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need chizuk to start 90 days
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TOPIC: need chizuk to start 90 days 2564 Views

need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 22:11 #206958

I need chizuk
i'm a chusheva yungerman (?) struggling in kdusha when ever i started to take control i failed, i looking on my self like there is 2 different people, 1 is a erlicha yid & the 2'nd is a... do you think i'm capable to pass 90 days "b'kdushah"

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 22:22 #206960

Welcome YS,

Your short introduction sounds typical of many many people around here. And yes, many of them reached 90 days and much much more - and so can you. You just need a strong commitment - a day at a time - to do your best on guarding your eyes and your thoughts "b'kdushah", and be'ezrat Hashem you'll be amazed an what heights you can achieve (been there done that, be"H).



Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 22:38 #206961

Machshovo Tova wrote:
Welcome YS,

You just need a strong commitment - a day at a time -


thank you MT for the reply,
what is the strong commitment? i really really wont to stop, from age 11 till 27, but still in the shmutz,

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 23:11 #206964

Did you read the GYE handbook? They provide different ideas depending on the severity of your situation. Why not start from the beginning and see what works for you. As they say in SA, "It works if you work it". So to prove your commitment, there's your homework for a while.



Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 23:22 #206965

  • gibbor120
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Between the handbook and ideas on this forum there is no shortage of tools... and no shortage of people that have done things they NEVER thought possible. You can too!

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 23:24 #206966

  • mr. emunah
  • Gold Boarder
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you can do it!

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 23:25 #206967

  • pidaini
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Welcome to the forum!
The handbook is a great place to start.

I think a strong commitment would probably mean that you are willing to make some uncomfortable changes to your life, that will then carry you clean, one day at a time, through your life!

Reaf the handbook, try some tools, and hopefully you will find what works for you!!

Hatzlacha Rabbah!!!
(from a fellow "chusheve Yungerman")
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 09 May 2013 23:26 #206968

  • mr. emunah
  • Gold Boarder
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can I be chushev too?

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 10 May 2013 00:26 #206982

  • gibbor120
  • Gold Boarder
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You can be whatever you want on an anynymous forum .

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 10 May 2013 03:39 #207006

Yes you can do it, then you'll be Yoseph Hatzadik
You just have to want to, sign up for the 90, it really helps, but do it a day at a time.
Remember your/our nisayoin isn't harder than Yosef Hatzadik's. and in his merit the sea split. A Peshat I heard, he changed/controlled his nature, that of a 17 year old youth, so therefore the sea changed it's nature and split.
What did Yosef do, he ran out, that's what we have to do too, whether it's running from the internet, or aggressive Shmiras Enayim.
You may think at this point, I did, it's my nature I can't change that, well the truth is you can, the sky is the limit, if you push yourself a little, the Siyata Dishmaya is limitless.
hatzlach rabba
We are not fighting the YH as a process to get through in order to be able to get back to normal life; the fight wih the YH is the essence of our existence - Hopeing

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 10 May 2013 18:41 #207037

  • mr. emunah
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BTW if you start today, your 90 will be Rosh Chodesh Elul

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 10 May 2013 22:42 #207059

thank you all the "chusheve" chevre ( yes mr. emunah you too ) for giving the right chizuk to start over
so today is the 1'st day ר"ח סיון תשע"ג may 10 ,1 day at a time so i dont wont to focus on ר"ח אלול do you think i'm right?
it's a real syata dishmaye that i find such a chusheve site

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 10 May 2013 23:00 #207060

  • mr. emunah
  • Gold Boarder
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don't worry, you're rifgt, 1 day at a time, thats just me getting ahead of myself as usual...

sometimes I dream I'm alredy two or three gilgulim into the future...
Last Edit: 14 May 2013 00:43 by mr. emunah.

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 11 May 2013 22:56 #207079

  • pidaini
  • Gold Boarder
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Good Start!!! Hatzlacha Merubah!! and keep us posted!!

mr. emunah wrote:
sometimes I deam I'm alredy two or three gilgulim into the future...

why not just take care of it all in this gilgul? (especially after you got the "chusheveh" title, Mazel Tov, it makes us "chushev"s much more chushev now that we have you as part of the "chushev"s)
Yankel | My Ladder | Talking to Hashem
I'm just a dude, another guy on this bus.
Have a great day, unless, of course, you made other plans. ~ obbormottel
"Nothing changes as long as everything stays the same" ~ Dov
Last Edit: 11 May 2013 22:57 by pidaini.

Re: need chizuk to start 90 days 12 May 2013 06:25 #207085

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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Pidaini wrote:
Good Start!!! Hatzlacha Merubah!! and keep us posted!!

mr. emunah wrote:
sometimes I deam I'm alredy two or three gilgulim into the future...

why not just take care of it all in this gilgul?

if you can take care of the rest you might as well,
two gilgulim with one tikkun as they say.

am i choshuv too? please say yes. please, please, please

mussar voice : what kind of gayvah is this? who cares if you're choshuv or not? just do the right thing.

ok forget it. i don't need to be choshuv i'll leave it to you baalei gayvah to think about

: that is so not what i meant...
Last Edit: 12 May 2013 06:28 by inastruggle.
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