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Its a new year and I feel so helpless!
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TOPIC: Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 920 Views

Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 19 Sep 2012 08:28 #145046

Ive been fighting this for years. I'm 28 today and I know for a fact living in this world of fantasy has ruined any chance of solid intimate relationship - serves me right. I fight the urge again and again but to no avail I just relapsed again. I put a filter on my computer but always find a way around it. I got rid of my smart phone (everyone asks me why I walk around with an old phone..). I wish I was stronger I pray to Hashem everyday to help me Guard my eyes and thoughts but am so easily aroused I feel I have no where to run too. I've even considered becoming a farmer to get away from this but how practical is that? HELP - Its after Rosh Hashana and I so badly wanted to start off on the right foot - I feel like such a fool asking for forgiveness knowing full well Ill fall again. This nasty habit has taken everything I have I feel depressed anxious and struggle with many fears and have feel unfulfilled in life- and I know it is from this. I need to dig myself out of this ditch but don't even know where to start... Shana Tova to all. May we all merit to find TRUE repentance this year and return to who we TRULY are.

Re: Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 19 Sep 2012 12:42 #145048

  • jack
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 502
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dear free, we all know whaT you're saying - we all know it's true.we are all sufferers and strugglers.you are not alone.some of us climbed out of the hole some of us didn't climb out completely, but we're all struggling.you have made the first step - you admitted to yourself that you have a problem.many people have not reached this step.there are thousands on this site, how many more are not admitting they have a problem? may you take the next step soon -


Re: Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 19 Sep 2012 15:04 #145052

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1933
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Welcome back.
Boy have I been where you are. I agree. Giving in to lust ruins our chances of true intimacy. But I wouldn't say you've ruined it forever. Just like you haven't ruined yourself forever. As addicts we either ruin ourselves every day or recover every day.

There are two basic steps to recovering from this addiction. The first is getting sober. The second is repairing the damage.

To get sober from a drinking problem is simple. Stop drinking and you're sober. One light beer, one spoonful of cough syrup in alcohol and you're back to square one.

To get sober from lust addiction it's the same. Just it's trickier because there are so many ways we get the lust drug. It's basically divided into what we see and what we think. So to stop lusting, we must first commit to guarding our eyes in all settings. No women. No part of them. Not live and not in pics. Not on television nor in movies or youtube videos. Not in advertisements anywhere. Not their faces and not their shoes. The stricter you are the easier it is. If you need to look for business, keep it to a minimum. I pinch my inner thigh hard whenever I catch myself glancing at a woman.

For the fantasies, which were a major challenge for me personally, I have had success applying the first 3 of the 12 steps. I've turned them into a tefilla, and I say it whenever I detect a lustful thought. Ideally, I try to deflect the thoughts very early. If the thoughts come when my eyes are closed, I open them and look around. I will say this tefilla over and over until the nisayon has passed. This will require much repetition in the beginning and will be a monster struggle.

But the struggle isn't against lust. It's the struggle to step aside, to avoid it, and to let Hashem take it. Here's the tefilla:

Ribono Shel Olam, I am powerless over lust and my life has become unmanageable.
Only You can restore me to sanity.
I turn my life and my lust over to Your care and ask You to please heal me from this illness of lust. I don’t want to lust. I only want You and a relationship with You and your Torah. I surrender my lust to you. Please take my lust.

Look through the 12 steps and begin to understand and work them. There are many other tools here on GYE. If they work for you, great. If you make an honest attempt to give up lust and just keep falling, consider joining a local SA (sexaholics anonymous) group. They work. Many here who haven't had success doing this on their own have found recovery through SA.

Break the challenge down into one day at a time. You just have to get through today. One day. Just today. You can do that.


Re: Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 19 Sep 2012 19:34 #145065

  • Yossi.L.
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 339
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I feel your pain to my core. Alexeliezer has given you the raw truth of the addiction and the method to combat it. I want to add a small mindset that is incredibly helpful for me.

THIS SECOND YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON YOU WERE A SECOND AGO. REINVENT yourself. Look forward, not backward. Most of all, BELIEVE in yourself. Your past failures do not define your future.

WELCOME to the new you. Meet yourself for the first time today. Start afresh. Fight like a WINNER.

I love you: the new you.

Re: Its a new year and I feel so helpless! 21 Sep 2012 11:09 #145141

  • hope613


YYEAAAHH !!! Lets both move to a farm, I always wanted to do that !! I really did and actually still do !
Prob is, what makes you think you wont have any teives there ? Its like the story of the bird who everywere it went
thought the place really didnt smell good until one day it notices that he himself was the one who was smelling...

Try think of this whenever you feel lust, it says, and dont ask me were, apparently there is only one thing in the world the more
you feed the hungrier it gets, and the more you starve it the more satisfied it is, and thats your "eivor"

Thinking of you, keep posting !
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