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TOPIC: My story 2748 Views

My story 09 Jul 2012 23:21 #141161

  • Newbi
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Ok. So here's my story. From what I can recall I've been into sexuality all my life starting from very young, even before I knew what sex was.... I just knew women were something different/special. I am from a regular yeshivish home "in-town" and I knew that what ever it was with women, it's a secret to be kept. I filled my mind with thoughts of women. I didn't know what mastubation was. As I got older i started to mature and realize more things, I always had the wrong friends and knew my parents, may the be well, didn't approve of them and they had told me, I should've listened. I would've been much better off no doubt.

When I got into 7th grade I met a guy that dropped out of high school he appeared nice, but apparently was rotten to the core, he decided that I was easy prey, I was as I had a very sweet smile and always liked to impress ppl. So I became friends with him and my father warned me to stay away. I regret very much not heeding his advice.

The guy made as if he was nice to me giving me things, allowing me to drive/stare his car... I was naive I had NO idea of the concept of homosexuality/gay. He used me, and abused me.(though not to the fullest extent). As I mentioned I had no idea what he was doing, I just knew that he let me drive...... Then he would tell me to get out of the car he needed to make a call, in retrospect it was no call rather I assume he needed to clean him self up, then one day he grabbed my hand and forced me to touch him"there" then he placed his glove ontop of himself I said what are you doing he said nothing. I left his car never ever to talk or look at him again. Though I cursed the day I met him, but still knew nothing of what he was doing or the concept of gay. This was around age 11 or 12.

then one shabbos afternoon I woke up from my nap and I was just pushing myself up and down on my bed and then something came out. I panicked bc I had no idea what it was. I almost fainted. But I didn't tell my parents because I just was scared, I don't know why. Either way I was very frightened I wanted to call a dr. Guess its better I didn't. Or maybe I should have. Anyway, so I stayed away from that guy. But was still very into girls. As a matter of fact I started hating guys in a certain sense.
I still had friends from class that were into sex,girls. Although il admit that what ever form of sex I knew it was still nothing, I didn't know about semen..... I looked at porn if I was able to I flirted with my neighbors and almost every night while sleeping, I had "Kerri". I knew it was related to sex....
Then as I got older I found out what semen was. And on 17th of Tammuz when I was in 11th grade after finding a very detailed science book, and it described sex in detail did I attempt to masturbate, realizing it's something that can be done with out a woman, I got into mas... and it was a spiral down hill from there. I was very scared but the more I did it, the more I ignored the inner feeling of pain, of lying to the world.
On the outside I was a good bachur in yeshiva and had very good group of friends. But to myself I was total trash. I was a lost soul. There were times that I almost blurted out to my parents that, I'm not who u think I am, rather I'm a real bum. It went on for a couple years. And when the guilt got to unbearable I would stop for couple days and then right back to the Shmutz, by now I was mas.. Every day... And watching porn whenever I could. I started to text chat groups and formed virtual relations all undercover, I told no one. (Especially after the story I mentioned about the guy and me hating men, I could never discuss sexuality with men, I still can't).
I tried stopping many times though I always kept the "sheretz" in close proximity just in case. Until I even had a physical realation with a girl. Trust me I felt like real garbage I hope no one feels that. I vowed to stop........ But nothing. I just fell more and more. Until i found a local goyish girl, flirted with her and "hit home base" twice. That was it it was too much. I am shidduch age. I knew I had to stop it all. I was just sick with guilt. I don't remember how, but Hashem got me to sign up to gye email I got them and still falling but then one night, while at a wedding and reading the email it hit me, I stated to tear and I said that's it, I texted the girl just bc I knew she would, if I don't text her. I said goodby as I have found a Jewish date.(I didn't really it was just agreed upon that when I find Jewish date, it will be good bye) Whished her luck. And deleted her number. I never wrote it down for this reason. Since then I have been feeling much better, for the first time in years I davened for real to Hanshem for help. I have installed filters. Yes I still have struggles. But now I want to be clean and stay clean. And as long as I leave it to Hashem and do mine, by davening I feel the heavenly assistance.

To anyone reading this, please don't let yourself fall like I did, the feeling, pain, life of a lie is awefully sickening. It's not worth it!!!!!!!!
Be strong, keep giving and taking chizuk together we will win.

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 00:20 #141163

  • Avraham613
Incredible story and even better chizuk for the rest of us. Its amazing what you were able to do on your own (filters, admission, deleting numbers...), imagine what you can do with an entire team on your side!
Can't wait to fight this together.


Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 02:43 #141169

  • Newbi
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It was because of you that I decided to post. I am still single and shutter to think what it would be like entering a marriage with all my baggage. True I can't undo what was done. But I believe that if I truly work on it now, when I'm still single it will help a lot for when I do marry, (with Hashem help bkorov) also I want to be able to be me mechazek others that may find them selfs in similar situations. I just hope that the average sufferer doesn't go as far as i did. It's not worth it.

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 05:30 #141175

  • bzyzgye
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Newbi, i'm laying in bed and reading your post on my smartphone. I can't stopp crying my pillow is wet with tears for you. These are tears for you, this is one amazing post, you've come clean with yourself, how incredible and strong you were to realize that this can't go on.
Just keep moving in the right direction. At the beginning you might find a rest stop (a slip/fall) every 2-3 miles but as you start travelling further in the right direction the rest stops only come every 40-50 miles. Eventually you cruise the rest of the way. Don't kid yourself the city sometimes doesn't patch the road well and they leave behind bumps and holes that can potentially blow a tire and delay the journey, try to navigate right around them, in the worst case you always have a spare tire change it quickly and resume the journey.
You get it?

