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Mon histoire, mes combats
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TOPIC: Mon histoire, mes combats 1687 Views

Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 21:47 #210340

  • Yirmeyahou
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 15
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Shalom à tous,

Je suis un jeune Juif français et je me permet d'écrire sur ce forum car le forum français ne fonctionne pas, et je parle pas très bien anglais. Si besoin, j'utiliserai google traduction.

Voilà, je me débat avec zéra lévatala/Masturbation depuis l'âge de 12 ans environ, et la pornographie depuis plusieurs années également. J'étudie la Torah, mais je sens que je mène une double vie, et ma vie avec Hashem en est affecté. J'ai beau prier, crier, pleurer, je n'arrive pas à me débarasser de ces péchés. J'ai aussi un problème avec mes yeux, je regarde souvent les femmes, je n'arrive pas à résister, c'est plus fort que moi.

J'ai regardé le site guardyoureyes, mais je ne comprend pas comment je dois travailler les 12 étapes. Pouvez-vous m'expliquer comment les appliquer ?

J'ai lu beaucoup de témoignages de personnes qui sont propres au bout de 90 jours, c'est un véritable miracle, car moi le maximum c'est 2 semaines et j'ai craqué, c'était trop dur.

Je ne suis pas encore marié, mais j'espère être guéri de cette maladie spirituelle/physique avant mon mariage, pour ne pas amener ce combat dans mon futur couple. Aussi, j'ai tellement fait de masturbation et de pornographie que j'ai peur que Hashem ne me donne pas mon zivoug, pour me punir, c'est une grande crainte.

Je demande donc votre aide pour m'aider, je ne sais plus quoi faire pour m'en sortir.

Toda raba par avance, et qu'Hashem vous bénisse, Shalom Aleikhem.
אֲרוֹמִמְךָ יְהוָה כִּי דִלִּיתָנִי וְלֹא־שִׂמַּחְתָּ אֹיְבַי לִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהָי שִׁוַּעְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ וַתִּרְפָּאֵנִי

Je T'exalte Hashem car Tu m'as relevé, Tu n'as pas voulu que mes ennemis se réjouissent à mon sujet. Hashem Elohaï, j'ai crié à Toi et Tu m'as guéri !

Téhilim 30:2-3

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 21:53 #210342

  • mr. emunah
  • Gold Boarder
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this the post translated:
Shalom to all,

I am a young French Jew and I can write on this forum for the French forum does not work, and I do not speak English very well. If necessary, I will use google translation.

Well, I debate with Zera lévatala / Masturbation since the age of about 12 years, and pornography for several years also. I study the Torah, but I feel like I lead a double life, and my life with Hashem is affected. I'm praying, screaming, crying, I can not get rid of these sins. I also have a problem with my eyes, I often look at women, I can not resist, it's stronger than me.

I watched the guardyoureyes site, but I do not understand how I have to work the 12 steps. Can you tell me how to apply?

I read a lot of testimonials from people who are clean after 90 days, it is a miracle, because I maximum is 2 weeks and I fell, it was too hard.

I'm not married yet, but I hope to be cured of this disease spiritual / physical before my wedding, not to take this fight in my future couple. Also, I have done so much masturbation and pornography that I fear Hashem did not give me my zivug to punish me, this is a great fear.

I ask you to help me, I do not know what to do to get by.

Toda raba in advance, and HaShem bless you, Shalom Aleichem.

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:03 #210346

  • lizhensk
  • Gold Boarder
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mr. emunah wrote:
this the post translated:
Shalom to all,

I am a young French Jew and I can write on this forum for the French forum does not work, and I do not speak English very well. If necessary, I will use google translation.

Well, I debate with Zera lévatala / Masturbation since the age of about 12 years, and pornography for several years also. I study the Torah, but I feel like I lead a double life, and my life with Hashem is affected. I'm praying, screaming, crying, I can not get rid of these sins. I also have a problem with my eyes, I often look at women, I can not resist, it's stronger than me.

I watched the guardyoureyes site, but I do not understand how I have to work the 12 steps. Can you tell me how to apply?

I read a lot of testimonials from people who are clean after 90 days, it is a miracle, because I maximum is 2 weeks and I fell, it was too hard.

I'm not married yet, but I hope to be cured of this disease spiritual / physical before my wedding, not to take this fight in my future couple. Also, I have done so much masturbation and pornography that I fear Hashem did not give me my zivug to punish me, this is a great fear.

I ask you to help me, I do not know what to do to get by.

Toda raba in advance, and HaShem bless you, Shalom Aleichem.

