Dear Appreciate,
I'm glad you appreciated (no pun intended, really

) my post.
I don't have an answer for you. I just came to the realization of my anger against Hashem last week. Maybe you and I can take solace in the following, we at least realize that we want a relationship with Him. If we are so angry, it's because we want to be close to Him.
Your first incident of ejaculation is rather reminiscent of mine, it also "just happened." I don't even know why mine happened, I wasn't even thinking of anything at the time but accidentally rubbed up against something and it just happened; I was 12 at the time and, like you, the rest was history. Understandably, it doesn't feel fair for either of us.
I also understand the resentment against your wife. I too have been angry with mine and short with her recently, a lot because of this (we fight for other reasons too but that's not relevant here). I have apologized profusely and asked her to bear with me. Mind you, that I'm also a great husband as well, and I'm sure you're a stellar husband as well. I wish things were more black and white, but it feels we're both mired in the grey somewhere. B'ezras Hashem, we will come out on top and better for it.