Dear Avrom,
Your assessment of yourself is sad to read. I relate so much to how you describe the desperate search for porn and the repeated use of it. At the time, it really feels like we need it, right? So frustrating.
But I would wager that the same twisted thinking that tells us that nude pictures are
so essential for us and that we can't
live without masturbating again, is the same twisted thinking that is telling you that you are the very worst person of Klal Yisroel. I believe you are at least as worthy of Hashem's love and care as I am, your rosh yeshivah is, or anyone else.
Does a good, healthy father love his son any less because his behavior is dissapointing? No. So Hashem loves you and wants you so much all the time, plans for help to come to you, and works for you all the time. Even while you are acting in a destructive way.
Morality assessment changes based on our behavior. If you want to live more morally, then it will take real work. Not
hard work - but
uncomfortable work. Reacting differently is uncomfortable. Reacting the same way you have till now - even if it feels like 'kedusha', is just a recipe for the same result. And you are hoping for different, now.
Remember that the problem will never be the internet - it never was, as you pointed out. And it never will be. The only problem is in
you. The way you respond to real life needs to change. Bot just to your sexuality, but to life. And the presence of porn at home and the porn 'shmorgasbord' of the unfiltered internet was never the problem, either. Your lust is, and how you face it.
Being at home for
bein hazmanim means a lot more than just 'having the troubling internet there'. To you it may really mean:
1- having your parents there,
2- being a
child again instead of a man again,
3- being out of your particular s'vivah of kedusha and simcha,
4- focusing on beating your porn habit day and night again...
all may be huge obstacles for you to overcome. Why minimize it and pretend it is just 'my big yetzer hora' again. It's probably part of a pattern and a picture, since this has been a long struggle for you.
Facing those things (if they apply to you) and planning real strategies for how you will be"H:
1- keep your simcha,
2- stop focusing on your 'kedushas habris' (really just a nice way to say "your penis"),
3- remain a man and not revert to
feeling like that same kid who grew up masturbating or sneaking games, porn, or whatever, while you were growing up in your parent's home -
is far more worthwhile than any visits to Meron, tvilos in any mikvah, and any klopping of al cheit, in my opinion. Especially if they were the old way you responded to difficulties in life and the availability of porn.
One more thing:

at the mikvah the next time you go! (except if you are looking at another guy there - that can weird people out!
