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Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days
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TOPIC: Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 655 Views

Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 17 Dec 2013 12:47 #225140

  • frumayid
  • Fresh Boarder
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I almost had a really bad fall tonight. It doesn't even make sense. I am halfway through my journey to 90 days and it would make sense for all of my Taivas to have been subsided by now. But that is just the thing about the Y"H, it doesn't work by the rules of logic and what makes sense. A verse from psalms that I read today might be hard to remember word for word, but a photograph or video I saw 6 years ago still comes back to haunt me in my thoughts. A rabbi of mine once alikened inappropriate pictures to files on a computer. Even if you haven't used the files in years, when you open the search you can always find them if you look hard enough. They always seem to resurface.

Thank God tonight didn't end up in a complete tragic fall. But i came pretty close. I think the key is making the proper fences. I got this far until now. Now is the time when I have the Lust of the Y"H down on the wrestling mat and he is struggling for that breath of air. He will try to get me to think of something inappropriate at all costs, he doesn't even care how wrong it is. But I must stand my ground. This isn't just a game. This is the real challenge now. A challenge that if I overcome it now, I will gain the momentum to continue to overcome challenges for the rest of time.

I have been with GYE for about two years now. And I have decided that NOW is the time to reach 90 days. I am so sick and tired of falling for the YH's old tricks. I am ready to be a true human being, a true eved HaShem. I am not going to let the YH turn me into a lowly animal.

The hardest part I find, is that the western culture is so blind to how damaging it can be to the soul. Obviously the evil exists everywhere but the fact that objectifying women and sexuality as something to be flaunted is something that makes me sick. How western culture complains about how women are treated as objects and then supports destructive behavior through promoting antisocial and anti marital sexual activities as a norm. This is the wrong, not the norm.

Thank The Lord that we have the wisdom of the Torah to guide us to a higher morality that IS within itself the HIGHEST TRUTH. A true compass when the rest of the world is lost at sea.

May we all be zocheh to always use our compass to find our way out of the sea of sins and lies. May we enter the realm of the truth of HaShem and be zocheh to the amazing and fulfilling fruits of a morally true life for us and all of our beloved families.

Re: Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 17 Dec 2013 14:57 #225151

  • jordanbloom
  • Junior Boarder
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Hi Reb Yid,
Maybe we are twins bc I am also on day 46-47 and had a very very close call yesterday but b"H managed to manage the storm but am still working things out in my head. I also feel a lot of resent against general culture/values/norms but I feel focusing on that is only damaging - I need to focus only on myself and what I can be doing to improve. Right now I have a little avalanche of triggers going on and asked H-shem really? you expect me to behave even though i am dealing with A,B,C,D, and E? but what I want to hear the answer is I love you but YES.

I very much relate your roller coster of Taivas - I have been shicked by the same thing - days 20-40 were great and I was amazed how easy this thing is to beat, thought they had gone away and my nekudas habechira had shifted and all of a sudden wham - back full force so I appreciate your insight about the ways of the Y"H.

Keep up the good work!!!

Re: Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 17 Dec 2013 20:14 #225164

  • gibbor120
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Welcome frumayid! You say you have been here for 2 years. What took you so long to post? What tools have you been using? Have they been working?

Making gedarim is VERY important, but it is only a first step. What else have you tried? Have you spoken to anyone about it?

Keep on posting. There is lots of good stuff on this forum. I have some great links in my signature.

Re: Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 18 Dec 2013 00:33 #225187

  • pidaini
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Welcome Frumayid!!!

It's great that you posted, came out of the shaddows!!

What do you struggle with? How long are you struggling? Are you married?

Yes, it's time to stop this, I find that all I could handle is TODAY!!!

90 days is beautiful, but that is not what I need to think of today. All I need to worry about is "Am I doing everything to stay sober TODAY!!"

Don't be a stranger, join the crowd!!

We're all on the same boat!!

Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: Almost had a fall- halfway through my 90 days 03 Jan 2021 13:26 #360421

  • yeshivaguy
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Hows it going buddy?
Please come back! We need you!!
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