Did u use google translate for that?
Well translate this back:

"welcome to the forum, tho we dont know french (is that what ur writing in?) we're here for u, so post away!!!"
Life is Like a Bicycle: If its easy, you're going downhill
Hashem, If I can't have what I want, then please teach me to want what I have -Unknown (and if u know who it was please inform me)
There is NOTHING wrong with feeling pain -My Sponsor
I will not act out today, I will tomorrow. Maybe when I get to tomorrow, it will again be 'today'

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:06 #210347

  • mr. emunah
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1139
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"Bienvenue sur le forum, quoique nous ne savons pas français (c'est ce que l'écriture ur en?), nous sommes là pour u, donc poster loin!"

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:12 #210350

  • lizhensk
  • Gold Boarder
  • You never heard of Rebbes making sholom?
  • Posts: 533
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hey, ur good!!!
Life is Like a Bicycle: If its easy, you're going downhill
Hashem, If I can't have what I want, then please teach me to want what I have -Unknown (and if u know who it was please inform me)
There is NOTHING wrong with feeling pain -My Sponsor
I will not act out today, I will tomorrow. Maybe when I get to tomorrow, it will again be 'today'

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:17 #210352

  • Yirmeyahou
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 15
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Toda raba for the reception! Then I will use google translation to facilitate exchanges on the forum
אֲרוֹמִמְךָ יְהוָה כִּי דִלִּיתָנִי וְלֹא־שִׂמַּחְתָּ אֹיְבַי לִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהָי שִׁוַּעְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ וַתִּרְפָּאֵנִי

Je T'exalte Hashem car Tu m'as relevé, Tu n'as pas voulu que mes ennemis se réjouissent à mon sujet. Hashem Elohaï, j'ai crié à Toi et Tu m'as guéri !

Téhilim 30:2-3

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:27 #210353

  • lizhensk
  • Gold Boarder
  • You never heard of Rebbes making sholom?
  • Posts: 533
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lol, i think that was the first time i saw "facilitate" on GYE :D
Life is Like a Bicycle: If its easy, you're going downhill
Hashem, If I can't have what I want, then please teach me to want what I have -Unknown (and if u know who it was please inform me)
There is NOTHING wrong with feeling pain -My Sponsor
I will not act out today, I will tomorrow. Maybe when I get to tomorrow, it will again be 'today'

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 22:34 #210354

  • Yirmeyahou
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 15
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Il y a peu de temps, je me suis inscrit sur un site de rencontre car j'en pouvais plus, le satan m'a convaincu qu'au point où j'en étais, autant aller jusqu'au bout. Je sais que j'en suis capable, mais jusqu'à maintenant, Hashem m'a protégé.
Mais pour combien de temps encore ?

J'ai 24 ans, je n'ai jamais eu de copine, je n'arrive pas à faire rire une fille, je ne trouve personne, et j'ai peur de finir seul. Et le satan se sert de cela pour essayer de me faire chuter, et souvent je passe près de la catastrophe. Je me dit souvent que je n'ai pas de chances avec les femmes, et ça me travaille consciement et inconsciement.

Pour vous en dire plus, je possède (encore un autre problème... ) un gouffre de manque de confiance en moi. Quand j'étais jeune, mon père à divorcé de ma mère, et il a eu plusieurs copines. Ca m'a beucoup déstabilisé et j'ai grandi avec des "carences psychologiques", et en développant des peurs, des craintes et des angoisses, que je possède encore aujourd'hui.

J'ai créé une forteresse autour de mon être entier, et de mon coeur, pour ne plus souffrir. Mais sans le savoir, j'ai signé aussi ma propre destruction. Je suis une véritable forteresse, et à l'intérieur je suis complètement détruit : mes émotions, mes pensées, mon coeur, mes désirs, mes objectifs, tout est en miettes.
Je n'ai même plus de désirs pour mon futurs.

Hashem me semble bien loin de mes problèmes

ENGLISH (google traduction)

There is little time, I signed up on a dating site because I was exhausted, the satan has convinced me that at the point where I was, so go through. I know I'm capable of, but until now, Hashem protected me.
But for how long?

I'm 24, I've never had a girlfriend, I can not make a girl laugh, I can not find anyone, and I'm afraid to end up alone. And Satan uses this to try to make me fall, and I often pass close to disaster. I often said that I do not have luck with women, and it works me consciously and unconsciously.

To tell you more, I have (yet another problem ...:.. () An abyss of lack of confidence in me when I was young, my father divorced my mother, and he had several girlfriends It beucoup has destabilized me and I grew up with "psychological deficiencies," and developing fears, fears and anxieties, which I still have today.

I created a fortress around my whole being, and my heart, to suffer no more. But without knowing it, I also signed my own destruction. I am a fortress, and inside I'm completely destroyed: my emotions, my thoughts, my heart, my desires, my goals, everything is shattered.
I do not even have a desire for my future.

