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The path to the Gaurden of Emunah
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TOPIC: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 34114 Views

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 03:13 #203091

  • mr. emunah
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the following is a post I made on a different thread, but I liked it so I'm posting it here too...

BTW about yiddishket being shver, try to imagine that you are a crazy mountain climber, and no hill is enough, you relish the chance to climb higher - and we all know that the higher you go the colder and windier it gets

it starts to feel very lonely as you get higher...

the air is purer, but the danger is greater, and the views are thrilling...

but it's never enough, you want more challenge, if youre done with the

catskills, then you head over to New Hampshire, and from there to the rockies,

relishing the hardships and challenges, when your done with that you save up

until you get to the alps * ah* Nirvana! but the PAIN the DIFFICULTY the DANGER

the RISK, every step is fraught with mortal peril, but youre a man and you over

come, then on to the Himmel Leah's for K2, and FINALY you do everest!, then what?

you do everest again, this time without an oxyegyn mask...

That is our life as yidden,

climbing higher and higher

looking for new ways to grow.

(I heard a story of The Sanzer rebbe that he was once strolling with one of his

young einaklach, and they encounterd a gentile peasant woman, the young einakil

piously turned aside his head with great earnestness to not be nichshal in

histaklus asura, and machshovos zoros, and his Grand father the rebbe Z"L said

"AH, I am jealos of you my dear einikle that you still have the beautiful and

teira avodah of fighting with this Yetser hara!"

we see that we are climbing the mountain , and it's tough but we love the thrill

of the climb and are undaunted by all the cold ston peaks with their jagged sides,

rather we revel in the opportunity that the lord hath given us).

(sorry for the arichut, i got a bit carried away)

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 03:18 #203095

  • mr. emunah
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also a short update,

I think today is now day #5 of the supewrcleancount, hashem yaazor oti vietchem...

my kabolah runs out tonight @ the sroke of midnight, so I'd better write up a new one soon...

(it's quite Tapsic in method, but I think tha fact that I'm writing it and keeping it in my pocket helps...)

also I think it's good to try to catch the earlier gormim to triggers, and cut those out.

I'm abot a quarter of the way through the Return of the King, wow,

quite inpirational.

I also think that we all need to be a bit more Hobbit like, and less like Boromir

with all his strength and honour...

Its sign off time

happy evening to all


Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 07:33 #203109

  • Dov
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Very funny, shireling. But there is a pasuk in tomorrow's shir that I use and enjoy even more than the one u mentioned! Wanna guess...or do you dare cheat (chulilu) with one of the seeing stones?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 20:44 #203129

  • mr. emunah
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I searched Saurons mind through the Palantir, and I think the verse was " Kel nikamot hashem"

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 21:21 #203132

  • ZemirosShabbos
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the verse rhymes with 'walter'
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 22:12 #203143

Dov wrote:
...But there is a pasuk in tomorrow's shir that I use and enjoy even more than the one u mentioned! Wanna guess...?

אם אמרתי מטה רגלי חסדך ה' יסעדני


Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 22:19 #203145

  • ZemirosShabbos
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thats what i meant
מטה רגלי
feet falter
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 06 Mar 2013 22:52 #203147

  • mr. emunah
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welcome back MT! we like you!

we will try to not make too many referances to lord ofda Ringz.

BTW i never knew teitch!

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 07 Mar 2013 01:00 #203173

  • mr. emunah
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Interesting article on www.breslev.co.il

Dear Rabbi Lazer,

I need urgent help. Over the last few months, I have been very lethargic and foggy headed. I recently lost 20 pounds of weight and I thought that I would intrinsically have more energy. I also go through spurts of being connected to Hashem followed by periods when the spirituality leaves me. In short, since I became a Baal Teshuva two years ago - thanks to Lazer Beams and Breslev.co.il - I have been spending a lot of time in hitbodedut and self-evaluation. But recently, I spoke to a rabbi who I think is a Kabbalist, and he told me his take on Shmirat HaBrit (personal holiness).

After he explained the severity of the sin of spilling seed in vain, I "freaked out." He told me that this is the worst of all sins that I have been very guilty of particularly before I was married. However, everything in terms of my lethargy and losing my desire for spirituality started to fit together. My wife and I started keeping Taharat mishpacha (family holiness) about a year ago. During the 7 white days where before we kept Taharat mishpacha we would have relations, now we don't - this has been murder on me. In short, I would "harmlessly" release myself once or twice during the period. It started to make sense ...the lethargy and loss of desire to connect to HASHEM after each release. I immediately jumped in the mikvah.

I was so freaked out that I even asked a religious friend of mine last night how he gets through the period. He said that it is very hard and whenever he falls, he noticed that the punishment is instantaneous. For example he said he did it the night before his CPA exam and failed the test. Or a child becomes sick the next day. He said that he never spoke about it with anyone but the correlation was so sharp that it was clear to him. In fact he said that whenever he falls, he simply awaits the punishment.

