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TOPIC: Hi Everyone 618 Views

Hi Everyone 07 Jul 2014 01:53 #234744

Hi everyone,

I'm guardyoureyesds and, while not new to this website, am sorta new to the forums. I'm working on myself and fall constantly, but B'H I keep trying to get back up. Sometimes it's harder than others times, but with each beginning, I'm optimistic. Now's a new chance for me and I like that many other people post and give constructive comments. I will try and do the same for this website. Thanks again for all the wonderful comments and features via GYE! Hope to hear from you all soon!

Re: Hi Everyone 07 Jul 2014 07:50 #234756

  • pidaini
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Welcome to the forum GYEds!!!

How long have you been struggling? What do you struggle with? What have you tried doing to stay clean?

Don't be a stranger, we're all in the same boat!!

Just a note, you are not gyeds, you are your real name and your real life, gyeds is just a username. Part of my big problem was that I had two identities, the one outside the bathroom and the one in the bathroom (or wherever I was hiding). The trick to starting anything is honestly seeing the situation, and that is that I, Yankel, have a problem!! I help myself realize that by opening up to safe people to whom I can say "I am Yankel, and I am a person who tends to act out on sexual desires (sexaholic)".

Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov
Last Edit: 07 Jul 2014 09:05 by pidaini. Reason: Is that clearer?

Re: Hi Everyone 07 Jul 2014 08:22 #234757

  • shivisi
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Yankel wrote:
"I am Yankel, and I am a a person who has sexual tendencies (sexaholic)".

Reb Yankel:
Everyone has sexual tendencies.

sexual tendencies does NOT=sexaholic!

please rephrase that.
Last Edit: 07 Jul 2014 08:28 by shivisi.

Re: Hi Everyone 07 Jul 2014 20:04 #234787

  • gibbor120
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WELCOME! You are in the right place. Make yourself at home. Keep posting.

Re: Hi Everyone 08 Jul 2014 01:40 #234815

  • dms1234
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I love the being optimistic part! Depression, anxiety and worry are tools by the Yetzer to bring us down when we fall. Optimism will help you reach new heights in recovery, breaking barriers you thought you never could before. So keep on trucking! And if you put a smile on you're face even if you are not happy, eventually you will become happy (R' Miller).

I am happy to speak on the phone. Please email me at dms1234ongye@gmail.com

My name is Daniel, I go to face to face meetings and I work the 12 steps with a sponsor. 

Re: Hi Everyone 09 Jul 2014 04:52 #234887

So, something interesting happened to me today and I think it's worth sharing. I had a huge tivah today to "act out" and I even tried. Interestingly enough, though, I tried to act out on my computer with both web chaver and a super light internet filter (I'm in college and need the filter to be light). What amazed me, though, is that no matter how hard I tried to, "do the deed," it just didn't happen. I looked around the room I was in and I realized, "wow, there's a lot of Torah in here here." Inside this room there were pictures of Godolim: Rav Nossin Tzvi, the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Gifter, and Reb Shlomo Freifeld. On top of that, I was surrounded by many many personal sefarim. In golden letters, I saw all of shas, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Mishnah Brurah, Chovas HaTalmidim, you name it! Anyways, here I was, alone, in a house (not my own) and I could have easily gone through with a double (triple???) avirah. Something kept me from falling further down, though. In the end, I asked myself, "Why am I TRYING to sin? Clearly, Hashem is giving me a bracha.

I'm a huge procrastinator, and really need to work on myself, both in terms of what GYE aims to tackle, and in terms of my studies. This moment, though, really helped me get out of a rut. I'm not sure if this will matter much to anyone, and it might be too long to read, but if it helps me, maybe it'll help someone else too.

I wish everyone lots of success in beating their Tivahs and working on ourselves constantly striving for the next level of personal growth.

Re: Hi Everyone 09 Jul 2014 06:18 #234892

  • ewards
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so Hey it means somthin to me I have had those same feelings like i was interested but just could do it sorta a god thing maybe
can not figure how to get a smiley ??????

Re: Hi Everyone 09 Jul 2014 07:49 #234896

  • pidaini
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Thanks for sharing!!

For me it is only normal to procrastinate, and especially about working on myself, after all, I don't particularly enjoy facing my defects. The good thing is that I have learned that having defects isn't a problem, it's ignoring them that is.

I need to take baby steps, making one decision at a time, I can't change everything at once, and that's ok.

Do you have any sort of practical plan for working on the things that you want to work on?
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: Hi Everyone 09 Jul 2014 09:20 #234899

  • lavi
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welcome guardyoureyesds,
dear user what would you like us to call you "gyeds"?? maybe something more user-friendly? also posting is fun and is a tool to help break free,(as long as you don't go on people's nerves-trust me-its not worth it) BUT it isn't a cure all. and i am happy that you didn't fall this time, but i don't think it is worth it to rely on permanently. in fact picture this senario, Hashem says look he made an effort, so I will help, but you gotta continue and get to the root of the problem which involved opening yourself up to all kind of changes.
do you homework. get aquainted with addiction and recovery. and keep posting
i love you all
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