mr.clean wrote:
...true healing will be when I am not on the edge of my seat all day debating with myself if I should act out or not but rather have normal taiva and maybe even glance at that lady in the street but not feel anxious about it but rather always have a feeling of content a feeling of calmness, am I right?
Yes, but the main point I wanted to make was this: Though many here are addicts, it is certainly not the majority. Most people (Jews, goyim, etc.) with a porn habit are just guys who sin because they really like the way it makes them feel when they see porn and they just love the way orgasm feels when they masturbate themselves, plain and simple. That needs to be understood. The sweetness of taking in and using the schmutz is just a fact of life. Doing it is immature, silly, usually very destructive, and a sin - but it feels so nice, so people do it over and over. That is not 'addiction'.
For those people, I assume that just plain sobriety (meaning abstinence) will help them. For there is really nothing wrong with them! They are normal, and actually healthy. If they'd NOT feel pleasure from those things
that would be strange, indeed! So as religiously wrong as it may be, it is healthy for a person to have a functioning yetzer hora, and without it we are not even in the game and probably mentally/spiritually ill.
So, for those guys, abstinence will solve the problem. Probably the
entire problem. For their lust behaviors are not symptoms of a problem. They are bad, yes - but 100% normal. Chaza"l speak all over the place of the yetzer hora, and sforim number in the bazillions dealing with it. It is clearly normal.
Addiction, though, is not mentioned much is Chaza"l or sforim. Addiction is the phenomena of the alcoholic or crack user who wastes away his or her relationships by abusing the trust of others to keep their double life. Their real love is to the high. And though the sexaholic may be married and a father, his
real love and devotion is to his erotic pleasure habit. That devotion and love is demonstrated by how much mesiras nefesh he does for it (spending money, tolerating self-loathing, and the many pains taken to protect it by hiding it very well). This is true no matter how frum the guy is and no matter how much he may post here that he is disgusted by the ugly terrible things he does, blah, blah...all silly. He loves it, that's why he is so devoted to it. It is a power greater than himself that restores him to insanity. And eventually, he sees that clearly. He may even teach it to others and sound quite the ba'al mussar!
But he still does not stop, often for years and years.
He truly believes that without it he will not be able to live. And the self-hate grows, the lies get more complex, and the frum rationalizations do, too. In the end, the frum sexaholic is the biggest liar there is, for he has such a good appearance to maintain. I know that prison well, firsthand.
The addict will probably
not get well by virtue of abstinence, no. For - though it causes him much trouble and messes everything up - his problem is
not really the porn and sexual dissatisfaction! His
problem is the thing that makes him
need the porn and sexual adventure. Alcoholics have taught us that -
for the true addict - Alcoholism is merely a
symptom of their disease, not the problem itself.
The problem
itself is: an inability to accept Life as it really is. Therefore the 12 steps talk of accepting G-d's Will for us (Life as it really is). They do not talk of keeping mitzvos, or doing G-d's Will directly. It just happens to be that the man who trusts G-d and accepts G-d's Will for him (the way his life
is) will naturally be willing to do G-d's Will - just as he is now willing to accept and live out G-d's Will by accepting his wife and kids as they are, by accepting people around him as they are, and by accepting himself as he is. There is always room for improvement - but acceptance must come first, otherwise life is spent fighting reality and G-d, and people, and everything.
Some people live to fight. They are victims. They live in the shadow of their mean parents, the mean 'goyim', the Holocaust, the guilt of their own sins...they just do not accept life. Amputees who do not accept their state as a man with only one leg have a very bitter life. Yes, they know they have only one leg...but knowledge and acceptance are two different things entirely. The happy amputee is the one who has accepted his self as a man with only one leg. He does not
define himself as a one-legged-man, but as a man. Period. And he accepts that he is a man who only has one leg. That's just part of him, and it's OK. It is a challenge, but all people have
some challenge, don't they?
The addict in recovery does the same thing. He identifies himself and accepts himself as an addict. He does not
define himself as an addict, but accepts that he is a man who has an addiction, just as the amputee is mainly a man...and he is a man who is also an amputee.
This is a side point, I know, but there are many who are makpid to say things like, "Oy! You have a neshoma tehora and are a Yid! Don't
ever take titles to yourself like 'addict' chas veSholom! The problem you have does not
define you!" - and they proceed to use that as an excuse to keep the whole matter private from real live people and to keep hiding behind a fake username of course, and to deny the simple realities of the weaknesses they really have...all for the purported sake of not damaging their self-esteem!
