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Meaningful Connection
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TOPIC: Meaningful Connection 513 Views

Meaningful Connection 01 Mar 2015 13:22 #249630

From the first of the 12 steps as well as personal experience we all know that without Hashem's intervention we are helpless.
Connecting to him and giving him the keys to help us is the most fundamental rule in recovery.
I don't know if this has been done but I would like to begin a thread - sharing ways how we all have made strides in connecting to him since the time we decided to make the bold attempt at recovery.
Here is some of mine - pretty standard I guess but I believe that I can gain from your suggestions and perhaps you can gain from mine
Prayer- Tefillah Thank you Hashem - I love you Hashem-I know it is all from you - continue to help me -0 I know I am not deserving but help me anyway- a mantnas chinom
that even though I am not worthy I must have your help to succeed. Please do not test me I have proven too many times that I am too weak without your help.
I try my best to daven with minyan to get zecheus Hatzibur on my side
Reaching out to others on this site - makes me feel good that perhaps I am really helping someone. I become a better more giving person- this acquired humbleness always helps to in turn connect with the Almighty
there is also a more selfish reason - By helping another stop P and M I am - I am also helping myself - do teshuva and turn back some of my own failings that I did in P and M.

What are your thoughts in davening or in any mitzva that helps in meaningful connection?

Re: Meaningful Connection 01 Mar 2015 17:57 #249649

  • shomer bro
  • Gold Boarder
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Through genuine recovery, i havw begun to have kavanah in my davening. By this i mean making the words have meaning to me, not just what they translate to. Seeing acts of nature and realizing that it's all for me- bishvili nivra haolam.

Re: Meaningful Connection 01 Mar 2015 20:52 #249655

  • lcheirus
  • Junior Boarder
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For me too, since I started my recovery a few months ago, tephilah has become much more meaningful for me. I really pay attention to the words, especially the chasimos of the brachos, each one affirming that HaShem is the benefactor for every aspect of human needs. At shacharis, I include a personal tephila in shomeia tephilah, "l'hachzireini b's'shuva shleimah liphanecha," to affirm every day that my recovery is only by the will of HaShem.

Also, I try to go to minyan regularly (at least once a day) also, which works very well to combat isolation.
- Jack
(2:19 כָּל-בָּאֶיהָ, לֹא יְשׁוּבוּן; וְלֹא-יַשִּׂיגוּ, אָרְחוֹת חַיִּים (מִשְׁלֵי

Re: Meaningful Connection 01 Mar 2015 23:51 #249675

Wonderful guys!

I see we need not not discover America but rather take the tefilah and experiences we a already have and just pay attention appreciate and have kavanah

Thank you!

Re: Meaningful Connection 02 Mar 2015 18:11 #249747

I once told a Rav I felt like a weak person against the yetzer hara. He told me we are all weak. He was referring to Chazal who say if not for Hashem's help no one could defeat the yetzer. Since then I am more open to speaking to Hashem personally and making Him a partner in what I do when I feel I need courage and strength.

Re: Meaningful Connection 02 Mar 2015 19:19 #249758

Thank you

Isn't it interesting that at some point we all thought we could do it all ourselves. It's not that we are particularly weak individuals compared to others but rather as your rebbe said - no one can do it without Hashgacha Pratis

Thank you

Re: Meaningful Connection 04 Mar 2015 05:55 #249918

Let's remember that Purim is a particularly opportune time for Tefilah

"Kol Haposhate Yad"
just like we are supposed to give anyone on Purim who stretches out his hand for Tzedakah without first delving into his situation to ascertain his legitimacy- so too Hashem answers our Tefillos without being so makpid about our past record

May we all take advantage of Purim and have our Tefilos answered l'tovah.
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