With that said, I started reciting Tikkun Klali and jumped daily in the mikvah. The change in my energy level was sharp and amazing. I took out my samurai sword and said to my yetzer hara, I've got you now! Last night, I went to bed at 1 am and jumped out if bed at 5 am ready to pray. However I twisted and turn in a fit of libido where it felt as if my prostate filled up to the burst point. In pain I went to pray shacharit and then to a very cold mikva. By the time the afternoon rolled around, the prostate pain was so intense that I lost it and now I am foggy headed waiting for my punishment.

So here are my questions:

1. What are the recommended techniques to suppress sexual urge during my wife's unclean time so as not to trip up?

2. What is the proper tikkun for correcting all of the accumulated masturbation damage to my soul from the time I was a kid until now, in spite of the fact that I may fall again as described above now such that it doesn't bite me in the next world?

3. Why aren't the rabbis screaming about this all over the world? It seems that Rav Arush and you are one of the very few.

In that I have a few more days before the pressure builds again, I want to be ready for the next onslaught. I know you're tremendously busy, but my soul and I need help right away. You know how urgent this is.

Your friend, Avri

Dear Avri,

The Kabbalist rabbi you spoke to gave you accurate information. The Zohar and ReiBAD WORD REMOVED Chochma paint a scary picture about what happens to someone who spills seed in vain. But that's only half the picture. Rebbe Nachman of Breslev adds that there's no despair in the world, and that anything that can be ruined can also be fixed. So stop wringing your hands right now; with this in mind and with Hashem's help, I'll now answer your questions:

1. There are only three reliable ways to suppress the urge, which as you know is a powerful force and and almost impossible to overcome on your own. Therefore the first thing you must do is to enlist Hashem's help. Beg Hashem to have mercy on you and to come to your aid, devoting at least 20 minutes a day to praying for personal holiness. Second, you must do everything possible to guard your eyes, for what the eye sees, the heart desires. Third, you must immerse yourself in Torah learning, literally every available moment. Do all three and Hashem will have compassion on you and will be happy to help you.

2. Sincere teshuva corrects everything. The best tikkun (soul correction) for past transgressions, in addition to teshuva, is by spreading an awareness about personal holiness. According to the Torah, our entire national security depends on personal holiness. Do sincere teshuva, Avri, listen to our CDs on the subject (such as Eyes of Holiness and The King's Daughter) and spread them to others. As far as future foul-ups, the only way to combat them is to beg Hashem to help you, daily, with no let-up! Hashem knows you're human; so even if you do slip up, don't be sad. The Yetzer Hara (the evil inclintion) wants you to be sad and depressed! That's even worse than spilling your seed. Move forward, go the mikva, say Tikkun Klali, and be happy! Didn't give in and keep on fighting!

3. Rav Shalom Arush says that many rabbis don't scream about this because they themselves don't guard their eyes and have problems in this area. Nobody is exempt from making every effort to enhance personal holiness.

Avri, you are a tzaddik. If you could confide all these painful and embarrassing details, then you are a hero in the service of Hashem. Keep smiling, because you're doing great. With Hashem's help, you'll not only succeed but you'll help others to succeed as well. Have a great week and stay optimistic.

With blessings always, LB

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 07 Mar 2013 01:02 #203174

  • mr. emunah
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the kichsa filter is in full force!

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 07 Mar 2013 01:36 #203182

  • mr. emunah
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Here's the daily update;

i think to day is day 6 of the supercleancount

may hashem help that it be completed bshleimus.

My kabala expired yesterday

I wrote a new one last night for another 2 days

but I change the knas from monetary to;

having to say psalms 90-150 on Thursday night after 12.

I'm sort of cruising at work and need to buckle up...

but over all things are pretty good

I have seen small improvements in Schalome Bayit,

I feel that the complacency may be creeping up on me though...

Bye for now!

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 07 Mar 2013 22:06 #203214

  • mr. emunah
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Hi People,

I think today is day #7 of the suoercleancount

blessed be the lord.

I was up till around 1 making some headway in Return of the King...

I really gotta take a page outa Aragorn's book, Man is that guy humble (but great)...

I will Bl"n try to get some work done now.

Last Edit: 07 Mar 2013 22:07 by mr. emunah.

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 08 Mar 2013 02:25 #203225

  • mr. emunah
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Pre sign off update;

Baruch Hashem I was able to do a bit of good today at work!

(for the first time in a while)

my taphsic (not really but similar) expires tonight, so I will need to make a similar one to tide me over the weekend.

I haven't felt so positive for a while, I just hope to not get overconfident
(I mean, this is coming from a guy who only last thursday was peering upon shmutzigeh images and panting like a dog on this very computer that I now type)


we need to look at the overall picture,

The last 1.5 months have been an overall aliya, may the lord bless us all with his beautiful everlasting overabunding mercy.

P.S. Go Leafs Go! beat those dirty Bruins eh?

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 08 Mar 2013 02:39 #203227

  • gevura shebyesod
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KUTGW (and the good attitude)
!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends

Re: The path to the Gaurden of Emunah 08 Mar 2013 02:52 #203228

  • ZemirosShabbos
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many and much effervescent blessings dripping with Maple (leaf) syrup and confectionary sugar

היה הכי טוב
יהיה הכי טוב
~ Adi Ran (Bruin's goalee emeritus)
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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