Hashem seems to me far from my problems: (
אֲרוֹמִמְךָ יְהוָה כִּי דִלִּיתָנִי וְלֹא־שִׂמַּחְתָּ אֹיְבַי לִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהָי שִׁוַּעְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ וַתִּרְפָּאֵנִי

Je T'exalte Hashem car Tu m'as relevé, Tu n'as pas voulu que mes ennemis se réjouissent à mon sujet. Hashem Elohaï, j'ai crié à Toi et Tu m'as guéri !

Téhilim 30:2-3

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 25 Jun 2013 23:31 #210365

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Number one for you is not to let yourself get depressed because of this.
I'm hearing a lot of negative language in your posts.
One of the Yetzer Hora's favorite tricks is to make us feel worthless because of our sins; to make us feel hopeless.

We all know how hard it can be not to look at women, and to give up porn and masturbation. Pray for help. Hashem is very near to you and waiting for you to ask Him for help WITH THIS PROBLEM.

Do your part. Guard your eyes and your mind for one day. One day at a time.

Hashem loves you. And there is a woman out there who is going to want to marry you when you meet.


Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 26 Jun 2013 00:14 #210369

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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WELCOME Yirmeyahou! It's nice to have you with us. We are all in the same boat. Many have been in your situation and have been helped.

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 26 Jun 2013 01:25 #210375

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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There's another 24 year old French man on this forum.


Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 26 Jun 2013 12:03 #210400

  • Yirmeyahou
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 15
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@ AlexEliezer : toda raba. Yes I've always had a spirit of depression, and even more since I fell into pornography. I pray to Hashem for this but it is very hard to remove.
I try to keep my eyes and my heart every day, but I'm a roller coaster. One day I get there and I thinks it's a "spiritual", then the next day I fall miserably.

It's hard to feel the love of Hashem in all these time, it often feels abandoned, to fight alone.

@ gibbor120 : toda raba. I hope one day to overcome as you reaching for weeks, months and years to clean !

For starters, how to work the 12 steps ? For example, step 1, what do I actually do ?
אֲרוֹמִמְךָ יְהוָה כִּי דִלִּיתָנִי וְלֹא־שִׂמַּחְתָּ אֹיְבַי לִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהָי שִׁוַּעְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ וַתִּרְפָּאֵנִי

Je T'exalte Hashem car Tu m'as relevé, Tu n'as pas voulu que mes ennemis se réjouissent à mon sujet. Hashem Elohaï, j'ai crié à Toi et Tu m'as guéri !

Téhilim 30:2-3

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 26 Jun 2013 22:26 #210469

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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Have you ever been to a therapist?

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 27 Jun 2013 14:27 #210525

  • guy
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 32
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Hi Yirmeyahou!
Welcome to the forum.
I created a fortress around my whole being, and my heart, to suffer no more. But without knowing it, I also signed my own destruction. I am a fortress, and inside I'm completely destroyed: my emotions, my thoughts, my heart, my desires, my goals, everything is shattered.
I do not even have a desire for my future.

Hashem seems to me far from my problems: (

I joined this site 16 days ago. Before I joined, I was ready to give up.Everything.I couldn't see how I would ever get over my addiction, and therefore I saw no point in even trying.I was furious with hashem for letting me fall so far.I joined Guard Your Eyes as a last attempt, to see if anything could pull me up. I was not interested in hearing anything to do with fixing my relationship with hashem, and part of me still isn't. That is something that I have to learn to deal with separately to my addiction. But since joining, my life has become amazingly better. I have not fallen in 15 days! I am feeling cautiously hopeful about finally breaking my addiction, and all this is thanks to Guard Your Eyes and its members ( also some hard work on my part:) )! I think that a lot of it has to do with opening up to other people and being completely honest. No longer hiding what I am but bringing it into the light so that it can be fixed and taken care of. There is a TON of useful information and advice on this site so try translating as much as you can! I think that gibbor120 or other experienced people can point you to the relevant posts for you better than I can, so I'll leave that to them.
Kol hakavod for joining!

Re: Mon histoire, mes combats 27 Jun 2013 18:12 #210541

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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guy wrote:
I was furious with hashem for letting me fall so far.I joined Guard Your Eyes as a last attempt, to see if anything could pull me up. I was not interested in hearing anything to do with fixing my relationship with hashem, and part of me still isn't. That is something that I have to learn to deal with separately to my addiction.

I think that once you deal with your addiction, the "relationship with Hashem" will fix itself.

guy wrote:

But since joining, my life has become amazingly better. I have not fallen in 15 days! I am feeling cautiously hopeful about finally breaking my addiction, and all this is thanks to Guard Your Eyes and its members ( also some hard work on my part:) )! I think that a lot of it has to do with opening up to other people and being completely honest. No longer hiding what I am but bringing it into the light so that it can be fixed and taken care of.

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