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TOPIC: My story 638 Views

My story 30 Sep 2013 00:20 #219933

Hi, just wanted to introduce myself to the site,
Im early twenties, married and I am a respected Avreich in my Kollel, I learn most of the day, have the best Chavrusa's, but ever since i was Bochur have been unable to break my addiction. As a teen i was with girls a lot and this made me very lustful, when i came to Yeshiva and became frummer i was still never able to break free and constantly found myself giving in ...
Post marriage I thought it would improve, but not to be, in fact it got significantly worse, every few days i fall, tell myself never again, make a thousand kabbalah's, am great for a few days, then i see the wrong thing on the street then...
I have the best internet filter there is but still i find ways to get around it. The good news is though, without the internet i have not been MTZ"L in years, only with the internet to i have a strong enough ta'avo, even so i rarely am MTZ"L,, usually just watch..
I have read all the seforim, Taharas Hakodes, Light of Epfraim etc.. and still cannot break this addiction, I need help

Re: My story 30 Sep 2013 00:40 #219935

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
  • Posts: 1263
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Welcome to gye,

You're definitely not alone.You already took a big step toward recovery by posting.A good place to start is the handbook, click the gye program tab at the top of the page.

I also (eventually) stopped masturbating without porn.The answer to this as you already know isn't a filter.Having one is very important but it won't solve the problem, there will almost inevitably be a chance to fall somewhere else.

In order to stay clean we have to work on ourselves.The seforim don't seem to really help us.For me, the biggest thing is probably just being honest about what I'm doing and feeling and telling someone or posting it here.

You came to the right place.

Re: My story 30 Sep 2013 02:23 #219940

  • sib101854
  • Current streak: 4233 days
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Welcome to the only site where the issues that you mentioned can be discussed openly and frankly. Many of us, including myself, have "been there, done that" and read and seen probably about all of the possible Issurim that the Torah graphically describes as Arayos and which the Tanaim, Amoraim and Rishonim spend a lot of time analyzing the ramifications of in many of the classical "yeshivishe masectos" , and the sugyos that only the Lomdei Daf HaYomi get to-I remember one of my neighbors described one of the sugyos as bordering on porn!

I agree -filters and seforim are not the answer-we all have to work on ourselves. Start here, and consider finding a great therapist, and tell us more -what is your family life ,etc? Dealing with the addiction means that you must confront the causes of the addiction.
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