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First time at contributing my voice to the effort
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TOPIC: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 996 Views

First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 11:56 #214083

  • Dan B
  • Current streak: 309 days
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After receiving the chizuk and shmiras einaim emails for 2 years I have finally decided that it might be helpful to myself and others if I went out of my bubble and said "hi!" to anyone answering.
I woke up from my addiction dream about a year and a half ago. I had been seriously shidduch dating one girl and had shared with her that I had this issue and had a filter to help me with it. The next time we met, she said I either seek professional help or it was over. From then on, I've been on the rocky road toward recovery, sometimes falling backwards and sometimes charging forwards. Now I've come to realize that it wasn't a dream I was in but rather a nightmare that had been ongoing on and off throughout the past 16 years of my life (and I'm only 29).
Anyway, here's to the founders of GYE for setting up such a helpful website, wow!
Be'hatzlacha and good luck to my and everyone else's efforts of working the 12 Steps and on the rocky road toward recovery!

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 12:58 #214085

welcome! thanks for sharing
i used to look back all the time saying "oh no! what have i done! Hashem help me erase the past." and i never heard a response.
finally i started looking forward saying "Hashem i'm leaving the past to you and i'm forgetting all about it. help me have a good future. help me from here and on be the person You want me to be." and that's where i realized Hashem had been waiting to help me all along

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 13:38 #214090

  • Pidaini
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Good move in joining, 'tis the place dis GYE thing.

A lot of us started when we were around that age, some even earlier!!

So what have you been doing to stop?

and KOT (Keep on Trucking)
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 16:49 #214100

  • tryingtoshteig
  • Current streak: 115 days
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Welcome Dan B.

Happy to have you here!

Thank you for speaking up. It is definitely a big step in the right direction to share your struggles with others, as I'm sure you already know.

So what happened with the girl you were dating? Has your struggle gotten any easier/have you seen any improvement over the last year an a half?

Looking forward to hearing more of your story!
"ויעזור ויגן ויושיע לכל החוסים בו ונאמר אמן" -- ArtScroll Gabbai's Handbook

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 19:07 #214126

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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Welcome to gye,

We're looking foward to hearing from you again.


Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 20:06 #214134

  • gibbor120
  • Platinum Boarder
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WELCOME Dan B! You have definitely come to the right place. Did you ever seek professional help or did you try self help? Many of us have found that we could not get out until we "let" someone else help us. We are here for you. Keep posting, and keep us posted on your progress (the good, the bad, and the ugly, we've been through it all).
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2013 20:07 by gibbor120.

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 20:47 #214152

  • ZemirosShabbos
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welcome Dan, good to have you aboard
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: First time at contributing my voice to the effort 30 Jul 2013 21:28 #214168

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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Let me join the chashuvim in welcoming you

tell 'em about your issues and they wont hesitate to help you along

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