So the motivation for this change was the fire that I couldnt figure out how to resign in/up to the new version. however, in doing this, I decided it was time to change my name. I considered doing so annoynomously, not sharing my old one, but I feel that is a step backwards in being true. Who I am, on many levels, must acknowledge, though NOT imitate (hence being on this site) who I was, on many levels. SO I was strivingandstrugglinbt. I am still essentially all of those things, but I am a bit more open to growth.. Thank G-d I am doing well, still urging, still "fighting", still asking the Ribbono shel Olam to help, feeling glad when He does, and confused when He seems not to (earlier today an image popped up, legitimately randomly; I managed to cover it up within 1 second and X out of the page, but I still saw it...

). Bezras Hashem, more growth to come for all of us... Chanuka Sameach!