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am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic
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TOPIC: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 655 Views

am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 31 Aug 2014 06:21 #238329

  • boletaher
  • Fresh Boarder
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hi. am new here. am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic. as time marches on she becomes less and less emotionally on board. even when we are together, she is emotionally detached. it is ALL my giving and her taking. so i get emotionally drained and no satisfaction. that makes me alone and vulnerable which is a sure opening for the yetzer horah and an excuse to surf in forbidden places.
please tender some well meaning chizuk

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 31 Aug 2014 07:24 #238337

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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It certainly sounds tough.
Ultimately, we all know, when we are in a good place - that the fantasies, porn, masturbation, etc. doesn't really solve anything.
It just puts us in la-la land for a while and then we come crashin' down worse off then when we started.
What is bein' done for your wife?
What actions have you taken for yourself?

Don't be a stranger; there is a lot of help here.

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Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 31 Aug 2014 09:49 #238349

boletaher wrote:
hi. am new here. am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic. as time marches on she becomes less and less emotionally on board. even when we are together, she is emotionally detached. it is ALL my giving and her taking. so i get emotionally drained and no satisfaction. that makes me alone and vulnerable which is a sure opening for the yetzer horah and an excuse to surf in forbidden places.
please tender some well meaning chizuk

Oy vey....

I can totally relate....

You're in the right place.

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 31 Aug 2014 22:03 #238385

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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What a hand you've been dealt.
I can't even imagine.
You must be a very special person.
Escaping into an imaginary world obviously isn't what you need.
What you may need are some normal friends and healthy social outlets.
Is there a man you are friends with that you can go for a beer or a hike with?
Do you have a chavrusa?
Are you exercising?

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 01 Sep 2014 02:17 #238423

  • ineedchizuk
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Shalom aleichem!

Wow. What keeps you going? In what ways is the relationship mutual? In what ways is there 'nobody home'?

The more you share, the more we hear, the more feedback/chizuk you'll get.

Thanks for making yourself vulnerable ,and opening up.

Keep posting.

May you have an abundance of hatzlacha, and may your wife have a refua sheleima.

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 01 Sep 2014 06:15 #238440

  • dms1234
  • Gold Boarder
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WELCOME! I personally cant offer any advice. Plus you have whom to rely on by some of the people that already posted.

I can offer: Skep's tips
I am happy to speak on the phone. Please email me at dms1234ongye@gmail.com

My name is Daniel, I go to face to face meetings and I work the 12 steps with a sponsor. 

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 03 Sep 2014 00:43 #238540

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome! You have 2 issues that are obviously related. Have you gotten any help, proffesional or otherwise? For you? For your wife?

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 03 Sep 2014 01:06 #238543

  • newaction
  • Gold Boarder
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when you say schizophrenic thats how you put it or you are talking about a clinically diagnosed situation ? Whatever it is dont feel alone , in this site in general and some of those who posted before me are experienced and ready to listen to you and help . the more you connect the better.Hashem has definitively chosen you for something big in this world . maybe you can give us chizuk

Re: am husband/carer of long term schizophrenic 03 Sep 2014 04:21 #238560

  • r76
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 245
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AlexEliezer wrote:
What you may need are some normal friends and healthy social outlets.
Is there a man you are friends with that you can go for a beer or a hike with?

But where can I find telephone friends? I am isolated.

Finding observant Jewish telephone friends would be great for me as well.
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