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Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money????
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TOPIC: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 846 Views

Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 19 Aug 2012 18:49 #143933

  • Happyme0
I am wondering about it if it does please tell me why because i heard people actually gets rich from it and the other story is getting poor? but mainly which sides it leans most towards poverty? or richness? why do people have alot of money these days and im broke is it bc i do this??? pls help and to all of us, May G-d help us all from this worst sin

Re: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 19 Aug 2012 18:55 #143934

  • e-tek
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 317
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There are many reasons why people may be poor...
And many reasons why a person may be rich...
The Aibishter has a cheshbon for everything.
But you can be sure, regardless, that it is GOOD for you.

Among other things, chazal say that a poor person has an easier time maintaining a kesher with Hashem. The nisayon od being rich is extremely hard- to keep up that connection with Hashem. (By the way, I don't have money either.)
Please, use anything that motivates you to stop- but please be happy.
Hatzlacha in all good things. May you never lack for anything.

Re: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 19 Aug 2012 19:57 #143936

  • Ez streak
There's a book called light of Ephraim if your interested on the deeper meaning on this avera it's by simcha Ben Yosef I highly recommend it it really changed me from that. Book I am sober for 6 months. I was by the Kaliver rebbe last tubeav I was talking to a goyisha girl and I was wasting a lot of seed then he called me over after the tish, and told me the Zohar says u lose ur wealth wisdom and one more thing I think he said bracha. So it's dangerous and if u learn this book ull learn about all the pain u cause depression is bc of this sin ur connection to hashem is lost bc of this. A lot of the curses happen I don't wanna say to much on here bc it might scare people but read the book it's in English. If u have any questions message me I'll be happy to respond. All the best chodesh tov

Re: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 19 Aug 2012 20:07 #143938

  • Happyme0
What happens if I'm uncircumcised does the temptation is more powerful? are uncircumcised person is more vulnerable to sexually temptation than of a circumcised?
Really we lose wealth? wow

Re: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 20 Aug 2012 00:14 #143943

  • nederman
I don't know if it does, the kitzur shulchan aruch says it does. I went bankrupt though. Basically my relationship with my wife was totally off because she sensed that I married her for sex so she would get me to spend money to make herself feel better about it. When we ran out of money it was very bad for me.

Re: Does your wasting seeds causes poverty or to lose money???? 20 Aug 2012 04:20 #143945

Happyme, why are you uncircumsized? Drop everything and go deal with that. Unless you're not Jewish in which case never mind.
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