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TOPIC: curious 1132 Views

curious 07 Oct 2014 14:32 #241022

  • shalomyid
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Whats doing everybody? This is my first time posting something and im very excited. Here goes. Does masturbation effect the body mentally or physically? By mentally I mean anxiety, depression...? By physically I mean baldness...? Is there any torah or science on this?

Re: curious 07 Oct 2014 18:10 #241030

  • shomer bro
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Welcome! To my limited knowledge, mb does not affect the body physically because the body naturally produces semen on a daily basis. It definitely does affect the body mentally do to the chemical release in the brain when someone acts out or views erotic material, which a person can become addicted to very easily, and which makes the process of breaking free from this nisayon so much more difficult. Plus there's the guilty feeling of having acted out which can lead c"v to depression, more acting out, anxiety, etc. And of course, it certainly affects the person spiritually in a negative way.

Re: curious 07 Oct 2014 22:53 #241048

  • pidaini
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Shalom Yid!!

It's a great thing that you came here!! Are you struggling with anything? What is it?

Don't be a stranger, keep on posting!!
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: curious 08 Oct 2014 06:04 #241085

  • dms1234
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Check out the GYE Handbook and Skep's tips
I am happy to speak on the phone. Please email me at dms1234ongye@gmail.com

My name is Daniel, I go to face to face meetings and I work the 12 steps with a sponsor. 

Re: curious 08 Oct 2014 07:47 #241098

  • shalomyid
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Thank u very much! U were very helpful.

Re: curious 08 Oct 2014 18:56 #241116

  • shalomyid
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9494 wrote:
Kitsur Shulchan Aruch lists a whole bunch of things that physically happen to your body when you ejaculate, and they ain't pretty. See siman 150 towards the end.
does anybody know if these things are permanent or once I stop masturbation it will go back to the way it was?

Re: curious 11 Oct 2014 22:59 #241145

  • shlomo24
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welcome man, great first step. why are u asking about what masturbating does to you, have you been seeing side effects? expound a little, i think we will all benefit.

If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: curious 12 Oct 2014 09:58 #241160

  • shalomyid
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Recently ive seen myself go bald, and I thought I remembered seeing somewhere that mtz"l can cause that

Re: curious 12 Oct 2014 13:29 #241165

  • shlomo24
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shalomyid wrote:
Recently ive seen myself go bald, and I thought I remembered seeing somewhere that mtz"l can cause that

i call this "gaping wound" syndrome. what i mean is, when you have a something specific that you are dealing with then you tend to put many things at fault because of the issue. for example, i have ssa and it used to express itself much more outwardly (ex. clothing and speech), if i would get rejected by someone in high school then i would automatically think that he was rejecting me b/c he thinks i am gay. that was most probably not the case, because i always had many friends.

with you, obviously you realize that masturbating is a problem, but usually balding is caused by a combo of genes and age. being that you masturbate, and that is an issue, you may blame other things on it. there are many chashuva rebbeim and kollel guys who are bald (not saying that they have a chazaka that they don't masturbate, but i think you catch my drift).

tell me if i am off base.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: curious 12 Oct 2014 13:42 #241168

  • Go Ahead
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Hi everybody, i'm on the the 90 day chart for a month, but now i had a nfilah, so i decided to start writing on the forum.

Re: curious 12 Oct 2014 21:07 #241183

  • shomer bro
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Shlomo24 is right, baldness is mostly due to genes you inherited.

Re: curious 13 Oct 2014 11:02 #241239

  • inastruggle
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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It definitely affects the body physically and mentally.


The Rambam mentions some ill effects as well.

Whatever the case is, once you have a reason to stop, then you can stop focusing on how bad it is and start focusing on how to stop.

Re: curious 13 Oct 2014 15:42 #241244

  • shlomo24
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it may effect the body, i am not going to argue on that as i do not know enough about this subject to discuss it. however if the first thing that you think about when going bald is masturbating, that is just a reinforcement that u feel masturbating is an issue. thats all.
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: curious 29 Dec 2014 14:15 #246039

  • shalomyid
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I'm not sure if this is considered to be a new topic or not...
How's everybody doing? I'm trying to stop watching p*** and mz"l, I had a fall today with mz"l but thank God it wasn't by means of watching p***, does mz"l without p*** have the same bad effect mentally by strengthening the bad neuro pathways or does it have a lesser effect? What I'm really asking is, not to make it "muttar" so to speak, but to know if this could be used as a "stepping stone" to break free?

Re: curious 29 Dec 2014 18:55 #246045

  • shomer bro
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Of course! Every step we take towards recovery helps tremendously. Obviously the end goal is to stop being mzl, but the first step is to stop feeding tthe lust by stopping the porn. It's a vital step to work on shemiras einayim. Hatzlacha!
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