Hello, you found the right place.
There are two parts to breaking free from this (or any) addiction. The first is to get sober, which in our case means not taking in lustful images, guarding our minds from entertaining fantasies, and abstinence from masturbation or other sexual acting out.
The second part is recovery. This is where we work on ourselves, on the personality traits, diseased thinking, and unhealthy relationships that drive us to addictive behaviors. This is what the 12 steps are about.
Sur mera is the first part, asse tov is the second.
What are your expectations from sobriety? What did your "acting out" include?
I can say that after discovering this site I was clean from shmiras anayim for over 365 days straight.
I hope you meant "free from znus lanayim"

otherwise you were probably on the wrong site.