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TOPIC: QueerYidReturning 982 Views

QueerYidReturning 19 Jul 2012 08:06 #141978

  • Brucheb
Shalom everyone---

Because of all your messages of tikvah and chazak, I made it through a night without giving in to my yetzer and watching porn. Toda. It's been a big problem, off and on, for the past ten years or so. Trying so hard to stop. Not knowing what the matter was with me. Feeling my dear soul at times fly out of me, diminished, weakened and crushed. But understanding more and more why I was born Jewish and how deeply our tradition speaks to me and to this condition of escaping and giving over power to false illusions, gods, golden calves, pornographic images and all kinds of shtuyot . . . And so very far away, in a very dark place, when I waste my energy lusting after images that rob me of my humanity and joy. I have come to embrace that we all have different missions and purposes in this life. I want to do mine to the best of my ability---but know I have to stop chasing after these false images, harness my energies, focus my love and care on my true bashert---and you and GYE are a big part of that. Zay Gezunt to you all!

Re: New member 19 Jul 2012 13:49 #141987

  • jack
  • Gold Boarder
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i started when i was 48.i'm now 53. i'm not perfect (yet) but i'm a LOT freeer than i was 4 years ago.it's possible - your success depends on many different factors - i can't tell you that you will be perfect, because i'm not there myself (yet). what i CAN tell you is that with a lot of hard work on your part, and people to speak to who understand you (only addicts can truly understand other addicts), you will definitely come a long way.but dont try it alone.if you want to speak to me, pm me and i'll get back to you


Re: New member 19 Jul 2012 14:29 #141994

Welcome dear B,

I cannot say that I am older than both you and Jack together, cuz that would make me over 100 - and I'm not - yet. But yes I am older than either of you, and B"H after decades of hopeless misery I found successful direction at GYE. So please stick around. First and foremost read the GYE handbook. There has been nothing like it since creation. It has changed the lives of many, and can do the same for you.



Re: New member 19 Jul 2012 15:04 #141999

  • rt
  • Gold Boarder
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Sholom Alecha, reb Boruch.

Why not to start with a little kabola: before i (i mean you) gonna watch this cursed shmutz again, i will read 15 hizzuk mails
nu, what do you say about it? this hizzuk mails are takke very powerful, i didnt read them all (yet) but what i've seen already is kinda very nice.

Re: New member 19 Jul 2012 15:24 #142001

  • Brucheb
Boker Tov, a new morning, and so encouraging to read all of your messages. Thank you so much brothers. Truly, your words have given me new hope and the beginnings of a community. Zay Gezunt to you all! ---Baruch

Re: New member 19 Jul 2012 15:26 #142003

  • obormottel
  • Current streak: 2208 days
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Well, you got us good. Joke's on us, of course, welcoming you as a brother that you made us believe you were.
You don't belong here, your lifestyle is an abomination, and just because you know a yiddish word or two doesn't mean you won't burn in Hell.
What I am refering to is the fact that you're a lying hound, and not that you are gay.
There are plenty support groups out there who cater to openly gay people who want to control and enjoy lust.
This place is not one of them.
Your gay advocacy rhetoric falls on deaf ears here, and I hope noone engages you in a useless debate.
Zei geshtumzufleen, you goyishe shmutz you,
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.

Re: New member 20 Jul 2012 01:15 #142077

Brucheb wrote on 19 Jul 2012 15:24:

Boker Tov, a new morning, and so encouraging to read all of your messages.

I actually heard somewhere, that why exactly did Hashem create the world in days months years. Time is divided up, in many many intervals. And the answer is, (one of them)

You can always start fresh

Welcome to GYE

B'ezrat Hashem this should be a new beginning for you

Re: New member 20 Jul 2012 15:42 #142132

  • rt
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 260
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You can always start fresh

ha, nice one.

Hey, Baruch, how are you, man?

Re: QueerYidReturning 22 Jul 2012 14:44 #142165

  • obormottel
  • Current streak: 2208 days
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He is busy promoting gay agenda around the forum in a sneaky and dishonest way. Are the moderators asleep at the wheel or do we welcome all opinions and life styles here, like a bunch of spineless libs?!

[u]Moderator's Note[/u]: Sorry, I just noticed the reports regarding the original post, and I made some appropriate edits. You are correct that opinions and agendas that are against the Torah are not permitted on the GYE forum].
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.

Re: QueerYidReturning 22 Jul 2012 15:12 #142168

  • gevura shebyesod
  • Current streak: 1360 days
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Thanks Mottel. Go get em!
!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends

Re: QueerYidReturning 22 Jul 2012 15:27 #142171

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1933
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Thank you O'Mottel for telling it like it is.

From the SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) Handbook: [emphasis mine]

What is Sexual Sobriety?
In defining sobriety, we do not speak for those
outside of Sexaholics Anonymous. Sexual
sobriety for sexaholics of our type means no
sex with ourselves and no sex with any partner
other than the spouse. In SA’s sobriety
definition, the term “spouse” refers to one’s
partner in a marriage between a man and a
Sexual sobriety also means progressive
freedom from the many forms of sexual
thinking and stimulation and lust that enter our
lives. This freedom is found by remaining
sober and by using our Twelve Steps and
Twelve Traditions in our daily lives.
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