego -
מוטב שאקרא שוטה כל ימי ואל אהיה רשע שעה אחת לפני המקום

לפעולות אדם בדבר שפתיך אני שמרתי אורחות פריץ. תמוך אשורי במעגלותיך בל נמוטו פעמי. תהלים יז

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 19:53 #267478

  • markz
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Hey Moshe,
Please dont take that P.Authority post personally, it was just a friendly chat between Abbas and Karl, that are like brothers
http://jewishbubba.blogspot.com/ wrote:
Abbas has never been democratic. He got in power and has never left his position. He's a KGB graduate, not a democratically educated person. A Frank Gaffney quote is " Sharia is “Communism with a God.” This seemingly paradoxical problem is real and has been exported by the Soviet Union as part of the communist world revolution. "The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist–Leninist organization, was founded in 1967... ...
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Last Edit: 01 Nov 2015 19:58 by markz.

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 20:02 #267481

  • Moshe271
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Honestly, I can't follow the line of the postings, and missed the whole PA thing. All I saw was "Marxiest". So, I wasn't offended.

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 20:09 #267484

  • Moshe271
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Ask the admin, they may give exception to heavyweight 18 wheelers like yours

In the interest of honesty, I must say that I was flattered by your comment. I tried deflecting it, but the modesty was untrue. How did I know that? Because the entire day I've been thinking about your compliment! So I have to own up to it or suffer the consequences. Yes, I feel like a heavyweight, and on some level I feel like I've done something good and that I'm the one responsible for the amazing siyata dishmaya I've had. This is my ego, and it helps me ignore pain and failure. The truth of my sobriety is Hashem through and through. I just hope that this lesson sinks in a little deeper with each passing day.

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 01 Nov 2015 20:24 #267487

  • markz
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Moshe271 wrote:
Ask the admin, they may give exception to heavyweight 18 wheelers like yours

In the interest of honesty, I must say that I was flattered by your comment. I tried deflecting it, but the modesty was untrue. How did I know that? Because the entire day I've been thinking about your compliment! So I have to own up to it or suffer the consequences. Yes, I feel like a heavyweight, and on some level I feel like I've done something good and that I'm the one responsible for the amazing siyata dishmaya I've had. This is my ego, and it helps me ignore pain and failure. The truth of my sobriety is Hashem through and through. I just hope that this lesson sinks in a little deeper with each passing day.

I'm no psychologist, but in my assessment, a big part of our addiction has to do with our deflated ego = low self esteem.

So if you feel like deflating your many large tires, you not gonna get anywhere
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

There are exceptions when deflation may be a good idea
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
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Last Edit: 01 Nov 2015 20:33 by markz.

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 29 Nov 2015 16:25 #269868

  • stillgoing
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Ask the admin, they may give exception to heavyweight 18 wheelers like yours

In the interest of honesty, I must say that I was flattered by your comment. I tried deflecting it, but the modesty was untrue. How did I know that? Because the entire day I've been thinking about your compliment! So I have to own up to it or suffer the consequences. Yes, I feel like a heavyweight, and on some level I feel like I've done something good and that I'm the one responsible for the amazing siyata dishmaya I've had. This is my ego, and it helps me ignore pain and failure. The truth of my sobriety is Hashem through and through. I just hope that this lesson sinks in a little deeper with each passing day.

I love that honesty. KOMT

(by the way, that stands for
Monster (or monsta)
Trucking (or truckn')
Which basically means, keep up the good work.

Thank you's are displayed at the end of a post. Click on the thank you button on this post and you'll see where it shows up.

To mark the 90 days as done, when you sign up for the 90 day chart, it asks you when the last fall was. Just write the date, and if it was more then 90 days ago, then you're good to go.
Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)

Last Edit: 29 Nov 2015 16:27 by stillgoing.

Re: Making the Most of the Forums 30 Nov 2015 09:20 #269900

  • Moshe271
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I'm no psychologist, but in my assessment, a big part of our addiction has to do with our deflated ego = low self esteem.

This is a very good point. I seem to vascillate between feelings of low self-esteem and ego.
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