I would like to thank you all for writing on this forum (even the hijackers

I have several thoughts/comments. First off, I want to say that I am forcing myself to respond to your messages. I want to be part of the chevra - I know that being a part of this will help. So I want to thank you in advance for helping to save my life. I love you guys for it.
tocontrolmyself -
I agree with you, I am not happy with my situation. I am in my early 20s, and I really want to get married. I have dated several times, but the girl has always been the one to end it. And I tell myself that this is what's causing my happiness, and this is what is causing me to act out. The last time I was dating, I was very good with this test. I didn't watch anything, I didn't think of anything, I didn't even look at women on the streets. I remember there was one point when I was walking and there was a really attractive woman in front of me, but I looked away, and I thought to myself - I have something going for me right now with the girl I am going out with, and she's 100 times better than this random woman. I don't want to think about this random woman, I have something better. Toward the end of the relationship, I got the sense that she wasn't into it anymore, and she was going to end it soon. That night, I got crushed, and I immediately started acting out. And since then, I went down another bad spiral.
I have read that Rabbi Twersky writes that marriage is not a hospital, and it won't heal the lust. But I really do believe that being single is what's causing me unhappiness. I want to be able to share with someone, care for someone, and I hate being alone. I know it's messed up, but part of my daydreaming is just thinking, what if it would have worked out with her? What if I would have said things differently? What if she just calls me now, months later, and says she wants to give it another shot? I want to let go, but at the same time, I don't want to let go - because as I said, I'm just not happy with the reality.
I will be checking out the website you mentioned. Maybe that will help me.
Pidaini -
Yes, one day at a time. In the office, right by my computer screen, I have the letters ODAAT, for one day at a time. I don't think anyone knows what it stands for, but it's to remind myself that I can do this, just ODAAT.
AlexEliezer -
You're first two lines had me laughing. That is unbelievable. My desire for control is what's controlling me. I never realized that.
I'm going to be honest, I have no clue how to do what you're suggesting. I guess it's because I haven't done it yet. But how do I just not fight it? My davening has been very weak. I haven't missed a tefilah. But that is prime-time day dreaming. I do some of my best daydreaming during davening. It wasn't always like this, but no matter how hard I try, I lost the concentration during davening.
cordnoy -
Thanks, I hope you're right, that's why I'm forcing myself to do this.
guy -
Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, we are in the same boat. I will let you know if I can get this figured out, and you please do the same for me.
I just want to say, you mentioned that you want to focus on things that you are happy about. I think that's a great attitude. I want to do that. And I have been trying to do that after reading your post. But it's not before long that I remember that I am sad about the things that I don't have, in particular, a partner. And I think to myself, I should just stop focusing on it. But I don't. I'm going to try to make a list of things I'm happy about. Maybe I'll take a look at this list next time I'm feeling down.
I'm glad you mentioned this, I have a lot of trouble understanding this. Of course I am at fault. I am the one who is doing something wrong, not someone else. And I know Hashem made me this way, but he commanded that I behave a certain way, and I am neglecting to listen to Him? So how am I not at fault?
One Sunday afternoon, I spent hours - HOURS - just watching P and acting out. And as it was getting late, I stopped because it was time to daven mincha. So I put down the iPad, got up, davened mincha in my room. After davening, I sat write back down to continue acting out. Hours later, it's time for maariv. And I think to myself, who am I kidding? He doesn't want my prayers. Is this some sort of joke? I know I am at fault, I just don't care, because caring about it just hasn't helped me. Sometimes, I think to myself, Hashem should just take away my life, after I behave like this, then I turn around and daven mincha, as if everything is okay. Imagine a marriage, where a man is unloyal to his wife, comes home for dinner to say I love you, and then goes with another woman. Who am I fooling?
gibbor120 -
I can tell you're a veteran here. Thank you for the mekorot. I have become so numb to it, that I forgot about these mekorot. Thank you. But at the same time, I don't know if it will help - I know what I'm doing is wrong.
I am going to trust you on this one, because I know I can't trust myself anymore. Sort of when I trust my doctor even though I don't understand what he's doing. I'm going to push myself to help other people, to serve others. I will do what I can to go outside of myself. I think this will be tough, because I don't actively look to help people. But I will try.
inastruggle -
There's always room here for hijackers. I welcome it!
And what's the deal with the elephants?
guy -
35 days is amazing. Don't get down on yourself. I am looking up to you and your achievements. I hope to hit 35 days some time soon. Actually I hope to be there in 18 days. Today is day 17 for me. Don't say it's never gonna happen. I don't know how or when, but it will happen, because we're here. And because I spent the past hour writing this. And I am putting in my effort. Just as you are. I don't know how we will do this, but I know we will.
Thank you to everyone. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep responding. I really am learning a lot from you, and I hope to grow because of you. We're at Day 17 now, and I hope to share this experience with you all.