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TOPIC: Hi everyone 643 Views

Hi everyone 03 Jun 2013 04:05 #208268

Hi everyone. This is my day posting. I've been on this site before, but now I finally joined. I am a bochur. I've been trying to quit being motzei zereh livatalah- but its so hard. I can be clean for a week or two, but then I fall. I was told its suppossed to get easier, but it doesnt. What should I do? Please help.

Re: Hi everyone 03 Jun 2013 06:25 #208274

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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Hi and welcome to the site.
I'm also a bochur and have been struggling for a really long time.
First of all to answer your question,it does get easier but not during the first week or two, give it some time and it will get a lot easier.
So what tools are you using?
also i highly recommend that you read the handbook and the gye program tab at the top of the page.It will give you an idea of where you're holding addiction-wise and also has many useful tools.

Hatzlacha and don't worry, this is a struggle that can and be"h will be won.

Re: Hi everyone 03 Jun 2013 08:30 #208277

I've just told myself that I have to go cold turkey... Its very hard and I do it for a week but then it gets too hard...What do you mean by tools?

Re: Hi everyone 03 Jun 2013 18:08 #208287

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome and yasher koach for taking on the challenge.

It does get easier. Chz"l tell us "he who feeds it is hungry, he who starves it is satisfied." That doesn't mean you won't have the taiva. Everyone has the taiva. But remember, urges pass. When they come, they seem like they must be fulfilled or else...
But when we resist, they pass. Typically within half an hour (provided we don't spend the half hour thinking about it, but rather try to redirect ourselves).

MZ"L typically doesn't happen in a vacuum, though. I found that when I was strict with my shmiras eynayim and shmiras hamachshava, I had a much easier time avoiding MZ"L. When I permitted myself gazing at women, and allowed fantasies to play in my head, it was only a matter of time before I would succumb. The key is to intercept where it's easier to intercept -- what we see and what we think.

Re: Hi everyone 03 Jun 2013 19:54 #208291

  • gibbor120
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WELCOME dontknowwhattodo (DKWTD for short )!

Well for not knowing what to do, you took a good first step. Tools are just strategies for being successful. Calling a friend when you feel weak is a tool. There are various things you can do to succeed. Some tools work better for different people in different situations.

The GYE handbook has a lot of good advice and a lot of good tools. Many of the tools depend on the level of addiction. Someone very addicted, may need therapy or to join a 12 step group. Others, may just need some friendship and chizzuk.

Read the handbook and post here, you will get a lot of good ideas that you can implement. But as Alex said, it starts with guarding our eyes and thoughts. That is the foundation of everything.

So welcome, and we look forward to hearing more about you... and helping you Know What To Do (KWTD ).
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