Always here for you my brother, and eager to hear of your progress.
just "keep climbing, going trucking.......

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 14:46 #141217

  • Newbi
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Keep climbing,

Wow thank you for taking the time to read my story, and for commenting on it. I really like the way you put it down as driving on a road....... Good Mashul.
I guess once I already spoiled my story, I should say this,

It was this past wed night, and I was desperate to fall, I drove to the goyish girls house to see if she was there, she lives with her parents so I have to be careful. Baruch Hashem she wasn't home. I tried getting her number in everyway possible. Hashem saved me. I was so desperate that I sent her a one word email "hey" but she isn't a big emailer so deep down I was hoping she won't get email at least that night. A little later after I took hold of myself I davened hard to Hashem that she don't reply. Baruch Hashem she hasn't so far. I daven that she don't!!! In a certain sense I feel that Hashem helped that even though I allowed myself to get into a relationship, it was with her, who she told me was always referred to as a prude, and not tech savvy. So minimal email.....
May Hashem continue to protect and save me from all yetzer haras.

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 16:01 #141229

  • obormottel
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I don't wanna sound like a prude or discourage you from sharing, but I find myself triggered by your vivid descriptions. Is it possible to keep the graphic descriptions to the minimum?
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 16:46 #141235

  • alexeliezer
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That was a beautiful share from the heart.
You definitely want to have this stuff "under control" before dating.

Please don't ever identify yourself by your yetzer hora. We have two yitzros. But too many of us make the mistake of believing we really are our yetzer hora, that if I feel these things, want these things, do these things, then this must be the real me. No so! This is just another trick of the Y"H. You have a brilliant and pure neshama. It has merely been partially obscured by your activities.

You would do well to identify someone you can speak with about these inyonim on a regular basis. Of course, you also want to speak regularly to Hashem, telling him that you don't want to lust, that you surrender your lust to Him. This is a critical step -- to truly commit to a life without lust. Not without fun, and not without great relations with your true bashert, just without lust.

How can I live without lust, without my beloved drug? Only one way -- one day at a time.

Hatzlocha in your journey,


Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 16:57 #141239

  • Newbi
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I'm am sorry if I was offensive I had no intention of it. If there is a particular point u feel I should edit, can u tell. Or r u just saying for the future. I tried writing as "weak" as poss, a little of my prob is that I have a very detailed type of memory. So it's hard to just over look certain thing. Again I am sorry, it wasn't in my intention.

Re: My story 10 Jul 2012 18:40 #141250

  • obormottel
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not offensive... triggering, i.e. sexually provocative.
I'm just sick in the head, thats all.
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.

Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 01:24 #141266

  • bzyzgye
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Newbi, it's called siyata dishmaya and we must realize it wasn't a coincidence, because she wasn't home or isn't tech savvy.
it's because hashem loves you and loves each one of us. He's watching us and sending us the tests, how many times has my computer frozen trying to load the homepage of a porn site just for me to get frustrated and power off. No it's not because I have a problem with my internet connection. I have very high speed for other sites. It's the love of hashem in just that form. He holds our hand and doesn't let us run into the street into oncoming traffic.

Look at it that way, you'll begin to see it more than you ever though.

I'm with you Bro

Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 02:41 #141270

  • Avraham613
Newbi -
B"h Hashem threw you a bone on this one. You need to feed off that because who knows what will happen next time. Use this clear siyata dishmaya to put your thoughts into actions.
You're doing great things.


Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 05:31 #141285

  • e-tek
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obormottel wrote on 10 Jul 2012 16:01:

I don't wanna sound like a prude or discourage you from sharing, but I find myself triggered by your vivid descriptions. Is it possible to keep the graphic descriptions to the minimum?

This. I'm also sick in the head. I think you'll need a bit of finesse to figure out what to edit out, I can't help, sorry!

But, wow, what a story! I'm inspired! (And I should be sleeping, too!)
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating-
I went through some of what you describe, though Hashem didn't allow me to go as far. Regardless, I have been in the dating scene for over a year, met girls... And I thank Hashem from the bottom of my heart that He didn't impose me on any of the other girls I dated. There is no doubt that even the past two months have benefited me tremendously. So, a word of caution from someone who cares... Think long and hard before saying yes to a girl to marry. You can't afford to impose your baggage on her. It just isn't fair to her.
Disregard this if you are currently dating someone, because I recognize the siyata di shmaya of the situation. But if in between, make responsible decisions. Hashem gifted you with the incident you just mentioned- imagine if you were dating a girl, and Hashem hadn't given you a "get away from shiksa free" card? How would you feel then?
I care for you, or I wouldn't say this.

Hatzlacha Rabba in all your endeavors, and keep on posting and KOT!

Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 13:55 #141298

  • Newbi
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E-tek, obermuttel.
I modified my story a little. I hope it's ok now. If you feel I need to edit more let me know.

Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 14:01 #141299

  • e-tek
  • Gold Boarder
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It's much much better.

Re: My story 11 Jul 2012 17:36 #141318

Hello Newbi,

Welcome to the forum.

I just read your story (I guess I only caught the edited version). I must say you did a good job being descriptive now without being graphic. It's this type of openness and honesty that brings healing.

I identify with what you said--having been through a lot, but not knowing better (I was even raised secular, but did Teshuva in mid-college). So, for me, masturbation, pornography, and all sorts of acting out was openly expressed as an ideal.

I have to accept that there's nothing I can do about my past, it was beyond my control--and there's certainly nothing I can do about it now. But, what I can do is take responsibility for my recovery from now on.

So, yashar koach to you for joining the forum and introducing yourself. Stick around, and keep on posting.

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