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overcame issues
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TOPIC: overcame issues 614 Views

overcame issues 15 Apr 2015 02:40 #252299

I have to say to fellow GYE members that this site is amazing, it is giving me so much strength to move on in life, and do the right thing.

about 2 months ago i was doing every thing i should not be doing from a to z and by protecting my internet in a strong way i am done with it.

My marriage is better i am a more honest person i don't know what to say.

I stopped every thing.

I am amazed with my self i hope i keep it up and i hope all of you that have struggles should overcome it with G-ds help.
Last Edit: 16 Apr 2015 20:42 by goingtodoit.

Re: overcame issues 15 Apr 2015 02:52 #252301

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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How were you able to stop?
fill us in please on the secret potion.
it's wonderful news, and we look forward to hearin' more.

My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: overcame issues 15 Apr 2015 02:55 #252302

  • skeptical
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Welcome to GYE!

We're looking forward to getting to know you better!

Re: overcame issues 15 Apr 2015 05:44 #252307

  • arm408
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
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Hi goingtodoit
your name really shows the approach to recovery .
I'm really inspired an impressed with your honesty,it's not easy at all to write out your life story for the public never mind these type of things and really KOL HAKAVOD!
I can really feel your pain because as they say it takes one to know one..... and was in that hellhole as-well i came to a point of if i don't find a way out of this i'm going to die[and yes help it happen]i felt so lonely knowing what I really am ,I couldn't even look in the mirror.....looking at my wife was so shameful and painful....
but all this came to an end when that night came a long ,the night that i just couldn't take that life anymore and i told myself i'm stopping and now!!!! I just had one problem that i told myself that I'm stopping the same amount of times i masturbated but i knew that there has to be a way to get out of it..and I'm happy i found what has being working for me for the past 226 days that I'm clean. I'm very happy for you but for me all the times I tried stopping and I wasn't successful I really need a plan and something that worked for others because alone I just won't make it.Thank you god for waking me up and showing me the 12 step program that has kept me clean and mostly sober 226 days,please keep me clean another day and all the rest of your sons and daughters as well.

Re: overcame issues 15 Apr 2015 13:58 #252332

My fellow GYE members this is how I stopped doing all of what i done which is very bad.

I got a wake up call from my father he spoke to me how this is very awful and its dangerous to act on these evil behaviors you can killed for your money, and its not good for your soul, and it can affect your family.

Well so my father said that he wan'ts to be my guardian and take away my ownership and separate me from my wife and kid so this scared me very much and i knew this would end up like this one of theses days that i would have to tell someone this information which is my father, and it would be taken care of right.

I don't know why i stopped masturbating, but i stopped every thing even before i spoken to my father, I was even planning to stop this behavior but I say this allot the truth is now its hard for me to continue to act on this evil immoral act.

I must of just shut my self up and said I can do this.

I haven't even had temptations to do this in over a month but i have times where it has been like this but i hope this doesn't head back to my old wrong self.

by having my computer on k9 protection and its done to the strongest degree, i can't get on to any wrong sites.

But i did check something on my computer yesterday which was not porn but it was a listing for massage and i look there and it was the wrong type of massage so i just went right off.

I need to just hold my self back from that, and i will so that part is a test.

But I am more calm now that I stopped all of this foolishness.

G-d bless all of you that can't keep this up.

I hope you all learn a good lesson it's all in your head.

Those that are not married should get married and do the right thing when you are married.
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