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Just starting
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TOPIC: Just starting 675 Views

Just starting 03 May 2015 22:48 #253774

  • Jwhite
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 6
  • Karma: 3
Hey everyone,
So this is my first time on the GYE forums, and also my first time actually experiencing GYE at all. I'm hoping this is the first step in a successful and meaningful journey, but I gotta be straight, I'm a little doubtful...Yeah, I saw the videos and saw how this has helped thousands...but I just get this feeling that I'm different and that I really can't change...See, I started masturbating and watching porn ever since I was 13 years old, and I honestly haven't gone more than around 3 weeks clean since (and that only happened once). I've tried quitting more times than I can count and ,obviously, I have yet to be successful...But I'm really hoping this time will be different, today, for the first time ever, I actually went to go speak to an actual professional about my addiction, and he directed me here. And now I'm here, and now I'm introduced...I'm just hoping this isn't going to be another 3 weeks and then give up type of thing....

Re: Just starting 03 May 2015 23:38 #253776

  • bobov
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 11
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Wow thats amazing that u strong since then but from the other end its a pain and i almost had the same story bh with God's help i got in touch with gye and i think that they r saving my life in the nice and the good way. if u want 2 know what problems write back 2 me here and i will explain

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 00:37 #253779

Welcome! I think we are going to find A LOT of people with the same story. The first time I experienced porn (it's definitely more than just "seeing"- especially at young ages, it messes up normal development) I was around 10 years old. It's so refreshing not to have to feel like I'm the only one like this anymore. We don't have to think that there must be something really different about ourselves. We can beat this together. So, keep connected and keep us posted.

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 01:12 #253785

@Jwhite I'm new here too. Can we do this together?

The idea is that once you are part of a group of people working towards a common goal it's much easier to face down your demons. You can learn from people that have gone through similar struggles and persevered, you can learn a lot from the resources available through the site and you can join the 90 day chart.

I've found it to be a powerful draw for me. So many people, all climbing the ladder together. It makes you want to stay on until you reach the top.

I think you will find that your story is similar to most of the people here.

I found the courage in me to open up and tell my story and it has been helping me a lot. Is that something you are ready to try?

I'm still in the process of telling it but you can see my story here. guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/253632-20-years-of-Lust

Good luck to you and I hope you stick around long enough to give it a real shot.

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 01:41 #253788

  • stillgoing
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1700
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Hi Jwhite.
And Welcome to GYE. So many people who come here say that "they are different."
"They've tried everything", "nothing works for them" If you'll read through some of the threads you'll see that everyone has the same issues. That in itself is part of the reason of GYE's success. Since we are all in this together, and there is NO stigma talking about it (since we all have the same problem) we can help each other out and climb together. Is it a automatic guaranteed success? Of cores not, but the techniques what we learn about together on the forums really help us overpower that lousy yetzer harah once and for all! Note: that may not happen for many years, but what can happen today, is to start to win the battles! No more endless downwards slides. Falls - maybe, but the war is only beginning. One of the favorite lines repeated here (besides for KOMT) is One day at a time!
Hope to see more from you.
Keep in touch
Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)


Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 05:07 #253800

  • Jwhite
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 6
  • Karma: 3
Wow, really surprised by all the fast responses. Really appreciated everyone

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 09:59 #253806


Keep on posting. we express our frustrations and our successes and we learn on the fly.

And with trust in the Almighty, efforts, tears and laughs we begin to accumulate days clean of that terrible depressing monster.

How sweet it is!!!! So glad you joined us.

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 10:57 #253808

  • palti-yossef
  • Expert Boarder
  • אש תמיד תוקד על המזבח לא תכבה
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Hi JW,
happy you joined here. You'll soon be amazed I promise.

I related a lot to your story..
I began this bad habit at 10-11 and then I had only one period of few weeks without acting, but the mindset was not changed yet and maybe I was crazier during this period..!

What I learn here is that lust-masturbating and so on- is not the problem in itself, but the solution we use to fight the problem.
Many tools here you can check and they're all worth it !

Anw you'll find great support and I'm happy things moving on the right way for you !

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 13:07 #253821

  • bobov
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 11
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Wow keep up the good work when u used 2 watch this garbage i felt like nothing i didn't want daven not work i want 2 throw away Yiddishket. But bh i got good help and i got slowly out of my aticion ppl it doesn't pay 2 watch it u loose this world and the other world be strong ppl

Re: Just starting 04 May 2015 21:02 #253853

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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WELCOME! One thing we all learn here is that we are not different. We are mostly the same. I acted out for over 20 years starting at about 13. B"H, I'm close to 6 years sober. Many people here can't make it 3 days, let alone 3 weeks. Stick around. Keep posting, and keep us posted.

Re: Just starting 05 May 2015 15:53 #253936

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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I also started at age 13, and it went on for over 30 years. I tried to quit dozens of times, and did, but always fell back into it. Because I didn't understand it was an addiction for me. I couldn't toy with it. Not even a little.

What changed for me when I came here is I realized the clear and present danger of even a little taste of lust -- a quick look, a fantasy, a memory. Any of these would quickly (or slowly) snowball into a full-blown, full-dose lust party.

Wishing you much success,

Re: Just starting 05 May 2015 20:32 #253975

  • bobov
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 11
  • Karma: 0
Hi gibbor 120
U sound terrific with your words its really amazing how bh i got over with this hasam opened my mind real quick even i had some stories at work and and almost killed my shulem bais but i got help bh and now bh its a lot better bh

Re: Just starting 12 May 2015 23:14 #254524

  • stillgoing
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1700
  • Karma: 157
Hi Jwhite.
How's it going?
Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)

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