I find it so ironic. For the reason they do that is because they are so afraid to admit defeat and the facts about themselves that they see them as disgusting. They are more disgusted by their status as an addict than they are with their actual use of porn and masturbation! For they are still acting out!
But the ego must be protected, nu. The religious ego. The real problem is that they still see their addictive behavior as something EVIL rather than as a failure or illness. It is
they who are seeing it as evil, and therefore it hurts their ego. But an addict who sees his brokenness and
admits it is what the posuk means when it says, "Leiv mishbar v'nidkeh Elokim lo sivzeh," etc.
The makpidim refuse to accept that even though they are good men and holy Jews, they
still truly love their porn, depend on it, and are devoted to it in a religious fashion. Until we admit that clearly and simply, we will probably not quit using and recovery will probably elude us. It's a humbling we just cannot escape. It feels like an insult to yiddishkeit, but it is not. It is just accepting reality and as we know, Hashem
loves Emess even more than He loves 'towing the party line'.]
Back to the discussion now...
If you are
not an addict but just have a yetzer hora, then staying clean for long periods of time
will help you quit getting distracted by the stupid schmutz and fantasy. You will naturally get more and more involved in real life and things will be slowly better and better. You may need a little help with some of life's rough edges...maybe a therapist, maybe a parent, maybe a skilled and trusted rebbe can help you deal better with that. We
all have that and
all need some help sometimes. Please do not fear opening up all the way with a trusted person. Get help if you need it. Chaza"l call that 'doing chessed with yourself'.
Also, can just plain and simple sobriety heal us? I myself have been struggling for over 2 years only recently I had 3 very good months bli eyin hora I guess I was away for the summer and busy so I had a 22 dayer a 25 dayer and a 28 dayer but then couldn't seem to get back up and had 2 straight months of disaster until these past 3 weeks where I made a taphsic shevua (for 3 wks) and that got me back on (until it ended). but if one were to just make a shevua for long periods of time is that just pushing off the inevitable fall or would he consequently be healing since he after all is sober? I don't know why I just don't feel like the 12 steps are for me I can't seem to get myself into it, to fully believe in it.
Well, some of the above dealt with the good issues you raise. And I'd like to point out that you are probably 100% right: Taphsic will not save you if you are an addict. It will just put off the inevitable, then. It may be a nice tool for an addict to use once in a while, but is really for non-addicts. If an addict relies on just abstinence (sobriety) then he will have a long time clean - but still be dirty and crazy. And eventually it will burst.
And whether you are an addict or not, there is an observation I have that may be valuable for you:
You "had a 22, 28, and 25 dayer"...and then took a shvu'a for
three weeks. Do you see a pattern here? Why the 3-4 week relapse? When something like that happens, it means to me that there is something about '3-4 weeks without it' that is just unacceptable. It also means that this entire business of counting the days is working against the person. PLEASE STOP COUNTING AT ALL. It's bad for you, obviously. Just quit counting.
And notice that even if you do
not count, there is something meaningful to you about 3-4 weeks clean. Something becomes unacceptable to you around that time. The itch gets too great.
Now, instead of wasting time asking "Why 3-4 weeks?," I will suggest simply accepting that you have this image or faith in your head or heart that a man should not (or cannot) go for too long without sex with himself (masturbation). Why that is, is irrelevant. We are not such geniuses that it would matter if we figured it all out, anyhow! So instead, you can just accept it, and get help to let go of sex and lust completely. We can live without it, man. Do it just today and do not be concerned with tomorrow, for tomorrow is not yours - is it? This is not a mind-trick or gimmick, but an honest acceptance of the facts that: 1- I do not really need sex or lust today, and 2- tomorrow cannot be dealt with today, only tomorrow.
If you see that you
keep acting out your lust around 25-30 days, then you know that you have some sort of real belief/faith in your gut that something terrible will happen if a man goes longer than that without sex with himself (or with his wife, if he is married). I am dead serious. That will need to be faced and discussed openly with safe, wise people. But that is not for today, right? Please try it and tell us what happens in a few months.
And along the way if you want to use Taphsic, then at least completely stop doing 3-4 week shvu'as. Either make daily ones, or drop it completely. Remember, for you, the counting is your enemy not your friend. It may help you for the 3 weeks...but then it bites you hard and makes you fall.
And about the earing, it was a gift from my mom mrs.Clean but since America became land of the politically correct I have been chosen to represent all men in showing that cleaning isn't a woman's job

... hope I didn't come off as a chauvinist I'm just kidding lol... thx again
Very funny!