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TOPIC: slipping 671 Views

slipping 04 Apr 2014 21:16 #229918

  • mr.clean
  • Gold Boarder
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Anybody have a good method for how to deal with the issue when u start slipping, I'm clean for almost a month now thank god and the past day or so I began going onto these celebrity sites simply bec I don't wanna mess up fully but the battle is getting very tough so I "appease" myself with this, models, beach pics, etc. I am not mz'l but still this is a slippery slope that can only lead to pain. Any ideas how to combat this?
A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

Re: slipping 04 Apr 2014 21:21 #229919

  • gibbor120
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Going to "celebrity sites" etc. is like drinking saltwater to quench your thirst. As they say, "there are no half measures". Lusting a little, leads to lusting a lot.

You need to get busy with something else productive, and fast! Call a friend, plant some flowers (they claim it's sping now), read a book, get some excercise.

Re: slipping 04 Apr 2014 21:29 #229920

  • mr.clean
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 177
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Lol ur saying good, but its inevitable, in a few days it'll be right back and I'm not always gonna be able to fight it. I need a method for dealing with the urge when it comes
A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

Re: slipping 04 Apr 2014 21:33 #229921

  • cordnoy
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its a method we gotta learn.
gotta become ingrained in us.

I have similar slips now as well.
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Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: slipping 04 Apr 2014 21:59 #229923

mr.clean wrote:
...in a few days it'll be right back and I'm not always gonna be able to fight it...

But if you learn the art of "one day at a time" then you need not worry about a few days from now. You only need to focus on today, and that's something you know you can accomplish. And if you can succeed for just today, then you have yourself a prototype that can be used any day.

As the Parsha says this week: Zos tihye toras hamtzora - this shall be the guideline for the 'motzie ra' (emitter of bad stuff) - b'yom taharaso - he needs to focus on a single day to be clean.



Re: slipping 04 Apr 2014 23:45 #229928

  • gibbor120
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mr.clean wrote:
Lol ur saying good, but its inevitable, in a few days it'll be right back and I'm not always gonna be able to fight it. I need a method for dealing with the urge when it comes
If you stay busy, it will come a lot less often. Learning to live with an awareness that everything is from Hashem and "letting" Him run our lives. Not "needing" everything to turn out as we wish.

Just having a healthy attitude and being busy with positive things will make those difficult moments less frequent and less intense.

When the urges come, there are ways of dealing with it too, such as calling a friend etc.

But the main thing is to learn to live with serenity. That is 98% of it. Fighting urges when they come is the last 2%.

Re: slipping 05 Apr 2014 00:09 #229930

  • skeptical
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but its inevitable, in a few days it'll be right back and I'm not always gonna be able to fight it.

If that's what you're telling yourself, you're 100% right, and it's not falling! You are setting out to do exactly what you said you would!

I need a method...

Change the negative messages you are etching into your mind to positive ones.
Tell yourself that whatever happened in the past has happened, and it doesn't hold you back.
Tell yourself that you don't know what will be in the future, and that's ok.
Tell yourself that the only moment that matters is the current one, and that with Hashem's help, you will make the right choices as they are presented to you.

...And just say no! There's no difference between looking at fully clothed pictures of girls and fully unclothed girls. If you are looking at girls to feast your eyes, it is the SAME poison.

Re: slipping 05 Apr 2014 02:04 #229939

  • mr.clean
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 177
  • Karma: 10
Ok wow, I was I'm middle of "slipping" and I heard my phone vibrate and I said to myself if this is a gye post and it makes sense to me I'm gonna shut my laptop no questions asked... I did!
I must say skeptical u hit the nail on the head, its so true with the mindset I haD there was no way I wouldn't fall but not bec I couldn't help it bec I wanted to and I needed to give myself an excuse! Its like I was planning on falling!
And then about the method, it kinda all fell into place and made sense to me, I'm gonna live my life and let bygones be bygones and when I'm presented with the urge ill worry THEN, now my job is to have the right mind set, just like after a fall its easy to stay clean for a bit because we psych ourselves up that we are gonna do it this time why can't I do that now... so I'm pausing now and saying that it doesn't matter how many days clean I am or wtvr, messing up wil kill me and there is no way I'm gonna let that happen not even a slip or anything, I need to get back in the zone and fight like I did when I till felt the pain of my last screw up !
Thx! u really put into word what I didn't wanna let myself think
Good Shabbos!
A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

Re: slipping 23 Nov 2014 20:32 #243930

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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Mr. Clean,

I have noticed you on the site lately.
do you still use the same methods to prevent slippin', or to avoid the fall durin' the slip?

Just wonderin'.

thanks and hatzlachah
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"

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