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Can my wife be my wen chaver?
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TOPIC: Can my wife be my wen chaver? 424 Views

Can my wife be my wen chaver? 14 Oct 2014 06:15 #241300

  • sf794
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: 1
I need some advice. I am 29 yrs old and B"H i am very happily married with 2 children. My wife and I have a great relationship with great mutual respect. She does not suspect even a tiny bit that I have an issue with shmiras einyim. She thinks I'm this holy tzaddik. If she ever found out, she would be totally devastated.

We have 2 laptops with k9. My computer had VCF(which probably worked best for me) but since my computer is a small netbook the filter kept on giving me trouble and I had to switch back to k9. Unfortunately, the K9 on my computer does not seem to be doing the job and very often when I am home alone with my computer (and B'H thats not too often) I fall. My wife's computer is even less filtered with K9, but I still feel the pachad that she might find out what I did on her computer and I don't use her comp for bad stuff.

Is that pachad enough for me to ask her be my webchaver or is it still too risky?

Re: Can my wife be my wen chaver? 14 Oct 2014 07:12 #241302

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1933
  • Karma: 68
Most of us here agree that making your wife your sobriety partner is not fair to her and not a good idea for a number of reasons.

Having said that, in my opinion, making her your web chaver is not making her your sobriety partner.
It does put a burden of checking the reports on her.
It also might present challenges, because sometimes 3rd party banner ads are actually placed there by other websites, and when that happens, a visit to that website is recorded. Even if you don't click through, it can be listed, and if it is a questionable site, it will show up on the list of questionable sites. So it's better to use someone who knows a little more about webchaver and what is and what is not a real problem.

A gut moed!

Re: Can my wife be my wen chaver? 14 Oct 2014 22:59 #241318

  • JoeTheJew
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 88
  • Karma: 8
Personally, I would avoid having her be your Web Chaver. If you slip and give in (Chas V'Shalom) she will see what happened and it could seriously cause friction with your marriage. I tried to avoid it, but when I asked my Rav whether a chaver should be my webchaver, he said he'd do it for me. That was the last thing I wanted honestly, but it's a great impetus to stay clean and if I do slip, it won't ruin my marriage as my wife also is clueless about my issues.

Like Alex said, you need a webchaver who understands how it works and I would say one who would be dissappointed and can give you mussar and encouragement to stay clean but not ruin your marriage.
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