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TOPIC: took a while 1529 Views

took a while 05 Jun 2013 07:10 #208412

  • time2stop
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Im a first time forumer, if that makes sense. I've been trying to work on this problem for so many years its sad. Ive been exposed to very inappropriate material at a young age and its been part of me for many decades. Of course the internet made everything much worse, I suppose that was when the addiction really took hold. I've installed the yishmariany on my computer brobably 2 or 3 years ago which has really saved me knowing that my rov emails me if I slip. That only happened once. As per my smart phone, every month I make a beli neder to pay a $250.00 kannas from rosh choddesh to the next rosh chodesh if I look at any inappropriate things. That has also worked for probably a year or so. I guess im hinting I have 3 or 4 more days to start my new beli neder. My real problem is looking whe driving.

Re: took a while 05 Jun 2013 09:11 #208415

Welcome! You definitely found the right place. We are all struggling with the same issue and we're all in this together. Sounds like you've taken some great steps by installing yishmoreinei. Accountability is definitely a strong deterrent. Keep it up! As for the looking while driving, we all struggle with shemiras einayim. The lust is screaming for our attention in every direction. Sometimes if I pass attractive women while driving, I tell Has--m this is Your problem Has--m, You take care of it, and I subsequently feel at ease while looking the other way. Keep in mind that every victory no matter how small is worth diamonds in Has--m's eyes. Imagine the happiness you bring Him by looking away. The handbook has some great tips on various tools and attitude perspectives as well. Highly recommended to read through a few times. Keep posting and Hatzlachah Rabbah!

Re: took a while 05 Jun 2013 09:19 #208416

  • chachaman
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Welcome to the forum! Congrats on finding GYE, and read some of the other posts. You'll find out a lot about yourself during recovery.

Re: took a while 05 Jun 2013 17:51 #208427

  • gibbor120
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Hi T2S, and WELCOME!

Re: took a while 06 Jun 2013 03:45 #208495

  • time2stop
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Thank you for your words. I recently gave my wive a get and am now working out the civil piece. I strongly don't feel that my adiction was part of the problem although it didnt help. But my almost teen age kids are much happier. I believe thats a good sign. I know I am happier but at the tame time, much more lonelier. Being lonely would hit me much harder if not for them. In truth the thing I miss the most is the giving. I guess thats good considering to get over my temptations, from what I understand I should be giving even more. Less taking, not shure where that piece fits in but I must be taking more than I realize.

Re: took a while 06 Jun 2013 23:14 #208558

  • inastruggle
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Welcome to forum.

Just a suggestion, but you may want to split the knas up and punish yourself for each fall.If i'm not misunderstanding then according to the system you have now, once you fall then you can keep falling for the rest of the month knas free.
But if it's working then i guess you can keep it...

Anyway welcome again and hatzlacha

Re: took a while 06 Jun 2013 23:48 #208564

  • time2stop
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Yes it is $250 ea time

Re: took a while 07 Jun 2013 00:19 #208569

  • inastruggle
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ok then, KUTGW
don't forget to renew the vow

Re: took a while 07 Jun 2013 00:51 #208572

שלום עליכם! ברוכים הבאים
I need to remember that:
I'm no a bad person; I'm sick.
I'm not A Choteh. I'm A Chole.
It take time & effort to stay sober but it worth it.

Davening to hashem to keep me sober 1 day @ a time since יום ג שבוע של יום-הכיפורים ו תשרי ה'תשע"ד 
10 Sptember 2013

(and to keep this date)

Re: took a while 08 Jun 2013 00:04 #208654

  • alexeliezer
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time2stop wrote:
I strongly don't feel that my adiction was part of the problem although it didnt help.

Not for any of us to judge. But something to ponder:

The addiction was never the problem. The problem was the problem.

Huh? What I mean is that whatever discontent in life lead you to the addiction may have found its way into the marriage.

time2stop wrote:
In truth the thing I miss the most is the giving. I guess thats good considering to get over my temptations, from what I understand I should be giving even more. Less taking, not shure where that piece fits in but I must be taking more than I realize.

That's a very high madrega for an addict! We addicts tend to be takers, and give only when we think there will be a payoff.

And yes, checking women out in the street is an old habit that dies hard! when driving I just keep focused straight ahead like a laser. Sometimes for the last couple of seconds when I'm about to pass her in the car, I will close the one eye on the side she's on if it's safe. When walking and such, I find it helpful to look at something else, whether it be the sidewalk, a car across the street or whatever. Sometimes I will just close my eyes right when I'm passing her (a trick I learned from MT).



Re: took a while 08 Jun 2013 00:21 #208655

AlexEliezer wrote:

... Sometimes I will just close my eyes right when I'm passing her (a trick I learned from MT).

As the possuk says: ועוצם עיניו מראות ברע - הוא מרומים ישכון


Re: took a while 14 Jun 2013 06:29 #209243

  • time2stop
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Re: took a while 14 Jun 2013 06:33 #209244

  • time2stop
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I like that, now I have to find out what the problem is. I just fell again after just a few days. Friday will be #1. I happen to work in a mall, and during this time of year its the worst time to be there.

Re: took a while 14 Jun 2013 06:35 #209246

  • inastruggle
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What is the problem?
Just look at how you fell and see what caused or helped it happen.

Re: took a while 14 Jun 2013 17:56 #209289

time2stop wrote:

"And one who closes his eyes to avoid seeing bad stuff, he will dwell in a lofty position"
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